258312 OrS�tnsl to City Clsrk � �� � RDINANCE 25���� �- . ; . � ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO '�� �R U AN ORDTiNANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE ATIR INVESTMENT COMPANY� 3647 MCKINLEY STREET NORTH- EAST� MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55418� TO MAINTAIN TWO STAIIRWAYS AT �264 and 1286 HAZELWOOD STREET� SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECtion l. Tha.t permission and authority are hereby granted to Atir Investment Company� 3647 McKinley Street Northeast� Minneapolis, Minnesota� 55418� its successors and assigns, to ma.intain two stairways on Hazelwood Street between Maryland Avenue and Ivy Avenue to serve as access to its properties located at 1264 and 1286 Hazelwood Street� Saint Paul. Section 2. That the Cominissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permi.t� to the Atir Investment Company for the maintena.nce of said stairways� subject to the following terms and conditions: n,., a. That said permittee shall pa.y the cost of publication of this ordina.nce and a11 resolutions passed in rela- tion to said ordina.nce; __ _. � _. _ b. Tha.t sai�l permittee shall pay the cost of administra- tion� engineering and inspection incurred by the Departmei�t of Public Works because of this undertaking; said cosi�s to be no greater than a sum of $200.00� to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number E-1093; c. That saic� permittee shall furnish to the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of tihis Project or incidental to its execution including� but not limited to, "as built" plans and profiles and tracings; d. Tha.t the �City Council hereby expressly reserves the right to revoke this permit whenever the permittee or its successor in interest is in default, or whenever� in said Council�s opinion, the public interest will be served by such revocation; and that whenever the City Council sha.11 so order� said permittee or its successor in interest sha.11� at its own expensea Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson I Levine Tn Favor Meredith ' Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk A yor Form approved Corporation Eounsel By . . . . _ . ' ������ 2. remove said stairways or part thereof, from the public boulevard and sha.11 restore said boulevard to its original condition as represented by and in accordance with the grades, slopes and/or cross sections established for stations 6+50 through 9+90 in the Plans and Specifications for the grading and surfacing of Hazelwood Street on file in the Depart- ment of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project No. 67-G-1731A; e. Tha.t said permittee shall, during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, dama.ged or which may be dama.ged due to the operation, maintena.nce, removal or presence of said stairways or the regrading of said boulevard; f. Tha.t said permittee or its successor in interest sha.11 take out and maintain during the period of this permit and while said stairways are located in said public street, a comprehensive protective pub- lic liability insurance tha.t sha.11 fully indemnify, hold ha.rmless, and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agent�, officers and employees from any and all dama.ges, claims, losses, judgments, suits or ex- penses on account of' all claims of wha.tever nature arising out of or connected with the construction, ma.intenance, operation and presence or removal of said stairways or the regrading of said boulevard; g. The liability insurance sha.11 be issued by an insur- ance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and the premium and all expenses incidental thereto sha.11 be paid promptly by the permittee initially and on renewal. Before the expiration, said permittee sha.11 deposit with the City of Saint Paul a n�w certificate to replace any expiring in- surance. The permittee and the City shall be named joint insured in an amount of not less tha.n the fol- lowing coverage: Bodily injury insurance (including death) in an amount of not less than $100,000.00 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or � death of one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in a total amount of not _ ha.n $300 000.00 on account of any one accid�nt. ro'�'pe�rty 3ama. e insurance in an amount of not less tha.n �SO 000.00 for all damages to or destructiori o�property in any one accident. � TTie c�verage shall automa.tically be restored immed- iately after the occurrence of any accident or loss from which liability ma.y thereafter accrue and the City of Saint Paul sha.11 be notified 10 days in advance oif the cancellation of the insurance coverage by the issuing company; Oiislnal to City Clerk :�� � �: : , . �- O� RDINANCE 25��1� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO- ��--�� `�d 3. h. Tha.t said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul i�r�. tY�.e --s�m of Five Thousand Dollars ($5�000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordina.nce� said bond to remain in full force and effect while this permit is in effect; i. That said perm:i.ttee shall submit the necessary bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works within thirty (30) da.ys from and after passage of this ordinance. The Office Engineer sha.11 submit said documents to the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul for review and, if said bond and insurance are suf- ficient said documents shall be filed with the Office �f the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; j . Tha.t sa}'d permittee shall� within thirty (30) days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all �he provisions, terms and conditions herein� with the City Clerk. Section 3. Tha.t this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. MAY 10 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �_ C�-t>zs.tr-z---c � Levine I —In Favor Meredith � �� Sprafka ` Againat T���° I�AY 10 197� Mr. President (McCarty) A� rov A t: tg erk ayor �� Form approved Corporation �o}���� $ PUBLI�HED lyl 1 PUBLI3HED MAY 319T� . , � D�f�f�Pri�tu ,I . -� _ � � RDI . , . . N A N C E 258�1� � , COUNCIL RLE NO � d t-�— PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �U � C8A1Rt�lIMC Fl��I+E�l1 !0 S1� �TIg t�!'PA�1!', 3647 Mt�I�il� S'!'�? � E�3?� & �lk 5:3d�1:$, Zat� !lAI�TA� 1� 2�� J1S ��A► a� l��i ttttZ�i�! �� S�A�1�T AaL. 1"RB t!F t�L C�Z'! E� S►AII/t F�. 1�S ��� S�cti�rs 1. That p�and on a�d �.horit� sre � � to At�r I�stair� �4T �c�3.al+t�r S�.s+sert * l�ta�spolis, , SS� g �,ts a��uta�s aad a�si�s, tie ��f�al.a t�ro staisyoa�rs �s i�od Strset bttwes �tat�1� A�e. a�i I Avr�a�e ta s�x�e a�qa to its pFrap�xt�s 1+a�catiw� at 12f4�a�d l.2Bi Sessl�rve�l a , Sei�att Pa�sl. S�ti� 2. t�►fi'"t�t s�v�rt of A�lic il�tks ia � a�sis�d � ��a#s� ts � Atir �ta�� C o��� foac �e r�.�uap��ce � , :a�b►�s�t ta tb� �+�11or�a� te�s amd co�it3�ts a. Tt�at t� aLall pap t't� e�t � �l�.cat�.a� ef �iis +�d a1I risol�ta�s psss+d f.a r+�1�• t�n to araid ardi�mce= . , �e �i.ttier► t�all pay tbrr co�st of �rd�d.nist�aa- tie� aa�d ia�p�tiara i�wr�d b�r t�s �a���lic � 'b�cao�ar� o� t.hts uu�� to be ao �at�s !�a a s� of $2�.�, to � tis faar��md�s �apast�t +� Publi� � � Psnj�t �c B-34g�� c. Tbat �p tt�s �all �h ta t� 'l�rp�rts�t : af Pt�bl c ti4� all doc,v�w��ar t� rsca�d tl�et ss+ie a p af �is P�,�arc.t or #a�c.ida�tal ta its �tie� 3�1� . b�t ast li�lted to, "as built" pl�s � � � �oed tr�cf�s; d. Z'�rt Git�r �i1 �S�rtb�r sx�cr�=sl�r rr��r fi�s ri,�1�. ' r�rrv�cs tb�,s p�r�f� ti� t�e pes�ltt�wr +anr fts in ��t is in �rfio�l�, o�r r�rs,� � sr�d �vma�i�l h �� �d��t�at��ie G�:tj► � s�all � asdtr, ,�a#.d psra�tte� or �.�s ' in f�t�s+�st a�a11, at ita� o�t a�s, i Yea� Councilmen ;Nays Paased by the Coun�;� , Butler �gOn Tn Favor Levine Meredith � �n� .. -- ro0A;11Yt . . . , 2� Tedesco Mr. President (Mc a Apprnv�i: ' Attest: � City Clerk �syor �� Form approved rporat�o� Counsel By _. �. . w.__ . I . . F . _ , .. i -� . - - - � � �����.� 2. remove said stairways or part thereof, from the public boulevard and shall restore said boulevard to its origina.l condition as represented by and in accordance with the grades, slopes and/or cross sections established for stations 6+50 through 9+90 in the Plans and Specifications for the grading and surfacing of Hazelwood Street on file in the Depart- . ment of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project No. 67-G-1731A; e. That said permittee sha.11, during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the operation, ma.intena.nce, removal or presence of said stairways or the regrading of said boulevard; � f. That said permittee or its successor in interest sha.11 take out and maintain during the period of this permit and while said stairways are located in said public street, a comprehensive protective pub- lic liability insurance tha.t shall fully indemnify, hold ha.rmless, and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or ex- penses on account of a11 claims of whatever nature arising out of or connected with the construction, ma.intenance, operation and presence or removal of said stairways or the regrading of said boulevard; g. The liability insurance shall be issued by an insur- ance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and the premzum and a11 expenses incidental thereto shall be paid promptly by the permittee initially and on renewal. Before �he expiration, said permittee sha.11 deposit with the City of Saint Pau1 a new certificate to replace any expiring in- surance. The permittee and the City sh.all be named joint insured in an amount of not less than the fol- lowing coverage: Bodily injury insurance (including death) in an amount of not less than $100,000.00 for a11 damages arising out of bodily njur'ies to or death of one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in a total amount of not less than $300,000.00 on account of any one accident. �roperty�camage insurance in an amount of not less than $SO 000.00 for aIl damages to or destruction o�property in any one accident. The cov¢rage shall automatically be restored immed- iately after the occurrence of any accident or loss from which liability ma.y thereafter accrue and the City of Saint Paul shall be notzfied 10 days in advance of the cancellation of the insurance coverage by the issuing company; , t � Deplieab to Print�r „ � � � �� 2�8�1� � • � - � � RDINAN � E ♦ y� • � COUNCIL FILE NO PRES�IT� BY ORDINANCE NO � a ; ! 3• b. T'l�et d tt�s �all f� a bs�d to► t� �Y �ga�l i� tbe �a of l�.we T!�am�and Do�, {�3,�t�40.40) coo�dit�ot� t�► �.�r �d,th aa.l G��e �f th�,s , aEid� � �.a �ti f�res amd effect� �iI# �s �es�d.�t ' is iu ect; #.. ?hat pas�itts� �11 aa�dt t�t nec��► � �►� d�ts� to t��t 4f€ic�e E� t�f #.�e t a�f PubrliE i�orl�s �r�.t�int tl�irt�► ��� €�+a a� aft�tr p�as � this �di��t. 3� t� ic� B�i�r s�ell s�t s�#� doc,�t�t t,� t� va C�a�asl +a# t�e Cit�► �►# Sa�t� Pao�l _ � r �.�u�dd , �.€ s�aid s�.l b�iA � aar�r sof-� il�wd �Et� tbre ttffic�e tlr Ca■�trallaz of t� d.t�► +�f Sn#$t Pao�,� j. Z'4�nt d �es�.tte�t s�s�.l, �rithi� �this�t� ��� � fs�a aftsr t.�tp o#� t�ris or�#�c�, ## �e �n�itt�n ts�c�tt t�, s�p�,ficall ' to a11 ps�r3.si�ts, t�es*s � co�d�.t� �rith City EI�. S�,etfoa� 3. � T'�at �ia �.i t,akMe s�f�ct a�d bt #aa fv�res tbist�► {30� e� fz�oa af'�r its �ass�ts al�p�c'a�1 a�d P�rlica�. � i � � ; ; ' ; . ; , MAY i 0 1972 Yeas Couacilmen �Tays Paseed by the Council , Butler �oa-- i ��e n Favor ' Meredith a } T� �,y , �� � Mr. Pre,sident (MaCarty ' APProved: ' Atteet: � City Clerk �yor � �� ' ` • �'orm approv� rporat�on �ouaeel By ; � i � � �: , RES PAU ED DEPT. OF P�B�� WORKS A� (VIaY 41973 p6 7�g�9il0illi]2i1i2i3i4i5i � 1S� 197� � Saiut Paul, Minne�ota To th� Honorable� the City Council 3aint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen & Madam: We� the undersi�ned, do hereby aecept and agree to abide by all the terms aud conditions of Cotineil File No, 258312, being Ordinaace No. 15090� adopted by the Council on May 10� 1972. ATIR INVES�NT C�OMPANY BY Received in City Clerk'e Offic� - 5-7-73 !/'4; r1�"'.� / / _,.. `i") � � ✓ �� -/,+. ' s ,�� ,`s. 1..�° -.� � T�9�y 1?y I.>72 i;��r Ta�v�s w�ne:nt �;�?ar,}���za;,r ���� 1"Sl"ei:J111��r il ii�S db t la• . �i.�2iaf':a'+?u;z.j.�y ,��i.X'a.YIET„�'- �a;l �:"4 :s.,.t��. �ti i C: t.�t.�.�.:�.;:e`:? �:+, �y1,•;( C . �.s"'�.A�.T"! '�t"y.��� :.'v�}s t.�4 #�' S' . i�..'�.���}.� . '":�,;. � x ...:S.w���.1,:.?.t k °'"{) , ....,.l�"....c M:^�J 3?a°A s?'T�`�r�;r, r^.i,��� d'_e.�'.L3`���4 YL;`.:e ._ ,rt::` . ci.>:�w?i.t .'',�ti .i`i":. °� '.'�� n�:':r J..:..1_.L .'�.,� "i..i� PaF,'ti:i:l C3�' , � , . ,. ,'��, � v� ;�1�6� , .�..� ,.e� �� -�-.,1. .�,.�'. �,_�.s. ,1.;" ' °_ �� , . . v �'iE' CS'�.Z. ),..C�3.�.:L' ')r:C'��x,�,. "��i�`Gii�`ilr,.i�� .�,.,� r ,,.. "s3: . f`���Cl � �D;.' :3t3r`��.'J3;i %�� ::.i;.I.:�I �C :=+��.,��,7"" ,n ,. _. .�.� _, r,+� �. ��rac? .:�.n t:;t�� �.m:at�n� �,,°��.;.-��.< ..,. ,. � .s.;i...z,:; Qa ;�.:1 `cl.CC��?'�',k�'.�C:r;� ":?i �;�:�� '�r"1',i1.^"a :.3t' i" 1� :;t �.;;;"I"i ' �'• �� �.c:c�ptance mus� i�e r i�,ka� :.�.� ���;%.s c�l f'�ce 9 :3 � _ iut�ot� F,'�c�ry �.itWr "?�.1�., �.�2�h�.rs -,� c�:°rjr;::e :�.:�' z��>t �4 file.��, the c�r<��.n�:r�c� �aec;�um�� vo�d. �.�f:l'a'' i��"�"�,xr ;y�K3LIY';' City vlerk z1Es .I st �� 2nd �/L ' •Laid over to 3rd and app. � —Adopted '`/O Yeas Nays s Nays Butler ����� utler Carlson C_°.�—y�� Levine evine Meredith �. Meredith Sprafka � �Sprafka J Tedesco �edesco Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarFy 55