258409 ' 258��9 011101NALT0 COUNCIL NO• , ��T.«�x CITY OF SAWT PAUL FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM , � PER CHARTER SECTION 208 r PRESENTED BY Roge r M• COI1W8�/ pATF �9 COMMISSIONE R E 5 O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WH1CH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0256-200 Icy St. Control Cont. Serv. 2,000.00 0256-300 (cy St. Control Corrmod, 2,500.00 0254-200 Snow Plow Cont. Serv. 2,000.00 025�►�-30o Snow Plow Comrnod. 1 ,000.00 0255-300 Snow Removal Conmod. 500,00 0257-300 Emergency St. Repair Commod. 1 000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 To Pay: p.p, 819512 201.60 P.O. 818113 51 .00 P•�. 81�97 331 .59 P.O. 815880 41 .60 C.C. S5914 137.57 C.C. 55925 35.85 C.C. 55923 936.80 C.C. 55879 27.40 C.C. 55922 193,08 YES (�I) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS Z ��'TZ BLLti�.P�.Y' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIC"'_ -19 • �� ///JJJ MAY 31�Z2 IJeR�II@ � APPROV 19 IN FAVOR lkredith 3prat7sa � MAYOR �GAINST Tedesco ���� COUNTERSIGNED BY f' CI COMrTROLL[R MR. PRESIDENT �C�1"f'i,Y � � � �� PUBUSHEO MAY 61972 , No��ce 2584p9 • �o COUVCIL FSLI� N0. Pxinter • CITY OF ST. PAUL 19 � M:CNi�ESO'I'k — CO'JNCII, RESULL'TION RESOLVED, that the transfers within #�in.ds of the v�:rS.ous City Departments hereto.fore a,pproved by the City Comptrol7.Er, as such transfers oi° f'unds as of MAY 2 1972 �e indicated in dr�cumnnts attached hereto and rr�ade a paxt hereof by reference� as f1z1._ly as if the san�e were set :forth fully and comgletely �ierei.nj axe hereby approved, copies of the aforetnent;ioned. also bein� on file in the o�'�ice oy the Cit�r Clerk and in tY�e o�fice of �the City ComptroLter. Adopted b, the Counci�. MAY 2 1�72 i9 3 1972' � City Comptr.oller Approved MAY lc� __ � � PUBLtSHED MAY 61972