02-429I� Y`c�e,rc� �
-�\� l 5, ao o a-� Council File # O�. -�-/ � 9
���een Sheet # �O �� s��
Referred To
1 WHEREAS, the CiTy Council, through the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority, has been actively
2 invoived in the production of housing units in Saint Paul; and
WI3EREAS, there are at least 14 projects with 1325 units under development at this time for which sources and
uses of funds have been, at least preliminarily, identified from existing funding sources and 18 projects with 2746
units for which financing is being prepazed; and
6 WHEREAS, the production of affordable housing units has been a high priority for the City Council, making
7 them the first in the region to establish specific goals far the constnxction of housing units affardable to
8 households with incomes at 50% and 30% of the regional median income; and
WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan Task Force articulated, in the 2002 HousingAction Plan, the need to
10 identify resources to meet the goal of producing affordable units in future years; and
11 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature authorized, in 1993, the imposition of a'/z cent sales t�, with a portion
l2 of the proceeds to be allocated to neighborhood inveshnents; and
13 WHEREAS, Laws 1998, chapter 389, article 8, section 36, subd, 1 reads "Expenditures of revenues from the
14 sales taat nnposed by the city of St. Paul that are dedicated to neighborhood investments may be made only after
15 review of the proposals for expenditures by the citizen review panel described in this secfion. The panel must
16 evaluate the proposals and provide a report to the city council that makes recommendafions regarding the
17 proposed expenditures in rank order;" and
18 WHEREAS, at the Administration's request, members of the Council hosted a series of community fonuns to
19 present and discuss a program to produce 5000 housing units in St. Paul over the next four yeazs with at least
20 1000 of them being afFordable as established in City policy;
21 NOW, "ITIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council commends the Mayor and his administration
22 for their re-commitment to an aggressive housing production agenda; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Councii requests, prior to fmal consideration on May 22, � �1��,
24 �e� the following issues raised through the community review process:
a�`+�:nis�ra c\car�F
25 How does the proposal for the STAR-funded Mixed Income Housing Fund differ from or enhance
26 current plans for housing production in the City of St. Paul?
27 To the extent that sources and uses have been identified for anticipated projects, please identify the
28 breakdown of the sources and describe the ea�tent to which the projects currently identified would be
29 dependent on the use of the STAR-fixnded Mixed Income Housing Fund?
oa - �a9
1 How does the anticipated use of STAR funds-as leverage for private financing--facilitate the produchon
2 of the units listed in the proposal? Where does the cost of fivancing-either for conshuction or peimauent
3 financing-currently rank among the bazriers to the production of housing? ,,� ,
��` �t/� 4
4 What will be the policies and procedures governing: (1) the allocation of the Mixed Income Housing
5 Account, (2) the repayment of those funds and (3) the allocation of the funds repaid? Specifically, what
6 would be the role of the STAR Boazd and City Council in reviewing the use of these funds for individual
7 projects? How frequently would STAR funds be deposited in the proposed Mised Income Housing
8 Account?
9 To what eactent would the proposal guard against the future reallocation of the STAR funds-whether
10 those originally allocated as part of the $20 million account or those that aze part of a repayment stream--
11 for projects that do not support the Council's goal of producing affordable housing units?
12 To what extent would the creation of a local unrestricted fund impact our ability to obtain other non-City
13 competitive funds for the clean-up of contamivated sites, transit-related improvements and the like?
15 How does the allocation of a"lump-sum" of STAR funds, including a commitment of funds from future
16 STAR cycles, meet the review requirement outlined in State Statute? Specifically, how can a proposal for
17 use of future STAR funds be rank-ordered in relationship to other proposals for that future cycle? A
18 legal opinion is requested.
19 Is the goal to produce a minimuxn of 1000 afFordable units dependent on the production of 4000 market-
20 rate units?
What are the criteria for defining a"high impact° housing project? Do these criteria prevent or restrict
allocation to single family or scattered site units?
What funds, previously available for affordable housing, have been lost in recent years and may need to
be replaced with local funds?
Adopted by CouncIl: Date �
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary `
By- ° ` �" — f�c.n.�Y � . _,�.� —
Requested by Departxnento£
Form Approved by Ci A
By: _
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approve by Mayor: Date ,�
By� ��.T�� �' 1 � \��S � �
� �
No 200681
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❑wilUltl�taErtVlCFtOYt ❑qYNp1lLiFrtYIKCiC
❑ WYOR(OR1189RfAlR) ❑
Commending the Mayor and his administration for their re-co�itment to an aggressive housing
production agenda and requesting, prior to final consideration on May 22, 2002, clarification
on issues raised through the community review process.
Has this persoMfirtn everv.rorked under a contract iw this department?
Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a cRY employee9
DoesNis i��M�sn P�� a sW71 not nom�allYP� a! snY curtefR cilY emD�oY�7
Is Nis pereoNfirm a tarpetetl vendoR
ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WM, What, When, Where,
Council File # � a-� a �
Green Sheet #
Referred 7
1 WHEREAS, the City Council, through the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority, has been actively
2 involved in the production of housing units in Saint Paul; and
3 WHEREAS, there aze at least 14 projects with 1325 units under development at this time for which sources and
4 uses of fvnds have been, at least preliminazily, identified from existing funding sources and 18 projects with 2746
5 units for which financing is being prepazed; and
6 WHEREAS, the production of affordable housing units has been a high priority for the City Council, making
7 them the first in the region to establish specific goals for the construction of housing units affordable to
8 households with incomes at 50% and 30% of the regional median income; and
9 WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan Task Force articulated, in the 2002 Housing Action Plan, the need to
10 identify resources to meet the goal of producing affordable units in future yeazs; and
11 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature authorized, in 1993, the imposition of a'l2 cent sales tax, with a portion
12 of the proceeds to be allocated to neighborhood investments; and
13 WHEREAS, Laws 1998, chapter 389, article 8, section 36, subd, 1 reads "Expenditures of revenues from the
14 sales taY imposed by the city of St. Paul that aze dedicated to neighborhood investments may be made only after
15 review of the proposals for expenditures by the citizen review panel described in this section. The panel must
16 evaivate the proposals and provide a report to the city council that makes recommendations regarding the
17 proposed expenditures in rank order;" and
18 WHEREAS, at the Administration's request, members of the Council hosted a series of community fonuns to
19 present and discuss a program to produce 5000 housing units in St. Paul over the next four yeazs with at least
20 1000 of them being affordabie as established in City policy;
21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council commends the Mayor and his administration
22 for their re-commitment to an aggressive housing production agenda; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council requests, prior to final consideration on May 22, �k t�h e
24 clax�f safi�en ea the following issues raised through the community review process:
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25 Hnw does the proposal for the STAR-funded Mixed Income Housing Fund differ from or enhance
26 current plans for housing production in the City of St. Paul?
27 To the extent that sources and uses have been identified for anticipated projects, please identify the
28 breakdown of the sources and describe the extent to which the projects currently identified would be
29 dependent on the use of the STAR-funded Mixed Income Housing Fund?
How does the anticipated use of STAR funds-as leverage for private financing--facilitate the production
of the units listed in the proposal? Where does the cost of financing-either for construction or permanent
financing-currenUy rank among the barriers to the producrion of housing?
4 What will be the policies and procedures governing: (1) the allocation of the Mia�ed Income Housing
5 AccounY, (2) the repayment of those funds aad (3) the allocation of the funds repaid? Specifically, what
6 would be the role of the STAR Boazd and City Council in reviewing the use of these funds for individual
7 projects? How frequently would STAR funds be deposited in the proposed Mixed Income Housing
8 Account?
9 To what extent would the proposal guard against the future reallocation of the STAR funds-whether
10 those originalty allocated as part of the $20 million account or those that are part of a repayment stream—
I 1 for projects that do not support the Council's goal of producing affordable housing units?
To what e�ent would the creation of a local unrestricted fund impact our ability to obtain other non-City
c�mpetitive funds for the clean-up of contaminated sites, �ansit-related improvements and the like?
How does the aliocation of a"lump-sum" of STAR funds, including a commitment of funds from future
STAR cycles, meet the review requirement outliued in State Stahrte? Specifically, how can a proposal for
use of future STAR funds be rank-ordered in relationship to other proposals for that future cycle? A
legal opinion is requested.
Is the goal to produce a m;n;rr�um of 1000 affordable units dependent on the producrion of 4000 market-
rate uaits?
What are the criteria for defining a"high impacY' housing project? Do these criteria prevent or restrict
allocation to single family or scattered site units?
What funds, greviously available for affordable hausing, have been lost in recent yeazs and may need to
be replaced with local funds?
Requested by Depaztment of:
— - -- - .
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoptian Certified by Councd Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
By: _ _
Foim Approved by Cit A
- - -- B3'� _ .
Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncH