258381 o.,.,���,ri���K 2�838� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. '_� -� - FICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMiSSIONE ATF Whereas, The Council of the City of St.Paul has duly canvassed the returns and votes cast at the City General Election held on Tuesday, April 25, 1972, copy of which canvass is hereto attached and made a part he re of; and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that the following na.ned persons received more votes than any other candidate or person for election for the following named offices in the City of St. Paul: MAYOR Larry Cohen MEMBER OF BO.�,RD OF EDUCATION For the Term of Four Years Robert D. Lowe William Magnuson MEMBER OF BO.A,RD OF EDUCATION For the Unexpired Term of 2wo Years George Latimer JUDGF OF MUN��IPAL COURT OF ST.P�,UL, Office to which �.Thomas Brennan was appointed - �. Thomas Brennan COUNCILM.E�T � Rosalie Butler Victor J. Tedesco � Leon.ard W. (Len) Levine Ruby Hunt o Bill Konopatzki o ca Robert F. (Bob� Sprafka `> a Dean Meredith � �'- ~ JUST I CE OF T HE �EA�CE .�1.T L�.RG� Q R. F. Ferguson r William (Bill) Drexler 0 �: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson � Approve� 19` Levme __jn Favor Meredith Sprafka a Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ORI6INA�c TO CITY CLERK 258�8�. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. '` . - � OFFI THE CITY CLERK FILE �s OU TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF CONSTABLE AT L�,RGT Benedict G. Fischer Darrell D. (Don) Scott NSTICE OF TH� PS.AC£-6TH W�iRD Raymond S. Mickelsen CONST.�BLS-6TH WARD Harry Crosby NSTICE OF TH� PEACE-lOTH A�11TH W;�,RDS Thoma.s J. Nash Theref ore, Be It Resolved, That each of the f oregoing persons be and he 'is hereby declared elected to tYa.e respective offices as designated above, and the City C1erk is h�reby instructed and directed to notify them of their election and to issue and deliver �o them proper certificates of election. APR 28 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays �Ay 11972 Butler Ap + 19` Levine _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka �I yor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBL�SHED MAY 61972 �� . � OFFICIAL RETURNS - CITY GENERAL ELECTION - APRIL 25, 1972 ` MAYOR � Larry Cohen 48,454 Bob Ferderer 42,368 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Robert D. Lowe 43,?76 FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS William Magnuson 419329 Jean Druker 35,165 Clare We Karsten 26,466 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION George Latimer 50,113 FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERN! OF Jane Rachner 28,043 TWO YEARS JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT Ee Thomas Brennan 59,630 OFFICE TO WHICH E. THOMAS Bi�ENNAN WAS APPOINTED COUNCILMAN Rosalie Butler 66, 994 Victor J. Tedesco 64,774 Leonard W, (Len) Levine 62,126 Ruby Hunt 48,528 Bill Konopatzki 43,32� Robert F, (Bob) Sprafka 43,221 Dean Meredith 39,519 Mike McTeague 31,635 Debbie Olsen 29,954 Roger Me Conway 29,813 David H. Hozza 29,472 Thomas J. Murphy 27,157 Edie Lallier 22,511 Richard W. Richie 20,685 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AT LARGE Ro F. Ferguson 34�777 William (Bill) Drexler 34s479 William Ce (Bill)O �Rourke 3�9398 Lawrence 09Donnell 26,543 CONSTABLE AT LARGE Benedict G, Fischer 35��75 Darrell D. (Don) Scott 33,614 David He Sweeney 33,452 Dan Vesely 15,09? JUSTICE OF THE PEACE-6th WARD Raymond S. Mickelsen 3,133 CONSTABLE - 6th WARD Harry Crosby 3,126 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - lOth Thomas J. Nash 20,091 & llth WARDS VOTES CAST 91,990 REGISTERED VOTERS 163,060 � OF REGISTEHED VOTERS VOTING 56,l�].9� Harry Ea Marshall, City Clerk .�...�,��,� 25s3s1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL HL�NCiL NO • . . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '' COUNCIL RESOLUT�ON—GENERAL FORM .�r�o�,r COMMISSIONE� �A'�'G 1i2�r�a�, T1LS �ounvil o! ths aity at �t.Paul. hu duly oanva�+r�d th� r�turas and ♦ot�s eaat �1� tb� City a�n�r�l El�ati+oo�r► 2rld o�n Tw�d,yr, April 25, 19T�, oop�r �oP whic�h oaa�as� is h�r�to sttaah�d aa�d aad� a part h�rrat'f rad 1►1�r�aa, It apps+Rr� trc►m aaid reLurns aad th� Q�rnra�s th�r�o� t2sat th� tollo�►iag aam.d p�rsona reoei�sd mor� vat�� �a a�,y othir saadidat� or p�r�on Por �l�etio� tcr !�2� tollo�riag �d ottia�• ia th� Cit� at 8t. Pwl t I�AYOR I+arry Oorirn �R aF BOARD OF E�DIIt�ATI4x Fc�r tl� T�ra a�' Fonr Yiar� Rob�r� D, Lrp�r� wiii�� �.�u.� 1+��ER Q' H4ARD Q�P' EDIIt3AT I0� For tl� tTa�spir�d T�r� ot ?xo Yiar�a a�org� La�i�r � J�$ � MUI��L 4 I 1'AL: tI DIIRT OF 8T.PAIIL, Otf i o� t o �►hieh 1E.The��a� Br�n�an tta� aDDo�y►t�d �. 1'he�►a� Br�ana� , GtOII�CI7.lY1�$ Ro�ali� H�tl�r Viotor J. T�d��Oo L�ona►r�d W., t Iwn 3 L�rria� Ruby H'unt �il l l�oaepat ski Rob�r� F. �Bob) BpraPka D�4n M�r�dith JU3T I�B OF '�HE PEACE A T I.AR(i�E �. F. F�r�a aaa wiliia�a (��illj D:y,�.1,�r COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19-. Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Apprnve� 19— Le°'ne Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r . ro0AlT1At, Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� � � � 2�8� ,�,�„n,�.�,� ;�� � � � �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL N� - �~ • %F ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '` �� � �`� � ��UNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � PRBENTED iY / , COMMISSIONE Are � coxs�� �,T a$ � H��dia� . Fi�a2�ri Darr�ll . �Deui) So�Ott JO'�T ICB OF TH� P�AGS••6'�' 1�TARD Aa�oa� S. Kiala�lN � �� t�]�STABLS•6TB WARD /I, BarrT t7ro�b� l � JtJSTIQS OF T� P�A�-1f�R'� 1►lI 11TH i�iARD8 ?hawaa J. ]�arh , T�r�tor�, .B� It �e�olrt�d, T�at �ash o�t th�r laa�goi,na p�raaoa b� arid ?� ia l�r�by d�o� �l�o���l to th� ��p�oti�� ottia�• as d�aignat�d abov�, aa�d tl� Qi�T �r ia har�bT iaatruvt�d aad dir�0��d to notitT tL�t o! Cl�ir �1�s1�i �o ���us and d�li��r to �h�� prop�r o��itioat�• o! �l�otioa. � � � � l FI , � ;, ; ��: �� �' �. %/ � �� � � � ��� ' " ,; � /' ' , APR a 8 �s72 COUNCILMEN f Adopted by the Co��cil 19� � Yeas Nays Butler ' 1 �'� � ,6 a�rov�. MAY i9` Levine T� Favor Meredith � Sprafka �� A gainat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty � ��