258449 OIFIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ri/V���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM r. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTE RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Industrial Gommission, dated April 17, 19?2, Jean T. Peterson, William R. Peterson and Beverly Anne Peterson, widow and dependent children respectively of Robert B. Peterson, employee of the Department of Public Safety, Burea,u of Police, who died from coronary sclerosis, the same being aggravated and exacerbated by an acute myocardial infarction which arose out of the scope and course of employment, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, or be paid on their behalf the sums stated herein and in the following manner from said Fund: l. �208.00 for care to Arcade Medical Glinic; 2. �84g.45 for care to St. John' s Hospital; 3. �55. 30 to Jean T. Peterson for reimbursement for drug expenses; - 4. �770.00 to Jean T. Peterson representing temporary total � compensation benefits from September 18, 1971 to D�cember 3, � 1971, less a deduction of �182.50 which shall be paid o to her a,ttorneys, Salland and Faricy, 900 Minnesota � Building, Saint Paul, as attorney fees; � � 0 a 5. �750.00 to Phalen Park Funeral Home for burial 0 � expenses; � � a 6. �1,500.00 to Jean T. Peterson and William R. Peterson and said payment shall be sent said Salland and Faricy, who by the Gommission' s order will place the sum in trust; 7. �1,500.00 to Jean T. Peterson and Beverly Anne Peterson and said payment shall be sent as directed in Paragraph 6 herein; 8. �7,875.00 to Jean T. Peterson in a one lump sum. 9. �3,625.00 to said Salland and Faricy in a lump sum as COUNCILMEN $t t o rney f e e s. Adopted by the Counci� 9— Yeas Nays Butler ; , � v 9 Levine _jn Favor N�'�tit� Sprafka Tedesco --�Against ►�8�►�� �aY 6 � Mr. Vice President Meredith �� ._ � � �t�� { CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� NO �8�4� A � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED RY COMMISSIONER sA*� �LSaL1�, that gnr�sut�►nt to �h� AwarA ot tm� Mi��ots I�st�riai Coa�ir�loa� datfd �,prfi 1�, ig��, J�au T. t�t�rrraa, Kiliiw� R. P�t�r�os aad ����rl�r Aua� P�t�r�an�, �idov asd ��rpestd�nt chfidr� re�peativ�ly ot Bober� H. P��er�v�t, esploy�e a►i tL� D���rt�t o! Pa�lio l�st��y� �r�aa at roli��, who �i�i f�ror ea�ro�w�r� tol�ro�i�, t�e � beia� a�raTats�d +�n� �csoerbs�aA Dy ae ��� ayooar�ial iatarotioa x�3oh �troN� o�t o! tlr� roope �d �e�� o! �loyMaatt, be paia isoa the wo�lr�irs'r Coap�s�►tios A,oaomtt oi �lt� �Fen�rsl fi�a�d, or bs paid o� th�ir b�ali th� �uu� atat�d 4sr�ia �d ia the i�liowi� samn�r iras �aid Funitt l. �$08.00 t�r aur+r te� Aro�e Nidiaal Cliaioi �. �849.�g ior +a�r� to St. dol�'� 8orpital; 3. ���.� to d� T. Pet�r�on iQr rsiaburseaa�t tor eras sspfa�r��� 4. �974.00 to Jaut T. Pet�rron r��r��a�tia� ta�porsr�► total eo�pat�nttiob '�ofit� tx�ar S�ptasitber 18, 19'!1 to �oatbra 3, 1971� l��s a d�dn��iog of �18lt.�4 �ti.r� s�sll b� pai� to Al�r •Ztorn�s, sa],l�trd aaa Fatie�', 9t�1 M'iauerrota B�tildins, 8aiat laul, a� attoz�tsq lee�; �. �?�0.00 t�v Pawi� Part Fun�ral Hoa� tor '1�uri�1 ���i : 6. �1,�40.00 tv J�an T. Fetersou � �fiY�i� R. Pt�srran amd �aid �a�rrru►t s�all �►e �a�t ssi� isllsa� �d l��rtr�r, - Nho ��r t�a Co�■ti��tog'• orA.r �ili �ri��a tbe a�u �a tra�t= . fi. �1�,�'�►.oo to ��n T. le��rsa►a �t Hnrssiy Ann� l�►t►�r�va and �id 'pa�aa�t s�ii � s��E u dir�o�od in tara�s+�gL 6 b�reinR e. i7,8�}.Oa to �tean T. tet�r�oa ia a o�e►� 1�p �. 9. �3.b��.al► to �aid Sallaad �tA �'s�'iay i» a 1 a� a� COUNCILMEN at'���3' ���• Adopted by the Coun����19._ Yeaa Napa 4 �� Butler �Y Approv� 19— Levine T� Favor NEereelik�r Sprafka � ��r Aaas�inat Tedesco � Mr. Vice President Mer�ci�th �� f