258379 o�����e� - . 2583`79 . ORDINANCE - ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO d AN ORDINANCE SETTLTNG THE CLAIM OF MRS. E. ODLAND A(�NST THE CITY 0� SAINT PAUL. THE COUIdCIL OF THE CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL DOES ORDAIl�I: . Section 1. �hat the p�oper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to Mrs. E. Odland, the sum of $100.00 in full sett].ement of her claim of damages sustained on or about August 6, 1971 as more particularlq aet out in a comnunicatioa to the City Council on Auguat 10, 1971. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon her execution and delivery � a relea.se in full to the Citq, in a form to be approved bq the Corporatina Counsel, for all damagea austained ia the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be ia force thirty daye after its passage, approval and publicatic+n. MAY 16 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � C�� �O��p � In Favor Levine Meredith G � Against Sprafka � MAY 16 1912 Mr. President (McCarty) Approved. A t• Ci Clerk Mayor �� �,,� Form approved CorpQration Counsel By �����6�ai PU�LI�HE,D MAY 2 01972 �arl�a t.� , - � . ., ���� , ORDINANCE ' COUNCfI FIIE NO PRESE�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO �`� � AA O�DINA�tCE SE'1'rLlliG T8E CI.AIK OF MBS. E. �D �- A�? '1'B8 CTi? OP S�Ai�T !A� SHB t�CII. OF TH8 CTPi OF &AII�'P PI►ttL DE)BS A�IAINt Saetion l. That the p=oper Citp officer4 aze heses�y sathosised aad d�reeted to psy out of th� Tort Li,eebilit� �d �3S-+t20, to Mra. B. Odl�id, tha sum of $l00.00 ia fnll aattla�ewt of �as clsiti of daa�ages sast�i�ed oa or abc�t Auga�st 6, 1971 as aore pss'tiaulas2y set oat ia a '�o�saunicatiaa to the Cit� Co�rtil aa Sn�nst 10, 1971. S�ctia0 2. T�at qid sma s'h�ll be paid �o the said e].ai�ant n�oa hes ��stsaa and deli�► � a r4laass 3s tnil ta the Ci�s � ia a iosa to be approvad b�► t�a Corporat3�aa Ce�mssl, fas s11 da�asa sv.taiu�d in the �agner slos�ssid. SKt� 3. ?hat Ehis ordinaus �hs21 talct �ff�et sad be i= #orca t�st�► da�rs sftar its pa�sag�, appro�al a� prbli�eati�. . � � . , / �( � I st ` � U . 2nd � ` Laid over to - ,� � 3rd and app n —Adopted Yeas Nays as Nays Bu+ler Butler Carlson \ �ariso� � Levine ��R� Yevine v � Meredith ��eredith , V Sprefka 'Sprafka Tedesco ''� Iedesco_ ` / �� v Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty �O