258311 258�1� c��u Fue xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City ot 8eint Psul�vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Gordon Ave. from Ludlow Ave. to .........._..............•---.....____.......-•-•---•..._...---........_...........................................-•-------................................_....._....---................._.... Hillside Ave:_;_on .the north side of Gordon Ave. from Langford..Park_.to.Hillside Ave. .....and..�zn..xhe.soa�th..sirie..n�f..B�.ake..Aue.....frnm..I.aa.gfnxd..P.axk._xn..Ludlaw...Ax�....aaad..xi�t--daiug. all,.other,work which„is.,necessary,,,and,incidental„to�com,plete_,said_.improvement:_._. Dated thie......25th........day o4.............Agr31........�.�,. .. .._........... 1� 7.2... . .:!?�.�!S!J�C.�:�Le:t'•�»•`•�_`'°•`:...... ......... ... ............... _..... -- - --...._ ...... � (i' Counoilmsn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the msking of the following improvement, vis.: .....r��4m���u��..S��..��.d�taa.].k,.an...tt�..smuzh.�ide..af..Gn�don..A.vs....fz�tm..Lud.J.aw..P�.v�....�.Q........._ _.Hillside Ave:.?..on.the north side of Gordon Ave. from Langford.Park_to.Iiillside..Ave. .... .................•----------•--......._............_............................ and on the south side of Blake Ave. from Lan�ford_Park to Ludlow Ave. and by .doin� _...................•----.._........_._._...••-......__..................___........_....------......... _..................-----•-••---•--•._.......------•---- _ all other work which is necessarq and incidental to complete said im�rovement:. M ..............................................•-••---..........-----•-•---•-----......-----.........----...----••----•---------•---....._..__....---•-.. 6aving been presented to the �Council of the City of Saint Pau➢...--•-------------------------------•--------------.......---•--.........._........_. Q6erefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvament. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To state whether or noi�eaid improv�ment ie aekedl iEor o� +the petitio� of lthree �ar more, owner�. 5. To report upon all of �t�e �toregoing mattea�e to the �mmieeioner of Finanoa. At'tt 2 5 1972 Adopted by the e:ouneil..............•---..._...........................--•------..........._..._.. Yswe Counc i lman But�er AP R 2? 1972 Conway �1� �PWrovecfl............... ..•._....._.._...__......---•---.._.....__..__......_... Levine Meredith Sprafka Tedesco ........................_.... ._.......----- -••- _..._...._..._.....__. Mr. President McCarty Meyor. �000 �-as � i � PUBLISHED APR 2 91972