258463 ` " 25�4�3
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File No._ _ s9573
In the Matter of
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reconstracting thn sida�►alk e,adi,�re�1�Qe N{th iategral ctirb �d s�,dewailc_on,th� gg
S;riw nf Yi�ss��enta C rppt fY.� i�;g }� q rmmr �•0 �pggt�l ��reet
together �ith all ar�awa�?s, coal-holee, trapdoors, tunnels and other undergzonnd
facilities of everp descriptioa and provided that all permite beretofore graated
by said City of St. Panl for the installatioa and/or maintenaace of aach area�rays,
coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other nndergxcnad gacilities of every descrip-
tion will be aad the saae are here�by re,roked unless aaid areavaya, coal-holea,
trapdoors, tnnaels aad other nmdergrouad facilities of everp description ara
recoastructed by said perr�itte� on or before a date which is 90 days after the
date of fival approval of this order; and that, further, the Departaent of Pnblic
iiorks, Chxough its Ci�ief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in —
and remave aach areaaaya, cosl-holes, trapdoors, tumnela and other �IIaQr��,na �e
facilities of evcry descriptioa, tbe per�itt�ea of vhich areavay�, coal-holea,
trapdoors, ttnnels aad otber �nderground £acilities of every description fail to
reconstruct the same to the satisfacticm of the Cit� Engineer on or begora thm nt
ab�n►e mentianed date e�ocept �rhere good and snfficient po�red sidewalks nar exi�t.
- 2. T�at the nature o��ie imprave�ne����.n� ��..� .
---- � __
to reCOlbtri�l6t the sid�1►�lk �nd��e�nlaee with inte�a� �+�rl� nd a{da�rall� un � esst
Si jig ef Yiwn�anta ��a�t �Frc� xi,ar�+ Ctr�ot t��'as+th Straet
togetber Mith all uean►a�s, aoal-holes, trapdoore, tnmels aad other nndergronnd ,
facilitiea of e�er� descriptian and provided that all �er�it� heretofora granted '
by said CiCy of St. Panl for the iasCallatian and/or aaintenanc� of snch area�sys,
coal-holes, �rapdoors, tmm��ls aad other u�neiergronnd facilitias of everT deacrip-
tion �ill bn and the saime are hereby revoked unleas said areavays, coal-boles,
tra�pdoors, tunnels and ather niaderground facilities of every desaription are
reconstructed by said psrmittee oa or before a date vhich is 9U dags aftesr the
date of final approval of thi�sy:�rd�er; and that, fnrther, the Hepartment of Pnblic
Works, through its Chief Engiriaer, is hareby aathorized and directed to fill in
aad remo�ve such area�ays, cosl-holns, trapdoors, taunels and other undergrannd
facilities of every descriptioa, the per�itCees of N6ich araaNSys, coal-holes,
trapdoors, tunnels and other undergroand facilities of e�ery descrirtioa fail to �alk
reconstruct the same te the aatisfaction of the City Engineer on or before tha
abmre mentian�d date eacept where good and snfficient poured sidewalks no�► �xist. E
� t�ay, Iy�L - , at the hour o� IU o'clocx a.m., in ine wuncii ��amAer or ine �ourt
House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 3 �7t�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council
:;_Y�a$ gur�.r y ays MAY 4 1972
C0�"v`, y� Approve
S F'�;.; "- Tn F�vor
T_n _
� ayor
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Mr. Vice President IUleredith PUB�ISHED 6 ���Z
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