258339 • . � _ -� � 2�8�C39 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. Resolution Approving Assessment By— and Fixing Time of Heaxing Thereon � In the matter of the a�sessment of beaefits, cost aad exp�ases fmr ccrostraction or re- cotistr�ctivn of si,deniks aad work is�cideatal tbereta: C��traat 7�-1�05�0, Levy No. 17, District l�a. 1, L1SS$S SA�LS: F.O. #248143 - Bo.jT�lilder St., east side frc3a Carroll Ave. to Merriaa Lane. F.O. #248144 - St. Anthony Ave., s�reth side fr� �1. Wilder St. to �T. Clevelaad Ave. POH-A�SSSSABLB: . F.O. #248Y43 - Ho.', Wilder St., east side fro� Carrcll A�e, to��e�ri� L+�ne. F.�. #24a144 - St.� Autho�y Ave., soath side fro� �. Wilder �t. te �f. G7.evela�d Ave. rtrn�+et�Pn�lim�$rdeY--- -------- ---- - ,apprcr�red----- -----__..,...;...._��..•�-------- -- -;- �ntermediatT-8releY�---•----------------•----;apprcnrer}------•------- ----...��..------;--- F!!!$��8!'l�Clr�.�������..��..��������� ���� � �.flL}��rOi�Pf�-..� ���� � �����������������..����..��w The assessment af benefits, ceat aad eap�ases for and in connection with the above improvement having been aubmitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same � and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVE�D FURTHER, Tha.t a public heaxing be had an sa.id assessment on the 24t� day of �X,� 1972 , , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, atating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve�ent, and the amount asseased against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNGILMEN APR $6 y972 Yea.s BUTL.�� Nays CON�: Adopted by the Gouncil LEVIt;!= � =-�.���� APR a? 1972 $PR��,; !<A Ap ve � - Mr. Vice Presi ent Meredith In Favor ayor �� Against PUBLISHED APR 2 9 �97�i Form R-2 2M 19-63 Sa�,