258278 ORI6INAL T9 CITY CL6RK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, 'Charter Section 203.2 provides for budget revisions within the adopted budget; and WI�REAS, In the adoption of the 1972 budget, a Contingent Reserve was provided in Charter Fund 35, Activity - 0998, and WHEREAS, Funds were provided in the 1972 adopted budget for pog License Enforcement - Activity 0188 in the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety, and WI�REAS, In the interest of Public health and safety it is the determination of tl�e�ouncil to expand the operations of Dog License Enforcement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That Activity 0188 in Charter Fund 6.04 - Bureau of Health be increased as follows: 0188 Dog License Enforcement 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Services $25,000.00 and therefore be it '' FURTHER RESOLVED, That Activity 4998 in Charter Fund 35.00, Corli.ngent Reserve is hereby decreased in the amount of $25,000.00 and 'be it ' FINA,LLY IdESOLVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the Council until after a public hearing has been held, for which five (5) days public notice shall have been given once in the official newspaper of the City, and the approval of the Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. Approved: Approved: , .� ����,�,�/��;,� Co poration Counse Clemens J. S�leck Chief Accountant-Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council APR 2 ' ��_ Yeas Nays Butler Z 4 18� on Appro 19— Levine T� Favor Meredith Spra.fka Q qor A gainat � /Mr. President, McCarty puBLISHED APR 2 9197a y� �.� � � � � �� 2 -�� N6TICE OF PUBLIC H7i'�RING C�1 REVISIONS IiV THE SAINT PI�LZ, CiTY LL�GET FU� 1972 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter, Scetion 203.2,,the Saint Pau1 Cit�r Gouncil wi]1 hoZd ��� a public heaxing on the,��`day of�,P/�/�--, 1972, at 10:00 A. M., in the C;atuzcil C"n�ers in th� City Ha11 and Court House Buil�ling, ' Sa_i.nt Pau1, Minnesct�., for the purpose of consideriazg revisions h�a.thin the adopted budget i'or 1972. Dated ����L //�/9��— , HARRY E. MARSHALL, City Clerk Y .(j�����--�S�q��> �. S�l� �� . NO�� �. QF RU � f R� �i 1� s E � Y ; �: � �� , �` � '� � �_� � n � � ,�e � o: , :� ��- � , ,` ,, � �� t I3.:3l7s� r DUlLICAT6�0�1lIN7tR . • � . . ; CITY OF ST. PAUL c�ouNCa � , � OFFtEE C� THE CITY CLERK �`� N� �! COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n��sra�r�.r ' COMAMSSIONE A� W� �, Charter Sectioa 203.2 providea for f�dget reviaiona within the adopted b�t; and � i W�RBAS, In the adoption of the 1972 budgst, a Contiagent R�esarve wa• provided ia rtsr Fuad 35, Aativity - 0998, aad W�RHAB, Fuads were provided in the 1972 adopted budget for pog Licen�e Bnforcema t - Activitq 0188 ia the Bureau of Health of the Dtpartmsat of Public 3afety, aad W�RSAS Ia the intereat of Public health aad aafetq it is the determiaatioa of haCouncil to expand the opexatioaa o£ Dog Licenae Eaforcement, therefore be it RESat.VE � That Activity Ola8 ia Charter Fuad 6.04 - Bureau of �ealth be increased aa f llaas: � 0 88 Dog Licenee Enforcement 269 Miscellaasous Coatractual Service• $25,000.00 and therefore be �t FU�x �RE30LVED, That Activitq 0998 ia Charter Fund 35.00, Codingent Reserve i• hereby decreaaed ia the amouat o� $23.000.00 and bs it FINALLYI�RESQ.VSD, That thia resolutioa shall aot b� adopted bq the Council uatil aftejr a public hearing has been h�ld, for �hich fine (5) days public aotice ahall hav� �been given once ia the official neaspsper of the City, aad the approval of th�e C6mptroller i• eadoraed on this resolutioa. Approved: II Approveds Corporation Counae� Clemea� J. lec � Chie# Accouatant-Comptroller COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Coanca'� APR a 1 1972 19� Yeas Nays But�er � � APR 2 4 1972 Approv� 19_ Levine - Favor Meredith Sprafka � �r I A_oosiinat �'C�C8C0—' �1'. �P.81C��T1�"y �C�iA2't,y � �°� I