02-43Council File # ��3
Presented by
Referred To
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul, AFSCME Local #2508 (Clerical) and
AFSCME Local #1842 (Technical) to extend the 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of
the Division of Information Services (IS), the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public
Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by
AFSCME Locals #2508 and #1842. These Memorandums of Agreement extend the pilot project through
the end of 2002.
Requested by Department o£
Office of Human Resources
Green Sheet #_106862_
LABOR RELATIONS December 28, 2001 '
actzorr xE4iJES-rEn: Approval of attached Memorandums of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul, AFSCME
Local #2508 (Clerical) and AFSCME Local #1842 (Technical) to extend the 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for
those employees of the Division of Informafion Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS),
and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented
by AFSCME Locals #2508 and #1842. These Memoranduxns of Agreement e�end the pilot project through the
end of 2002.
_PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION I. Aas tftis petsonlficm ever wocked wder a contract for ti»s depaztrnenL
STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
SUPPORTS WHICH COt7NCIL OBJECT[VE? 3. Does rhis person/fi�m possess a skdl not nortnalty possessed by any current c�ty employee?
Yes No
Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Existing pilot project expires December 31, 2001. A revised project and/or agreement is in process, but is not yet
ready for implementation. This Memorandum of Agreement extends the original pilot project until a new pzoject
agreement is established.
Continuation of existing pilot project untii a new plan is established.
Existing pilot project expires without a replacement. Advantages gained with pilot project disappeaz. May lead to
loss of IS staff.
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AF'L-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paui Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME I.oca12508.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreemeni and/or pilot project is estabiished by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1948 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employment modified by said agreement
will revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or conuact language as existed prior to
said agreement.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
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Business Representative
Locai Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
Memorandum ofAgreement
In accordance with Civi( Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pi]ot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (Ciry) and Local Union 2508, D�strict Council 14, ofthe American
Fe� eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca12508) hesehy state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot �ro�ect described in the attached document enutled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and c �e t �ater Util ry, or Pubi c Health whose
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS),
positions have been allocated to the TS 7ob Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Local 2508. Also, AFSCME Local 2508 and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of t}us pilot pro�ect:
1 � ncumbents w o ha e demonstrated the iequa ed c petenc es and esp ibilit es of a higher
level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion El4gible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family posiUOn vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certtfied to the appointmg authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinung
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
�� incumbents to the IS 7ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their posrtions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees Yo enter an
examination on a promotion basis aftes serving not less than one year as a ceRified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least ] 040 hours in such dassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, oniy
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the
attached pilotproject document.
5 � assig ed IS Job Fam ly leve e thou g the i fo classmnow included n the new IS 3ob Wiy
Family level has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
senionty I�stmg of IS incumbents reallocated to higher leveis in the IS Job Family System on the
same date to be deternvned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City
6 � p�peaS IS ob Family�p o� odon nsr I Et ad the appeals procedure ou lined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7, Section F.1.(b) of the oais em ijo eesan�os tions al o to the IS Job Family levels
salary, shall not app y F Y P
in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained witlun the pi ot
project document shail be foilowed. The applicable step mcreases therein may be granted m the
the Salary Plan and RaFes of Compensation ll nt nue apply for suc h ISeemploy es fined in
o�- �C'3
. •
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Locai 2508, who as a result of init�al �mplementation
of this pilot pro'ect aze promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Bmpioyees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professiona! Employees Association, Ina (PEA) or the Saurt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 3ob FamiIy level segsesentad by
AFSCME Local 2508, that coaesponds with their previouslY held classification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that this stiputation also applies to any employees
represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are promoted to pos�UOns represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement sha]] not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
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Labor Relat�ons Direct r
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME L.ocal 2508. .
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
ancUor piiot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employment modified by said agreement
witl revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
�c� �Z�•--/ \
Business Representative
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
y � 1998
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil 3ervice Rule 8.A.6, governing 2he implementation of Human Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and Local Union 2508, D�strict Council 14, of the American
Fe�er ation of State, County and Mutucipai Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca12308) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot �roject described m the attached document entitled
h�e stipulations con a n d theresn h t affect erms�and cond t�ons of employmem hall ap plyt i�hose
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Uti�ty, or Public �ieaith whose
pos�tions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Loca12508 and the City also agree to the use of the followuig Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Realiocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of
level IS Job Fami3y poa t on for sixdmonthsor moremPetencies and responsibilities of a higher
2 o�the fii ng of 7 b Fam�y on vacancies.� Only the topnlue epromotion el g bles plus
ties will be cert�fied to the appomnng authonty. The top three eligibles from the apQointmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
Civii Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to the IS 3ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classtfications to which their positions had been previously
A. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall ailow employees to enter an
examination on a promot�on basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
fo e ams used o elig bles for a in t e 3ob Family Sy sem ou� ned n� he
attached pilotproject document.
g, C:w•it Ser.�ice Rule 22 (Lay Off) sha11 allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family leve] even though thetr former class, now included in the new IS 7ob
Family level, has not been formaily abolished. Also, Civii Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
same da to tie determined hy the to l e of �ontinu �service In all cla sified C ty on the
6 � app as of IS ob Famil o� ot on examinationsr I E ead the appeals procedure ou Uned in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
�� ala�� hall not a f the o IS e p sa pos tions ai oc to he IS Job Family levels�defined
in the attached pilo�pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wrtivn the �iSot
project document shall be fol]owed. The applicable step mereases therein may be granted m the
� the Salary Plan and Ra�es of Compensation nt nue t apply for suc h IS employ es fined m
oa -y�
� �
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Watet Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a Tesult of inival implementation
of this pilot pro ect are promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saznt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Fazsvly level represented by
AFSCME Loca12508, that coaesponds with their previouslY held classification, and exercise applicabie
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that this st�pulation also appiies to any employees
represented by P,FSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are promoted to pos�tions represented by AFSCME
Locai 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finaliy, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shal] not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
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man Resources Director
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Local Union 2508
P,FSCME, District Cauncii 14
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Lab or Re�ations Direct r
Busi ess Re ese ativ
Loca nio 508 '
AFS , stric Council 14
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFLrCIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agee to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Informafion Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Aealth whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Local 1842. ,
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and condiuons of employment modified by said agre�ment
will revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
� Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� �.� C� ���;�..
Hu an Resources Director President
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
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Labor Relations Director 0 / Business Representative
+ Local Union 1842
� AFSCME, District Councii 14
0 �.. _'{ �
; �
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of F3uman Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, Distria Counci3 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sha11 apply to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Util�ry, or Public Health whose
positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family ]evels designated therein as represenied by AFSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the C�ty also agree to the use of the following Civii
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot gro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall alIow for the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
leveJ IS Job Family position for six months or mote.
2. Civil Service Rule S.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family pos�non vacancies. Only the top ttiree promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appomting authority. The top three eligibies from the appointmg
division, the Department ofTechnology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles} sha11 allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to ihe IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that
were designated ta replace the �ob classifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promot�on basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacanc�es in the IS Job Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay 0f3) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family jevei even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job
Family level, has not been formaUy abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
seniority listing of incumbents reailocated to higher leveis in the IS 3ob Family Sysiem on the
same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in all classified C�ty
6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outiined in the
attached pilot project document witl be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Satary Plan aad Rates of Compensation governing advancement in
salary, shatl not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wit}un the pilot
proiect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted m the
• time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five yeaz step increases as defined in
the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensat�on shall continue to apply for such employees subject to
the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
' ` Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
c]assifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation
of this pilot project are promoted to positions m Job Family level5 represented by the Professional
Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saint Paul Superv�sors Organization (SPSO), shali be able to
reduce to the Job Family level represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds with their
previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority rights. It is also undersiood
that this stipulation also applies to any employees represented by AFSCME Locai 1842, who have
appealed their initial position ailocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze
promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO.
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Ageement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
�1c `l�,
an Aesources Director
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Labor Relations Director
F:�tiSERS'�,FiRCO\f 6f0?�^SHOC}:LE]^3 WPROIEC. WPD
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Local Union 1842
�'iFSCiviL-, Disirici Councii 14
Busine Repre ntati
Local nion 18 2
AFSCME, District Council 14
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the Ciry of Saint Paul (Ciry) and I.ocal Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (LS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocaYed to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Iacal 1842. ,
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, ihe parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employznent modified by said agreement
wili revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
� Finaliy, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� �.�,: � ��.,
Hu an Resources Director President
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
4. � �� ,
Business Representative
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, Distxict Council 14
0 �-�t�
't �
Memorandum ofAgreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule S.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resowces pilot
pro ects, the Ciry of Saint Paui (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFZ-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot,pro�ect described in the attached document entitled
City of Saint Paui Information Sernces Reorgazuzanon and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein ihat affect terms and canditions of employment shai� apply to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utihty, or Public Health whose
posit�ons have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therem as represented by P,FSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the adminisuation of t}us pilot project:
1. Civii Service Rufe B.AZ (Realiocation) shall ailow for the non-competitive pzomotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the tequired competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filting Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the fiiling of IS 3ob Fam�ly posinon vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appomting authority. The top three elig�bles from the appointmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to the IS Iob Family Levets outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a gromotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shalt be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacanc�es in the IS 3ob Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'� shali ailow empioyees to maintain class seniority In their newly
assigned IS Joh Family level even though their former class, now inctuded in the new IS Job
Fam�ly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Serv"sce Rule 22 shall allow the class
senionty ]tsung of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family Sqsiem on the
same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in ai1 cfassified Gty
6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Ezaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS 3ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeais procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document wiii be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in
salary, shall not apply to employees m positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot
proiect document shall be foilowed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted m the
• t�me frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined in
the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat�on sha1S continue to apply for such employees subject to
the time frame lurutations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Y � Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affeaed IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation
of this pilot project are promoted to positions m Job Family levels represented by the Professional
Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saint Paul Supernsors Organization (SPSO), shal] be abie to
reduce to the Job Family level represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds wrth their
previously held ciassification, and exercise applicable contractual semority ri�hts. It is also understood
that t}us stipulation also applies to any empioyees re�resented by AFSCME �ocal 1842, who have
appealed their initial position aliocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are
promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO.
Fina]]y, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shali not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
��� `l�„
an Resources Director
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Labor Relations Director
��-�.., C.� ' ►�.�i,�T
Local Union 1842
AFSCi�ff., District Councii 1«
Busine Repre ntati
Local nion 18 2
AFSCME, District Council 14
S _
D � --.-+
Z �, �'t
�"i ,'
N c: ._
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Council File # ��3
Presented by
Referred To
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul, AFSCME Local #2508 (Clerical) and
AFSCME Local #1842 (Technical) to extend the 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of
the Division of Information Services (IS), the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public
Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by
AFSCME Locals #2508 and #1842. These Memorandums of Agreement extend the pilot project through
the end of 2002.
Requested by Department o£
Office of Human Resources
Green Sheet #_106862_
LABOR RELATIONS December 28, 2001 '
actzorr xE4iJES-rEn: Approval of attached Memorandums of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul, AFSCME
Local #2508 (Clerical) and AFSCME Local #1842 (Technical) to extend the 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for
those employees of the Division of Informafion Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS),
and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented
by AFSCME Locals #2508 and #1842. These Memoranduxns of Agreement e�end the pilot project through the
end of 2002.
_PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION I. Aas tftis petsonlficm ever wocked wder a contract for ti»s depaztrnenL
STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
SUPPORTS WHICH COt7NCIL OBJECT[VE? 3. Does rhis person/fi�m possess a skdl not nortnalty possessed by any current c�ty employee?
Yes No
Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Existing pilot project expires December 31, 2001. A revised project and/or agreement is in process, but is not yet
ready for implementation. This Memorandum of Agreement extends the original pilot project until a new pzoject
agreement is established.
Continuation of existing pilot project untii a new plan is established.
Existing pilot project expires without a replacement. Advantages gained with pilot project disappeaz. May lead to
loss of IS staff.
�kt^;� �S��utC� gfl 2�
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AF'L-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paui Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME I.oca12508.
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreemeni and/or pilot project is estabiished by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1948 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employment modified by said agreement
will revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or conuact language as existed prior to
said agreement.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� ,,. .. ,.��..,.
- . � - .
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
f� � � c�`-.'� '
Business Representative
Locai Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
Memorandum ofAgreement
In accordance with Civi( Service Rule 8.A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pi]ot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (Ciry) and Local Union 2508, D�strict Council 14, ofthe American
Fe� eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca12508) hesehy state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot �ro�ect described in the attached document enutled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and c �e t �ater Util ry, or Pubi c Health whose
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS),
positions have been allocated to the TS 7ob Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Local 2508. Also, AFSCME Local 2508 and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of t}us pilot pro�ect:
1 � ncumbents w o ha e demonstrated the iequa ed c petenc es and esp ibilit es of a higher
level IS 7ob Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion El4gible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family posiUOn vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certtfied to the appointmg authority. The top three eligibles from the appoinung
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
�� incumbents to the IS 7ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their posrtions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees Yo enter an
examination on a promotion basis aftes serving not less than one year as a ceRified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least ] 040 hours in such dassified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, oniy
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the
attached pilotproject document.
5 � assig ed IS Job Fam ly leve e thou g the i fo classmnow included n the new IS 3ob Wiy
Family level has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
senionty I�stmg of IS incumbents reallocated to higher leveis in the IS Job Family System on the
same date to be deternvned by the total length of continuous service in all classified City
6 � p�peaS IS ob Family�p o� odon nsr I Et ad the appeals procedure ou lined in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
7, Section F.1.(b) of the oais em ijo eesan�os tions al o to the IS Job Family levels
salary, shall not app y F Y P
in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained witlun the pi ot
project document shail be foilowed. The applicable step mcreases therein may be granted m the
the Salary Plan and RaFes of Compensation ll nt nue apply for suc h ISeemploy es fined in
o�- �C'3
. •
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Locai 2508, who as a result of init�al �mplementation
of this pilot pro'ect aze promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Bmpioyees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professiona! Employees Association, Ina (PEA) or the Saurt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS 3ob FamiIy level segsesentad by
AFSCME Local 2508, that coaesponds with their previouslY held classification, and exercise applicable
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that this stiputation also applies to any employees
represented by AFSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are promoted to pos�UOns represented by AFSCME
Local 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement sha]] not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
�� . C�`1�
man Resources Direcior
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Labor Relat�ons Direct r
/2µi[..J�./l� �r:v,t2
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
�, c ��.
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
2508) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME L.ocal 2508. .
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
ancUor piiot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employment modified by said agreement
witl revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
` ��t�..
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Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
�c� �Z�•--/ \
Business Representative
Local Union 2508
AFSCME, District Council 14
y � 1998
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civil 3ervice Rule 8.A.6, governing 2he implementation of Human Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and Local Union 2508, D�strict Council 14, of the American
Fe�er ation of State, County and Mutucipai Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Loca12308) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot �roject described m the attached document entitled
h�e stipulations con a n d theresn h t affect erms�and cond t�ons of employmem hall ap plyt i�hose
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Uti�ty, or Public �ieaith whose
pos�tions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therem as represented by AFSCME
Loca12508. Also, AFSCME Loca12508 and the City also agree to the use of the followuig Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot pro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Realiocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of
level IS Job Fami3y poa t on for sixdmonthsor moremPetencies and responsibilities of a higher
2 o�the fii ng of 7 b Fam�y on vacancies.� Only the topnlue epromotion el g bles plus
ties will be cert�fied to the appomnng authonty. The top three eligibles from the apQointmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
Civii Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to the IS 3ob Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classtfications to which their positions had been previously
A. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall ailow employees to enter an
examination on a promot�on basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
fo e ams used o elig bles for a in t e 3ob Family Sy sem ou� ned n� he
attached pilotproject document.
g, C:w•it Ser.�ice Rule 22 (Lay Off) sha11 allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family leve] even though thetr former class, now included in the new IS 7ob
Family level, has not been formaily abolished. Also, Civii Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
same da to tie determined hy the to l e of �ontinu �service In all cla sified C ty on the
6 � app as of IS ob Famil o� ot on examinationsr I E ead the appeals procedure ou Uned in the
attached pilot project document will be used.
�� ala�� hall not a f the o IS e p sa pos tions ai oc to he IS Job Family levels�defined
in the attached pilo�pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wrtivn the �iSot
project document shall be fol]owed. The applicable step mereases therein may be granted m the
� the Salary Plan and Ra�es of Compensation nt nue t apply for suc h IS employ es fined m
oa -y�
� �
subject to the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Watet Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 2508, who as a Tesult of inival implementation
of this pilot pro ect are promoted to positions m IS Job Family levels represented by Local Union 1842,
District Counci� 14, of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
(AFSCME Local 1842), the Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saznt Paul
Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Fazsvly level represented by
AFSCME Loca12508, that coaesponds with their previouslY held classification, and exercise applicabie
contractual seniority rights. It is also understood that this st�pulation also appiies to any employees
represented by P,FSCME Loca12508, who have appealed their initial position allocations under the
pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are promoted to pos�tions represented by AFSCME
Locai 1842, PEA or SPSO.
Finaliy, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shal] not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
�c ���,..
man Resources Director
/'W-/fNw/!J /YS2[f'f_!/L
Local Union 2508
P,FSCME, District Cauncii 14
� l^/
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� • �`� i'� � ��
Lab or Re�ations Direct r
Busi ess Re ese ativ
Loca nio 508 '
AFS , stric Council 14
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3 —:
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i r" U '
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFLrCIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agee to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Informafion Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Aealth whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Local 1842. ,
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, the parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and condiuons of employment modified by said agre�ment
will revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
� Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� �.� C� ���;�..
Hu an Resources Director President
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
�� �z��—�-i �
Labor Relations Director 0 / Business Representative
+ Local Union 1842
� AFSCME, District Councii 14
0 �.. _'{ �
; �
Memorandum of Agreement
In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of F3uman Resources pilot
pro ects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and Local Union 1842, Distria Counci3 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro�ect described in the attached document entitled
City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorgamzation and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that
the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment sha11 apply to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Util�ry, or Public Health whose
positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family ]evels designated therein as represenied by AFSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the C�ty also agree to the use of the following Civii
Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of tlus pilot gro�ect:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall alIow for the non-competitive promotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher
leveJ IS Job Family position for six months or mote.
2. Civil Service Rule S.A.3 (Filling Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the filling of IS Job Family pos�non vacancies. Only the top ttiree promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appomting authority. The top three eligibies from the appointmg
division, the Department ofTechnology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles} sha11 allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to ihe IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that
were designated ta replace the �ob classifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a promot�on basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacanc�es in the IS Job Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay 0f3) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly
assigned IS Job Family jevei even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job
Family level, has not been formaUy abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class
seniority listing of incumbents reailocated to higher leveis in the IS 3ob Family Sysiem on the
same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in all classified C�ty
6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeals procedure outiined in the
attached pilot project document witl be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Satary Plan aad Rates of Compensation governing advancement in
salary, shatl not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained wit}un the pilot
proiect document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted m the
• time frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five yeaz step increases as defined in
the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensat�on shall continue to apply for such employees subject to
the time frame limitations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
' ` Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS and/or Water Utility employees in
c]assifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation
of this pilot project are promoted to positions m Job Family level5 represented by the Professional
Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saint Paul Superv�sors Organization (SPSO), shali be able to
reduce to the Job Family level represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds with their
previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority rights. It is also undersiood
that this stipulation also applies to any employees represented by AFSCME Locai 1842, who have
appealed their initial position ailocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, aze
promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO.
Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Ageement shall not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
�1c `l�,
an Aesources Director
, ,
. � ����
Labor Relations Director
F:�tiSERS'�,FiRCO\f 6f0?�^SHOC}:LE]^3 WPROIEC. WPD
��� Q . ���
Local Union 1842
�'iFSCiviL-, Disirici Councii 14
Busine Repre ntati
Local nion 18 2
AFSCME, District Council 14
� G�
z r't
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2001 Memorandum of Agreement
In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment
created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling
Project, the Ciry of Saint Paul (Ciry) and I.ocal Union 1842, District Council 14, of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local
1842) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those
employees of the Division of Information Services (LS), The Saint Paul Regional Water
Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocaYed to IS Job Family
classifications designated as represented by AFSCME Iacal 1842. ,
It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement
and/or pilot project in 2002.
In the event no agreement and/or pilot project is established by the end of 2002, ihe parties
agree that the Civil Service Rules as modified in the attached 1998 Memorandum of
Agreement and any other terms and conditions of employznent modified by said agreement
wili revert back to the original Civil Service Rules and/or contract language as existed prior to
said agreement.
� Finaliy, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding
precedent on either of the parties.
� �.�,: � ��.,
Hu an Resources Director President
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, District Council 14
4. � �� ,
Business Representative
Local Union 1842
AFSCME, Distxict Council 14
0 �-�t�
't �
Memorandum ofAgreement
In accordance with Civil Service Rule S.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resowces pilot
pro ects, the Ciry of Saint Paui (City) and Local Union 1842, District Council 14, of the American
Fe�eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFZ-CIO (AFSCME Local 1842) hereby state
that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot,pro�ect described in the attached document entitled
City of Saint Paui Information Sernces Reorgazuzanon and Job Family Modeling Pro ect and agree that
the stipulations contained therein ihat affect terms and canditions of employment shai� apply to those
employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utihty, or Public Health whose
posit�ons have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therem as represented by P,FSCME
Local 1842. Also, AFSCME Local 1842, and the City also agree to the use of the following Civil
Service Rules, as modified, in the adminisuation of t}us pilot project:
1. Civii Service Rufe B.AZ (Realiocation) shall ailow for the non-competitive pzomotion of
incumbents who have demonstrated the tequired competencies and responsibilities of a higher
level IS Job Family position for six months or more.
2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 (Filting Vacancies From Promotion Eligible Lists) shall not apply
to the fiiling of IS 3ob Fam�ly posinon vacancies. Only the top three promotion eligibles plus
ties will be certified to the appomting authority. The top three elig�bles from the appointmg
division, the Department of Technology and Management Services, will not be given preference
in certification.
3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected
� incumbents to the IS Iob Family Levets outlined in the attached pilot pro�ect document that
were designated to replace the �ob classifications to which their positions had been previously
4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an
examination on a gromotion basis after serving not less than one year as a certified employee in
a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually
served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shalt be used, as modified, only
for exams used to determine eligibles for vacanc�es in the IS 3ob Family System outlined in the
attached pilot project document.
5. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'� shali ailow empioyees to maintain class seniority In their newly
assigned IS Joh Family level even though their former class, now inctuded in the new IS Job
Fam�ly level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Serv"sce Rule 22 shall allow the class
senionty ]tsung of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family Sqsiem on the
same date to be deternuned by the total length of continuous service in ai1 cfassified Gty
6. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B(Grievance Procedure, Ezaminations) shall not be used for
appeals of IS 3ob Family promotion examinations. Instead the appeais procedure outlined in the
attached pilot project document wiii be used.
7. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in
salary, shall not apply to employees m positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in
the attached pilot pro�ect document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot
proiect document shall be foilowed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted m the
• t�me frames set forth. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases as defined in
the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat�on sha1S continue to apply for such employees subject to
the time frame lurutations set forth in the applicable pilot project salary schedule.
Y � Furthermore, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affeaed IS and/or Water Utility employees in
classifications currently represented by AFSCME Local 1842, who as a result of initial implementation
of this pilot project are promoted to positions m Job Family levels represented by the Professional
Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) or the Saint Paul Supernsors Organization (SPSO), shal] be abie to
reduce to the Job Family level represented by AFSCME Local 1842, that corresponds wrth their
previously held ciassification, and exercise applicable contractual semority ri�hts. It is also understood
that t}us stipulation also applies to any empioyees re�resented by AFSCME �ocal 1842, who have
appealed their initial position aliocations under the pilot project and who, as a result of such appeals, are
promoted to positions represented by PEA or SPSO.
Fina]]y, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shali not be used outside this pilot project to
set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties.
��� `l�„
an Resources Director
> > � � /
� r/ "`�
Labor Relations Director
��-�.., C.� ' ►�.�i,�T
Local Union 1842
AFSCi�ff., District Councii 1«
Busine Repre ntati
Local nion 18 2
AFSCME, District Council 14
S _
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Z �, �'t
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