258265 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �F�A��5 � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL C�O`ENCIL N�, vv OFFI�E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVBD, T'hat the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Purchasing Committee in the award for furn�ishing and delivering ONE AERIAL PB&SONNEL LZFT WITH UTILITY BODY for the Department of Pablie Works, Municipal Bquipment, 891 North Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows: ' T0: NORTHWEST T�L-B-LBGT One Blectro-Hydraulic pqwered Aerial Personnel Lift- Model V-28GI with Utility Bodq-Model U-3D; Mounted on a 10,000 lb. �,V,W, truck chassis ......................................................... $12,115.00 PLUS TH8 F9LLOWII�TG OPTI�NS: 1 - l TM l�mergency Hydraulic System 12 volt for insulated units ...... $ 336.00 2 - 1 Cole-Hersee reverse battery selectar switch Model M705 ......... $ 47.Q0 Total amount of contract ......................................�.. $12,498.00 Terms: Net 30 Days at unit price bid, in accordance with the "specifications on Forr�al Bid No. 5005, the award being made to the' lowest respoasible bidder u��ting speeifications. The Corp- orstion Gounsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of contract and obtain the necessary perforn�ance aud payment bo nd�. The proper City �ici��s are hereby authorized to execute said aontraat on behaif of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #5005 APPROVED: THE PUR.CHASING COI�lITTEB Req'n No. 0671 Code; 122 0-354 � To be. Re+mb.�frnm oao4- 803 APPROVBU: AS TO FORM��� ,�/�. COI�TItOLIE R / �'.�� � C�•CORPORATION OUNSEL � � RCHASI GENT , i APR20 �� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er ApR 8 0 Y972 � ��AY A ov 19— Levine _(�__In Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst m_a_� �� Mr. President, McCarty 4/12/72/Pranke/sm PUBI�ISHED APR 2 21972 ��