258457 ORIGINML TO CITY CLBRK �58L1�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. CO NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �f CO�IMISSIfAbE ATF WHEREA.S, ia connection with the Rehabilitate Como Park Conservatory Project, it will be necessary to incur engineering and miscellaneous costs; TI3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul proceed with the necessary work at an estimated cost of $3,000.00; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that these costs be charged to the � Permanent I�rovement Revolving Fund, Code No. 6000, and this � fund to be reimbursed from Capital Improvement Bond (C.I.B.) Fund ,a�� 9772-460-003. � :_. MAY 3 ��J72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays MAY 419T2 Butler ��� A 9 Levine Favor -1�f�Yth Sprafka Mayor ✓ A gainst Tedesco « : ;,1i._*_, . PUBLISHED MAY G 197'Z Mr. Vice President ��eredith �� DYrLIFAT6 TO rRINT�R ' /�/��V / y CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ���r CO�MISSIOIIER sA*G WHLRTAS, iu canaection Mith tha Rehabilitats Como Park Cons�rvatory Pro�act, it will be nacessary to incur enginesring aad miscellansou� co�tc; THEREFAgB, BE IT RESULITED, that the Citq of St. Psul procead Mith thm nec�ssary Work wt an eati.�ated c+oat of $3,000.00; , sud, B� i� FUBTHffit RESOLVED, that thesa coata bQ chargad to tt►e Pes�ane�at Iaproveaent Revolving Fund, Code No. 6000, aad thie fund to b� reimbusaed fros Capital Improvement Band (C.I.B.) Fund 9772-460-003. MAY 318T.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc3l 19.— Y� Na� MaY 41972 Butler . so Appmve� 19— �°�e _�n Favor i�eredi�t- Spx�afka � �� A auinat Tedesco � ..�. , MI`. Vice President M�redith ��