258438 1 ^ ^ ORIGINAe6 TO CITY CL[RK /�l���/� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''�"� `' ° FILE NO. _ ,. OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE ATF in the matter of constructing a publ ic storn� sewer in Howard Street from East Fourth �� Street to Wilson Avenue; in Conway Street from Howard Street to Tower Street; in Howard � ' Court from Howard Street to an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height Recrea- • tion Center property on, over, across and through that pa�t of the Northeast 1/4, South- east 1/4, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, the centerline of said easement being 15 feet Northweste rly of and parallel to the northwesterly lines of lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 ; in an easement, to be obtai�ed, within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, across and through that part of the Northeast 1/4, Southeast i/4, Section 35, Tawnship 2g North, Range 22 West, the centerline of said easement being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the Northweste�ly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Additbn No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west 1Pne of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray TerraaeAddition No. 1 , from Haward Court to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height Recrea- tion Center property on, over, across and through that part of tf�e Northeast 1f4, Southeast 1/4 of Sect�on 35, ToarnshPp 29 North, Range 22 West, the centerline of said easement being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the Northwesterly liaes of Lots 1 and 16, Btock 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Ter�ace Addition No. 1 , to Hazel Street; in Pedersen Street from 290 feet South of Wilson Avenue to Wilson Avenue; in East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Pedersen Street; in Pedersen Street from East ►ifth Street to Conway Street; in Conway Street from Ruth Stre�t to 480 feet East of Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue from 480 feet East of Pedersen Street to Hazel Street; in Hazel Street from Fremont Avenue to Old Hudson Road; in Hazel Street (p�oduced) from Old Hudson Road to Suburban Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, lying Northerly of Bacchus St. Paut Hills, Bisan2 Brothers Battie Creek Terrace No. 3, and Hazel St�eet; also that part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest� of Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, lying Southerly of Subnrban Avenue; in Pedersen Street from Suburban Avenue to Burns Avenue; in Burns Avenue from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street; in Burns Avenue from 100 feet East of Hazel Street (produced) to Hazel Street (produced) , all to be known as the PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1434) . RESOLVED, That the pians and specificatiors for the above named i'�provement, as sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, under Preliminary Order No. 257231 , approved 1/31/72 and Final Order No. 258325 approved 4/26/72 are hereby approved and be it furtk►er RESOIVED, That �fie Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. �vRM ovE : MAY 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays qsst. r ti n Counsei 3 '�g]Z Butler MAY �_ ove 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ,� Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �AY g ���� � o�.f�.T�,��,� 258438 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE�IERAL FORM PRBENTED!T COMMISSIONER �AM In the� matter of canstructing a pubi 1c storai sewar tn Ncward Stroet fran E�st Fourth St rsat to W 11 svn Avenue; i n Cornvay St r�et f roin Hoas rd St reat to Tave r S t rest; t n Howard Cou�t fro� Hows�d Street to an easen�ent, to bs obtained, within ths Corn+ay N�ight Recrea- tton Csnte� prop�rty on, over, across �d through that part of the Northeast 1/+�, South- east 1/4, Sectlon 35, Toamship 29 North, Rang� 22 Mlest, tha cents�iTne of ssid �asement ba�ng 15 feet NortMresterly of a�d paral lel to th� no�tM�rsst�rty 1 i��: of Lots 1 �d 16, 81ock �, Sun Ray Ter�sce Addttion No. 1 and extending f�om W11son Awnue to tM weat ltna of Lot �� dlock 3, Sun Ray Ter�ace AddiLion No. 1 ; in an easaaent, to b� obtained, within ths Comvay Neight Racroation Center property on, over, acroas ar�d through that pa�t of tha =' Northeast 1/�►, Southeast 1/4, Sectlo� 35. Tawnship 29 North� Range 22 I�ti:t. the centariins of ssid easem�nt being 15 f�set Norttwvesterly of snd parallel to the Northwssterly ltn�s of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sw� Ray Tsrr�e Additi�n No. 1 and ext�nding from Wi lson Avsnw to tlu w�st 11Ae of Lat 4, Btock �, Sun Ray Terraae Addttion No. 1 , fr+� Nowa�d Court to Mi ison Awnw; i� Mllson Avenue fro� an easement. to be obtstned, wtthin tha Comra�r Hsight Recna- � tion Cente� prop�rty on, over� across and through thst part of the Northesst 1/4� Southaast i/y of Ssction 35, Ta+nship 29 North. Rsnge 22 W�st, th� centerline of said aas�nt baing 15 fNt North�estsrly of snd parall�l to the Northweste�ly lines of Lots 1 and 16, B1oek 4� Sun Ray Tarrace Addition l�to. 1 and ext�nding fraa Wilson Avanw to the w�st line of lot 4, Btock 3� Sun Ray Terrau Addition No. 1 . to Hazel Street; in Peden�n Strsat fro�a 290 f�st South of Yi lson Avanus to Wi lson Avs�ue; in East Fourth Stroet fro� 4ltnthrop Stro�t to Pedsnen Stn�t; in ��dsrs�n Strset fro� East rifth Stnat to Conwsy Strat; In Conway Stnrt fra� Rnth Strest to �r80 faet East of Ped�rse� Stroet; in Fre�ont Avsnua from k80 fat East of P�d�rsan Stn�t to Hazsl Strat; in Has�i Street fraa Frewont Awnue to Old Hudson Rosd; t� Hazel Strcet (produc�d) fran O1dHudson Road to Suburban Av�nue; and then outletting in that part of ths NortFwrast 1/4 of the NortM�est 1/4 of Section 2, ?amshtp 28 North, Ranga 2Z I�st� lying Northerly of Bscchus St. Paul Nilis, Bisans 6rot!►�n Battla Creek Te��ace No. 3, and Natel Stroet; aiso that part of the SoutM�+sst 1/4 of the Southwest of S�ct i o� 35, Tarnsh i p 29 North, Range 22 Vest. i y i ng Souths rl y of Sui�ttrban Awnua; i n Ped�rs� Str+eet fro�n Suburban Avenue to Bwrns Av�nue; in Burns Awnue from Pedersen Straet to Ruth Stnst; in Burns Awnue fra� 100 feet Eat of Husl Stre�t �produced) to Haa�i Streat (producsd) � ail to be known as the PEDERSEN-TNIRD RELIEF SYST�M (5-143�). � RESOLYED, That the pl sn� and spsc I f 1 cat i ors for th� abow nam�d i'a�p rove�aent� as sub- �itted by the Ca�aisstoner of Pubi ic Morks, undrr Prol iminary Order No. 257231 , approved 1/31/72 and �Inal Order No. 258325 approved 4/26/72 are hereby approved and be it further RESO�VED; -That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hmroby diroctad to adwrtise for blds on this iwprowa�nt. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� M�Y a �119._. Yeas Naya Butle� �,+� ��2 �.-Gstrl�u��__�� APPrpoc� ��►y 1g • Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��