258266 ort�au�t To crrr e�eRK �5g�66 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCiI NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � OUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF I RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing , Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertainin� to the following listed property and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals , dated March 22, 1972, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property Appellant �_.�- -- 10-72-B 602 Prior Avenue Associated Architects $ Engineers � by L. W. Pose � APP�t V� O� Asst. Corpo ation Counse APR 2 0 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Butler ppR $0 191� �¢� C o nw ay A rove� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka 1, Mayor A gainat � Mr. President, McCarty P���IgH�p qpR 2 2 1�1� �� � � �• EXHIBIT "A,� 3/22/72 Meeting iVo. ��� . • • . � 258�66 MINUTES OF THE N�,�TING SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, March 22, 1972 - 1:30 p.m. Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedax' Street Members present: Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman Rayawnd Grove Estyr Peake James Voigt Norma Som�erdorf Members absent: Donald Wozniak Mitchell Kamin A,gencies present: Building Department, Glen Erickson Bureau of Health, Henry Streich Others present: Steve Ikeda, Robert Howe, L. W. Pose, Dona,ld Windish, Nir. Speckmann The minutes of the Maxch 8, 1972 meeting were approved as of this date. 9-72-8 St. Paul Civic Center Convention Center Multi-Purpose Arena Architects & Engineers � Robert E. Hawe SUBJECT Rcquirement that depth provision of paraplegic toilet stalls requires 60" front to rear. Requestlis made to substitute 60" paxaple�ic stalls with standa,rd 57" depth stalls. APPEARANCES Robert E. Howe � � PROCEEDINGS Provisions concerning paraplegic toilet facilities (parts of Section 408 of St. Paul Legislat3ve Code, "provisions for the handicapped and aged.") were read by Mr. Ho�we. Mr. Howe also read a letter fron► Pricemetal Ca�cpar�y stating that most state requirements could be satisfied with standard 57" deep compartments. Most of the closets planned by the Civic Center axe wider than necessary, though 57" in depth. To chan�e to a 60" panel, one bank would cost $1,128.00; Mr. Howe Pelt that depth would not make that much difference to a person in a wheelchair. Mr. Erickson felt width is most importa.nt. Mr. Grove asked if ar�yone present had talked to anyone confined to a wheelcha,ir regarding the matter. Mrs. Soanmerdorf was distressed that there was no testiawr�y from a paxapalegic. ACTION Motion by Grove to der�y appeal. Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Grove, Peake, Voigt, SammerdorP. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Mo�tion carried five (5) to zero (0). 1.0-'T2-B 602 Prior Avenue Associated Architects & Engineers � L. W. Pose 3U9JECT . Request for a waiver of Section �+.08 of the Legislative Code oP the City o� St. Paul regarding pro�rj.sions for the handi�apped and aged. PROCF.�DINGS Mr. Tieso read a letter dated March 6, 1972 from Mr. Pose to Mr. Ames re�arding the appeal for waiver. Mr. Speckmann (representing Mr. Pose) presented drawings which indicated t�at the Knox. Lumber Company building was constructed with the first floor four feet abov+e ground level. If a �I$" ramp were constructed, it would cause partial loss of -the existing parking facility. Mr, SpeclQnann said that because of the na.ture of the merchandise, the store is not appealing to the hsndicapped. Mr. Erickson stated that the Bo�xd should be considering a two- part appeal; first, grade entrance requirements and second, accessability to toilet facili�ies. N:r. Erickson stated tha.t if there were no remodeling of plumbing facilities, there would ha,ve been no problem regaxding access. � � .' ACTION Motion by Voigt to waive Ordinance No. 14�+98, Section 1+08, referring to provision for the handicapped and aged. Waiver is granted to eliminate requirement for construction oP parapalegie ramp facility and toilet facilitiea. THE VOTE �yes: Tieso, Grove, Peake, Voigt, SammerdorP. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0). 5-71-H �7 North OxPord Doria,ld M. Windish SUBJECT Bureau of Health in�pection report dated February 17, 1971. PROC�:EDINGS As a result of a telephone conversation with To� Anderson, Mr. Donald Windish requested to appear bePore the Board regaxding caanpliance to an order dated February 17, 1971 that two ftiil.l baths be installed in a rooming and boa,rding house located at 97 North Uxford. As of this date, this violation has not been corrected. Mr. Tieso read the minutes of March 10, 1971 and stated tha.t since no variances were �ranted, the work should have been completed by this time. Mr. Windish said tha,t the only item not in co�pliance was that of the bathrooms; and since he was a contract holder, he was unable to receive a low interest goverr�ment loan to aid in complying with the requirement. ACTION Tieso moved that the matter is not up for appeal and that the matter be resolved between Mr. Windish and the Iiealth Department. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Grove, Peake, Voi�t, Sommerdorf. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Mption carried five (5) to zero (0). Meeting ad�ourned at 2:50 p.m. _-, , , % ^ � ._. , � ;�, ., l� S�eph . Ikeda . Recor Secretary DUrLICA7't TO�RIN7�t ��lil ���i ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�� �58� � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO � r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSION A*R RESOLVBD, that the Councii hereby ratifies and approves the action of 'the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Rsview for the Housia�, &uilding and Fire Prevention Codss pertainin� to the folloMing ',listsd property snd as shoNn by the official �inutes of saijd Bosrd of Appsals, dated March 22, 1972, a copy , of which, asrkled EXHIBIT "A", is attach�d hsreto snd �ade a part h�rsof by� referencet Cas�e �No� Pro ert Ap_ella t 10-72-B 'I602 Prior Avsnue Associat�d Architscts $ Engineirs I br L. Nl. Poae �! � 11pR �� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� X9.;_ Yeas Naya sut�er ' APR 2 0 197�? �9�" Coaway '', Approv�d 19� Levine � Favor Meredith ' ' ; sp� a ��°* A�inst �esae ' Mr. President, McCarty ' , a��