258393 258�9:3 Couaoil I+YIe No....._....... PROPUSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propoeesthemalcingof tbefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi Aaint Psul vis.: Improving Arcade Street (City Pro3ect M-0430A) from E. Seventh Street to Case �lvenue ._.b,Y...�ans�r.u�x3�ta_�Ct..Ol:�do7�tl��l...l�.�.�h�ing,_.System..and.by,doin�_all.other work which is .....neces►sar�c..�an�._in�ci�n�,�al..tn..campl���..said..ill�.x:4.X.ement;_......�..................... .. . . ..........._.... n.r,ea t��...._.._..............day oi..................................... ............ i� ....� N� ........ ��,.t . .o PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREAS, A �vrittien propoeal for the making,of'tbe following imprnvement� vis.: Improving Arcade Street (City Pr�o�ect M-0430A) from E. Seventh Street to Case Avenue �by constructing an Ornamental Lighting�System and by doing a11 other .work which is _.............................................................................__..........................._............._........_..........._........................---...................._.... _� necessar�--a� -�ncidental to co�lete said improvement. _._.....................................................................___........................................_...._..^.......,..-•------._............................................._ '� 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of 8aint Paul--------------------------------•--•S•----...---•---.._.._....-•-•------.......�. t6erefore, be it " R,F$OLVED, That the Commiseione�r of Publia Worka be-and ia hereby ordered and.direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, �r dees"ra�ility of� the making o#eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the natt3re;,extent and eatimated coet of eaid improvement, end tihe total Qoet thereof. 8. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketah of eaid improvement. - � 4. To stete whet�her or no�eaid improvement ie aeked ifor on �the petitio� of Lhree�ar mor� ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �ommiesioaer of Finanae. Adopted by tbe Counail..._.............•----...................A�PR..�..�..1972._ Y�ae Councilman Butler �Y 1 �� ��X7��11N 6011w� Approved.........................._........----•----..............._.:..__......._ Levine Me�edith S praf ka Tedesco ......... . ........... ........... ....._.._..._._....... Mr. President McCarty � Me►yor. ~ •000 �-� � PUBLlSHED � � 19�