258405 Orlrinal to City Clerk , , �'� ORDINANCE .-,� . ��' ,�_r���� ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTE �J�,�, L ORDINANCE NO..—L `—'L� � � An administratisre ordinance relating to the legislative branch of government of the City of Saint Paul; providing personnel for the City Council. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessr�ry for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. TFIE COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ._ SECTION 1. EMPLOYEES '�he following positions are hereby established as employees of the council, pursuant to the provisions of the charter: 1.1 Le�islative Aide (a) There is hereby established the position of legislative aide, in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Each member of the city council may, in his discretion, appoint one legislative aide who shall serve at the pleasure of that councilman. (b) The legislative aide shall perform research, assist council sub- committees and c�rry out duties and responsibilities as prescribed by the ap- pointing elected official. 1.2 Secretaries Each member of the city council may, in his discretion, appoint � one secretary, which appointment shall be in the classified service in accordance with the provisions of the city charter. 1.3 Research Center There is hereby created a �ouncil Investigation and Research Center which shall be under the supervision and control of the City Council. Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: ' _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , Orlalnal to City Clerk � , • � ' r ORDINANCE .-, . � � o COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / v / �� Page 2 SECTION 2 Ordinance No. 8540 is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance is de;��,a�ed an emergency ordinance and shall take effect and be in force fram and after final adoption and publication. MAY 3 0 1972 Yeas Councilme Nays Passed by the Council F�r}se� ��(/� Me� • n n Favor C/ Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President (����r�:j--� . Atteat: ���Operative without signature of the Mayor, pursue,nt to Sect3on 121 of the City Clerk Ms�re� City Charter. �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLI�HED ��N 61972 Orisinal to City Clerlc , . � w` � . � ORDINANC "5 . _ N PRESENTED B CJR CE � \ '� � �\ An administrative ordinance relating to the � legi�ative branch of government of the City of Saint 1'�ul ; providing personnel for the city council . THE COUNCIL O�THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �� SECTION 1. ,` EMPLOYEES •� The following p�sitions are hereby established as employees of the council, pursua�.t to the provisions of the eharter : � 1. 1 Le islative Ai e (a) There is he eby established the position of legislative aide , in the unc^�l.assified service of the City of Saint Paul . Each member of tl�e city council may, in his dis- � cretion, appoint one legislativ�aide, who shall serve at the pleasure of that councilman. �1 (b) The duties of the 1 is lative aide shall be to staff the action center and carry out the duties and respon- sibilities provided therein by admini trative ordinance . In addition, the legislative aide shall as ume the duties and responsibilities of assisting council su committees at the p�i � request of the chairman. � ; � 1.2 Secretaries `'� � Each member of the city council ma�, in his discre- , tion, appoint one secretary� which appointmen� shall be in the classified service in accordance with the provi�sions of the city charter. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler �g Conway Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved CorporatioM �ounsel By . . • - . '` � ��� Page 2. 1 . 3 License Coordinator �The council shall be empowered by a majority vote of all members to provide for the appointment of a license coordinator, in accordance with the provisions of the charter. He sh�,�ll be in the classified service of the city and have ,, ,, the min3�num qualifications of a high school diploma and ten ears ' ex�� y p�,�rience in the field of licensing or public health or safety re�ulation. 1 . 4 Licei�se Unit Employees 'r. , The li�ense coordinator shall be provided with additional secreta�i*�ial and investigative assistants as may �y be determined by the,`'a,council to carry out the duties and `, funetions of the licen��e section as provided by administrative � � ordinance , in accordance °�nwith the requirements of the charter. � Such personnel shall be in���the classified service. They shall be accountable to the licens���, coordinator, and the license �� coordinator shall be accountab�e to the chairman of the 'n license committee . ''; r y� 1 . 5 Research Director `�: The council shall be empo��red, by a majority °,. vote of all members , to provide for tY�e appointment of a a: research director, who shall be in the �k�lassified service of the ci�y. He shall have the minimum qual�;,a.fications of a �� , master' s degree in public administration o� a similar type degree in a related field and ten years ' loc��a.l government experience in legislative work and additional�`'., experience in information systems planning and research. `,The research director shall be accountable to the council president but shall serve all members of the council . 1.6 Research Emplo.yees The research director shall be provided with Ori�insl to City Clerk � . .G , . r * � ORDINANCE . 258��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — . Page 3. additional professional , subprofessional and clerical assistants or consultants as may be determined by the council to carry out the duties and functions of the research center, as prov\ided by administrative ordinance, and in ac- cordance with tha provisions of the charter . Such employees shall be in the cl�ssified service and shall be accountable \ to the re search dire�tor. : � SECTION 2. CODING This ordinance shall e deemed a par t of the Saint Paul � Administrative Code and shal be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter a d�or section number at the time of compilation of said Admi istrative Code . � SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE D TE This ordinance shall take effect�and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, appro�al and publication. � ,� ! � .a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council - Butler �� Conway Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporatio� CouMSel By . � Oziginal to City Clerk �.' '�,�,� 7� s '� ` � � � � � ` COUNCtL FILE NO PRESENTED SY ORDINANCE NO An administrative ordinance relating to the legislative branch of goverrlment of the City of Saint Paul; providing personnei for the Citq Council. THE COLT�tCIL OF � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ,,� SECTION 1. Mi ` EMPLOYEES �'he following posit'ions are hereby established as employees of the council, pursuant to the provisions. of the charter: 1.1 LeQislative Aide (a) There is hereby established the position of legislative aide, in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul. Ea h member of the city council may, in his discretion, appoint one legislative aide who sha11 serve at the pleasure of that councilman. (b) Tlie legislative aide shall, perform research, �ssist council sub- committees and carry out duties and respons'�bilities as preseribed by the appoint- ing elected official. 1.2 Secretaries �;�k Each member of the city council may, `�i.n his discretion, appiiint �� one secretary, which appointment shall be in. the clas�ified service in accordance "�; � with the provisions of the city charter. �'�;� ' 1.3 Research Center ``� ,� The research center sha11 provide professional�;,and clerical staff to serve the city council, legislative aides, council committe�s, and provide liason between the city council and such committees as the board��}of appeals, capital � improvements committee, planning commission, an3 other boards, com�issions or Yeas Councilmen Nays Passecl by the Cauncil Carlson Dalgliah In Favor l�Zereclith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrxie) � . Approved: _.� Attest: City Clerk Mayor ���5 Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ��-4� �� � :�i��' �` Ori;�inal to City�Ci?rk • � ' . � � , � w � � •� � � � � � ' � COUNClL FIL.E NO PRESENTLD BY ORDINANCE NO _ F��ge 2. ar oo��na.ttees as may bz es�tablished to advi�e the cour�cil. The re�earoh c�t�ter staff �aay represent the oouneil before legis2ative bodie�, federal, state, metropolitan ar county agencies, and civio orga.nizatians. 1 .4 Research Directox The council sha11, by a �ajoxa.ty vote of all rnembers, provide fox the agpoin�rasnt of a research director, who sua11 be in the classified service of the oitv. The xesearch director shall �ae accountable to the aounoil and shall serve al1 mem'r�exs of the counci.l. SECTION 2. REFEAAT��t - AI1 ordinanc�s and garts of ordinances, cahether 2egislative or administrative, a�d ail reso7.utions hexetofore enacted'_which are inconsistenv with any provision of t�is oxdinancz are, to the e�tent of s�.�oh inconsistet�cies, hereby xepealed. The ren�al of any ordinance or resolution or any part t:�ereof I�y- this ordina�ce c�� by a�y a-ther ordinance o.� r�saluti�n shalT. not revive any formex ordinance or re�alu�ion or part thereof which may have been repealed by such repealed ordi:�ane� cr �cea o2ution or part thereof. ;., SEC`i IflN 3. ''� .. , , CODING `'� '',� This ordina�ca shall b� deeraed a part of the Sain't Pa.ul Administx�tive Code `.� • an�. s'nall be incorporated ti�erein and given an appropria�e cha�ter and/ox section rnaabex at th� ti�e of com�ila-�ian of said �dninistrative (':�de. k SECTTON q.. "�� � EFrECTIVE I�TE This ordinauce shall take effevt and be in foro� thir��y day� fro�a and af ver its �aassa�e, ap�xoval and publication. '' ,. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�. Butler k" Carlson '° Tn Favor Levine � Meredith Sprafka ;'`A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: • City Clerk Niayor �-``�O Form approved Corporation Counsel By } I st , • � ' 2nd � " ,Laid over to 3rd and app � �, —Adopted \`� � /` J Yeas Nays X.gas Nays t Butler �Butler Carlson � `�� �' ^'�� L l � , Levine � �Levine ��-�f�� Meredi+h �584n� eredith `� Y.�.y�, �' � 2✓ Sprefka �Sprafka � -�-. Tedesco edesco " Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarty O