D00968C J _ - Ciry Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accourning (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn 1 ,• � � d��l _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATNE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP3.16 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved tu be necessary to the Improvement described as aint Paul Civic Center Ezpansion CP-3 Temporazy Faci7itiec known as Contract L Project No.014440 Frerichs Construction Company Contractor, is composed of the following: 2. Elevator use for grouting of shafr walls. Reason: Field Condi[ion Provide EIFS protection walls at Pump Room per Contractor Proposal C3.28 (Item 2 only) Reason: Pump Room remained, walls had to be watertight for winter. Total $573.00 4,522.00 $5,095.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 5.095.00 . said amount tn be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, lmown as conuact L-, ��-930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Centez Expansion Fund. • Exp i or inating Committee Director of Ci " Center Architect and which amount is to be fmanced from: C 'T_19� �19 � �/ / cfa�' Frerichs Consmiction Comganv Conuactor By � �� ����� � Head of Department of Finance O�'�3�J� �!�✓��- r �� Admuustcative Assistant to the Mayor 17DO�b� 39�0� � o�nn�rrnoFracE;couNa� � � _ onre iNmn� C'�,� � � Cti� , .��r, � z �� GREEN SHEET CONTACT PEASON 8 PHONE �NRIA ATE INRIALlD/iTE p ( L� DEPAFRMENT DIRECTOR � CfTY CAUNCIL SU SZ.Y� '(\ �4p S A ���' N �' G�TYATfORNEY C CLERK NUYBEH FOp �� ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� RQ�HG O BUDGEf DIREC7QR .& MGT. SERVICES � OROEN MAYOR (OR A$$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACTION REQUESTED: �+ ` � C�v.c. � O('GC E f � �� -40 � [O ��'raC'� �'FwEE.(1 �� i c,�'�.S � C�c v' i C_ C f Y�� J RECAMMENDAilONS:npprova(A)wRaject(R) pERSONALSEBVICECONiRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING;QUE§TfONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN � CIVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION 1. Has this personlikm ever worketl untler a corM1recl for this tlapartmeM? _��B�M�m� � ��.s.,,n YES NO JUN 25 1996 �� 2. Has this persoNFirm ever been a ciry employee? � _ STAFF — YES NO _�ISTRICTCOURT ._ 3. DOes�his ersOn/fif111 p possess a skill not normalty possessetl by angcurreM city emptoyee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? YES NO _ �, - , . Explairt all yes anawers un saparate aheet and ettaeh W green shaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP4IRTUNITY (4MO, Wh¢t, When, Where, Why): S�� a�-�-� �h� � � �s � ,� - � � � `�._='�� j,.�.1 �flt i:i�.i'✓ :yl:+ ANTACaES IF APPROVED: �, p ��/ Gy�.;--�ri' �� �'S���EV \,.::.u�'y� oa DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. RECEfVED JUL - 3 ]ggg CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ ��� 5 ' O COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE �� �\�-� ��'� ` a VITV NUMBEH 1 `` `�� � , v�� ��o ��`-` FINANCIAL INFORMtUION� (EXPlA1N) �'y p /�, Y• i : • • CONTf2AGT STA'€t7S - PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTR.4CTOR Frerichs Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Original ContractAmount: $ 1,48Q000.00 CO No. C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 C3.4 C3.5 C3.6 C3.7 C3.8 C3.9 C3.10 C3.11 C3.12 C3.13 C3.14 C3.15 C3.16 Total Deduct Add 19,697.00 11,303.50 97,951.00 18,814.00 11,563.00 21,450.00 18,417.00 24,209.00 23,270.00 14,894.00 3,344.00 75,382.00 27,330.00 16,368.00 2,511.42 5,095.00 $ 391.598.92 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: '12 June '1996 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order. $1,871,598.92 • :_-- �Pellll • c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Pourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 612298-5409 2 [ March 1996 Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction Company 3550 LaBore Road, Suite #10 Saint Paul, MN 55170 RE: Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion Dear Marv: ► �,� CPMI has reviewed the recent claims you submitted for approval. We offer the following: 1. Use of Elevator: 51,065.00 requested. �� i • You requested payment for use of the elevator while performing the following work: grout walls, instail rated shaft at top of elevator and install flashing. A. Per FCC timesheets grouting the walls was done on 30 and 3'I August. Those dates are not listed on MEI's letter. On 25 August, FCC did use the efevator to correct steef deficiencies and the F4 rated shatt wall was installed (per original contract documents). Therefore the request for grouting the walls and installation of the rated shaft are not valid, and the 8 hours on 25 August is FCC responsibility. (If you mean a rated shaft around the roof fan ductwork, it was installed outside the shaft, not insidel. B. Per FCC timesheets, instaffation of the flashing was done on 27 September. This date is not listed on MEI's letter. C. Per CPMI's field reports dated 9/7-9/8/95 and 9/13-9/15/95, it appears the work of those dates is related to the following: • 9/5/95: correcting deficencies from Lerch Bates report dated 25 August such as filling holes, installing wood cants, rubbing existing mortar. As I recall, the wood cants took some time, but were required by the contract documents. I recommend the 6 hours be split between FCC and the Owner. • 9/14/95: CPMI's field report state MEI was completing work ihat day. I am not sure what FCC did on the eVevator that day, unless it was to hauf materials to the Press Box. However, I recommend the following: 4 fiours be paid by the Owner as Therefore, CPMI rec�� ommends 7 hours be paid by the Owner for a total of $573. �— � . � Kotek .�chs Construction Company 11 March 1996 . Page 2 2. RFI C001, EIFS wall framing system: $1,554.00 requested. �:.a�ff' ��.' This item was discussed in April and June, 1995. Per HGA's memo daxed 15 February 1996, this was resolved in a"partnering" discussion and the deflection requirements were reduced. In addition, Note 4 for pariitions on Detail A1.61CP3 indicates the responsibility of the contractor. This request is not accepted. 3. Additional Work at Handicapped Ramp: 51,229.00 requested. A. Item 1: Increase retaining wall from 8" to 1�'" due to rustication. The original contract documents, Section 03301-3.4.A requires "finish of retaining wall To be the same or similar to that of the existing concrete terrace wall..." Detail C1.1B)CP-3 shows the wall 8" thick. The rustication and the type of form to be used was discussed several times. The Owner, HGA and CPMI were not informed there was any change from the documents which would create added cost. B. item 2: Doweied expansion joints. Per HGA, Neeck requested using doweled joints. Paul Asp was told by on-site workers this was easier for them and better for the project. HGA was not informed there was any change from the documents which would create added cost. Both of these items are not accepted. In both cases, the subcontractor initiated the � requests and no formal change was issued because HGA felt the work was within the original contract scope. In summary, CPMI recommends 5573 change order be issued. Please advise if you have further comments. Sincerely, ��.a.a.r� � . c�rnQ-Q I�� Susan C. Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson 3225-403.2 c: \a\3225\letfcc.doc � � . - � ��� � 32zs- 4 o3:.b'� , / CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL ���� =��'�'^ '' `- . _.,tractor Proposal No.; Y Project: St. Paul Civic Center Date:_ � J-�f'-r��s 1 5��:;; • Contract No. C�_ A changa in the sco(�e of the work is requested as indicated below: 1 ' j� i� requcsted the completion date be Oextended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2• Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specificarions, �ddenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: No. , FO No, , CCD --_•) 3• Basis of payitient (check one) ()Firm price for performing this change. .$ Adequate supporting details and information (_Increased Deduct) must ba attached to allow Owner to evaluate. � ()'Pime and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (X)Actual cost at com letion of work (,(�� o�' 11���'lo� $�G_� Subinittad by: � ^ ----_�st f�r ,.?' Date: �,,� _/ f_r/ � Contractor � �'I � �� i � �r r- � � tr (��� Contractor Signature • 1. Action racannended; r�R CPMT USE �--- (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 O Chunga will not be made; Explain: � Yroc��d on th� iollowing basis: O As indicated above, change and ba:,is of pay�nent is acce;p�dblr. � Ctlange is acc�ptable, basis of payiuent is not acceptuble. �IIasis of payment shall by $_ � 7 3 a7 O The following modification is recoiiunandCd: O Change in coinpletion d'ate is accepted. O Change is accep dbl w th no change date. Z• Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Re uest O Suggested by Contractor q �rield Condition ( ) Design Omicsion or O�her (explain) 3• Is this a part of original contractor scope? ( � y� 4• Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �� No 5 • A/E con�ulted, �Yes ( ) No �, Yes ( ) No Prepar�d by; � CPMI Date:_ �-�_- y'� Approved by: HGA Aate: Approved by: Owner Date• • Approved by: =______°__________________- — - --- — Owner D'ate -----------°--------_°-- - ----------- --- - cc: Ctiris llaasen Bake Baker � � -- `- -- �riks Ludins Mike Peder::on Dick Zehring Page 5-5 ST. PRUL CZVIC CENTER EXpANSION �� / � • t � � .� l .� ,. ! � .� �: ����_�ort L��^ �� �� uuCnnouwN siiEeT C6NTitAC70H'S P4tOPOSAL SAINI PAUL CIVIC C[NTLIi EXPANSION l:.t�Jli. t.L:ll I�I:�L 5 L�]Ull'i�1lHf ptltL�-( LP.II'LUYLE LAUOfT t�1:.�1 Llil'rL5 6 �n��P���LNT IFJCOilP01tATLll 1 O fF.L L:�l! s f.M1ATLItIkL d LQUIPIdENT 1:,".,, { LL 1�T, ��,uoii. r,�ni[tun�, �oui��., �s F[e JU�iI..U�i � �t%\�.7 U��J �.,;�iu: 1 J I A� ::uUC0i7111ACTUItS & PCL OTf1C(l CO5T� n�nvu. •:. JU�SJI ::�Cucc Gt, LIUi.L:% L CI�UU'MCidT SJOT It4C01lPU1lATED ItLf� I l,Ln 1 i�i�l_:i PLllhlll:; b. UCLN�L FCCS U14111 �1.5. hULL, 1=hCllil IC5 AT �II E IIlCIDII� 1 F�L L�N LS�SCS UOIdU E. IIl:iUltAh�Cl PIi0VIS10fi:i 1 Ul'Al. Uil tLH CO:iI S Y___ __ �'�' 1 Q --�� : � 7oin� OI= Ctin��GC PizoPOSA� i•nc�: :. c ......,.�n rvvif`CENTIHI>:Pf.flSl � 5 _.�-- -- � ��i�r�� /\' � � j _.._ _>..L_.ti-- `r s ��GS° � � � Y � 5 5 5 5 STRUCTION CaMPANY ,rt E ' en�cr aan� a�aza flY �k Dtive, Suile 4, SL Paut, MN 557OB - (612) 644-5063 � �� � �..y- / � C{ :; � � �� � I�I M E S S A G E MEM� �"l U� _�t_Q; i PRIORI7Y ❑ URGENTI ❑ sooN ris aoss+e� ❑ N HEPL HFEDE i•��_�-��l ^' - - � — -- . _ l�C S i - — Q. �- 1� L ('V _, l �,, 7��,� cc.� � �� �$�,�� _ Tl,c c� �U`�c�,� i s � � �� ll a �� � ---- _ : ` ._.._ � �G _ � U . J �T �t�c,-.��� �s � �v l ���i�-- .� �� -_ 3�a C���7c�� �,�. xv�(( y�n, C`' 70`�^ - 31� c ` = C��r� ��r���� . C; rx Q ti?" �l� a� l �.1,,f�1/ �Ia,��R.. -J=���;�(� l�����•� . ':���i (,; 7e�� �t k ��Jz���� - I"3�,�.� � �6` � Ic���� � �^ � r l �\�� � �C'�. _ . ��� �!�_Y��Q` � � V J� S�GNED: N N i ' DAiE: Iinr, u n • ���� � l� "� �--� ' ` MiNNESOTA ELEVATOR, tNC. Main OH�ce nntl M,uwlacturing Plant P.O. Box 4a3 Manheto, MN 56002 �507� 2453000 Fax 5p7-2s5-;fs55 B�antn On�cas Mpl�./$� p�ul, MN Ra:hwleu, MN SL Gouq MN Wd6nar, MN �M Con�racfor . NEw INSTALLATIONS • h�ODtRNIZATIONS . htAINTENANCE MANUFACTURING SaLES � Sc;ptc;mbc:r, 20 1995, �Ii1CV FiOf(:�: Preri�tu Consu 1-310 Encr�,}� P�uk Dr. St.Paul AIN. S�lU8 Ivrk Yungerbcrg hiEI P.O. 13os -l-13 2�lanhato A-1N 56UO2 lt�: HY-1311 St. Pau! Ci�ic Center I�1arv � SCP 2 2 1�95 t= - =-�:c: ���.. cc» �.�-�.=r�:�: I have completed the elevator at the above project, and Pam fonvarding to you ch��ges incurred by b•II:I for ru�uung of [he zlc:va[or platform for Frc:richs or the suUs of I'retic}u to compicte; Ihcir portion of the work in lha houtway. 1'his list does not imp]y Ihat all Uic charges Y'or this work h�s been included in [his ]ist. I slill havc remaining time carcls [o C.1:iT[ll[1C t0{' Ol}iGt' POJ�LUIC C�1SCf�'CS l0 F'fC17C}18 llAT'E F�OUXS COST PEIU HOUR x:�5��5 x � 78.�� � ��4.0� 9/5/9� 6 S 78.00 5-168.00 9/1-i/95 7 $ 78.00 $ 546.00 �roTwL �i63s.oa This total amount will be invoice to you. If you have any questions please feel free to call mc. Sin ercly � Iiuk Yungerberg ��� Construcaon Coordina or 'Annl. Ywa�wdn,.a F.nono,..e �.. Tn ............. i_,4_'�_'...�... ._ i. � ' 03i27i96 14:59 ?i _ , '* i -� • CUSTOM DRYWRLL a 7870407 849 WESTERN AVEhlUE NOR7H 995 MAY 15 CPNlI \gr. Maxv Kotek �rerichs Construction Cqmpany 34i0 Energy Park Drive 3ui#e 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Re: SL Paul Civic Center CP-3 Pit - C3.28 (RFP - 26) � C.F� � Taear Mar�, N0.351 P0a1 : '�� !!� �� ST. PaUL..MITlNESOTAS5t37 - • C612) 4$$-0533 RECENED (61 2) d68-6432 The extra cost for Custom Drywali to provide wa111ype #i l tinish at existing walls as shawn on TZ�'P - 26, is as foilows: Mesh, basecoat and �nish: (bare cost) l�aterial: 920 sq.ft. x$1.15 / sq.ft .:...................................-------..$l,OS8.00 Labor: 920 sq.ft. x$2A4 / sq.ft .:............................................ ..._ $1 _895.00 Sub -tatal :................................................. ..................................$2,953.00 IS%P/0 :...................................... ............_....................................... Sub -total :........................................................................... ........ ........$3,396.00 1 1/2" Rigid insulation: 920 sq.ft. x$.99 ! sq-ft- (sa�e as EIFS credit amouat} ..................$911.0� TOtat:..............��-�- � --..................- -..........-- ..................- .............,.......$4,307.00 ��; Tf yau should have any questions, please £eel free io call Sincerely Custom brywail, 7nc. �� ������ David W. Osterman Project Manager s ��, P�b D� �� �, � � 2°'`� � �i3.oa � " L� ��2•bp � � ♦ LL . J VI I 1 J l�_ 11 .�� �ERICHS CONSTRUCTFON COMPANY 3550 LABORE ROAD SIITCE 1 Q ST. PAUL, MN 55! 10 (612)781�A68� - BAX (612)'787-0�01 LE'T'TER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 5/14 'n('1�l�7 („� JOBN0.:9502 �� Yl AITENT141Y: Si1S�N JONES CPMI GEN'CLEM�N,'aVE Al2E SENDING YOU: (X 1 Afmched ( } 8hop Qrarings ()Spedfications ( ) semp�es (X RiMs ( ) �DY of Leku VtA 1) ��� ( j Ca�tog Cuts RE:CMC CEIVTER CP-3 l ) Pfans THESE ARE'CRAI�ISMiTTEU AS CHECKED BELOW: (1 Fa ApProvaf f ) A?WOVed es Noted ( ) fa Your Usa ( } ForYour Files /� ".� � L � (1 As Request�d Q Fa Your tMam�on () Ma&a C«`ectians Nated () No Exwptions Saken ( ) ONiec ( ) Revis6 & itesubmit ( } UPS (Overnight} (X)U.8.�f ( ) Fa ReviaEV &Comment QC) Fw Revievt & Action Rsmarks: TH� S 573.00 FOIt USE OF THE ELEVATOR 7S ACCEY'fABLE AS STATFD IN YOT7R LETTER OF 21 1VIARCH 299b. CUSTOlYI DBl'VV.�.L ALSO STATES TBAT THEY W�TC� T�70T PAID FOR RFP 25 T7�IS AMOUNTS TO �1522U0 INCLI7DING PROFFf ANA OVERHEAD. T2� TOTAL AMOUNT FL}R TBE �'tR'AL CHANGE ORDER 73 55095.00. PI.EASE PItOCF.SS T'HE FINAi. CHe1NGE QRD�R IlY Tffi6 AMQIINT. �— �apY ()47renpnittatOr+ry CW'J� I}8W (X)PM ()CM (�Otfser PATT Signed: �aaci��tQTEK () CHAhGE ORDERS IT E�