258380 Or[�Insl to City Clerk �' ORDINANCE g � . 25 38 ,, COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � �� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM UF MRS. ANN MAROSE AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAULa THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Section l. That the proger Citq officers are herebq authorizad and directed to paq out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to Mrs. Ann Marose, the sum of $200.00 ia full settlement of h�r clai.m for damages snd ia�uries austained by reason of a �all in a hole in the atreet at or aear 370 Fuller, Saiat Pau1 Minne�ota on April 17, 197�. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid. to the said claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in fu11 to the Citq, in a form to be approved by tha Corporatioa Couasel, for aL1. damagea and in�uries sustained in. the �aer aforesaid. Sectioa 3. That thia nrdinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passag,e, a}�proeal and publication. MAY 16 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � � Conway Tn Favor Levine Meredith � �` Against Sprafka ��-- �y i61� Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• At � Ci Clerk �� Form approved �orporation Counsel By �._ PU�LISHED MAY 2 0197� nvy�.s.t�r�t.� '�� � . ORDINANCE 2�8�5(l �: • COUNCIL fILE NO ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � V A�1 OBDIAAi�CB S�'iZLNG 1'BE CZ.AIM OP MBS. AI�I 1�lAS�OB= AG�1IIiS! ?8E CI'Pi OF SADT� PdOL !HB COD�ICIL Q�F TBE CA? OF SAI1fT PAi� DOBS t�11Di= _ Saction 1. T1ut tlu prnpsr City affiwss an hersb� aath�oris�d aad disect�d: to ps�► ovL of the =ort Lisbilit� Tmd 003S-i20, to , Krs. ATm Marbra, ttu sv� of $�OO.DU ia ltill settlN�tt of �er clsia for da�sgea j�d in�rorries snst,siaed by r�t�o�a of s fall in a l�ols in the straei� at or near 370 Fn]l�r� Sslat Pael Hiasssota on Apsil 17. 19!72. Sectioo 2. 2hat sisid �t� shall ba paid �o the said clai�a�t�t � her +t�cak��tioa snd delivary of a relsas� ta fn1l ta ths Cit�r in a fors ta b� approved by tb� Corporstim� Co�a�l., !ar all dassges and inj�riea �nstained in ths �anner aforssaid. Seatiala 3. �hat thia ordinaa�e sha11 take effect a�td bs in force thist�! daya after i�s panagss 3PP=oval an�l p�blicati�n. � 111AA1 i 61�� ; Yeae Councilmen ' Nays Paseed by the Coun�;t Butler �e�- Con�ra�r Levine —In Favor i Meredith � � � �p� j a Againet ; �°`''�- MAY � 6 1972 � Mr. Preaident (McCarty) APProved: Att,est: . City Clerk �,' Mayor �� Form a�prnl�ed Corporat�on �ouneel$Y ._ .. � ,;n�.. ; Ist �� -', � 2nd � � �laid over to � � �3rd and app _�4dopted Yeas Nays ' eas Nays Butler �utler Carison 258 `�r 38Q �.� . Levine �evine ..,� Meredith � `"lvleredith ti Sprafka Sprafka � ` Tedesco l�desco.� �/ Mr. Presiden+ McCarty ,�; Mr. President McCarFy O