258260 ORIGINAL TdCITY CLCRK � � 25825� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. . I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM .i ;,,pRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESGLV�D� Tnat the City Council hereby concurs in the recomtnendation of the Contract Committee in the extension oi tlie contracts with t:�e followinb companies for TOj•7IhG Gl VEHICLLS for tne Departrnent of Public Safety, Saint Paul, I�linnesota for an additional 12 ' ' month period at the initial contract .pxices as follo;�s: ZONi 1 bounded by the iiississippi River on the �1est and South, University Avenue on the North �nd by Dale, St. Albans and Soutl-i Gsceola on the I�:ast. T0: D02�'S iGi;ING a ��L'TOr�GTiV� SF::VICE ITdC. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle. . . . . . . . . . linit rate per to�ti� $13.00 B. To�aing a tag and to�a vehicle. . . . . . . . LTnit rate per tow $13.00 C. P:aking a Iublic Safety To��a. . . . . . . . . Unit rate per to�� $13.00 17. ix.al:ing a servi�e call. . . . . . . . . . . Lnit ra�e �er tow $i3.0�� i,. �Ia'cin� un i�nusual tow. . . . . . ger �:our L'nit rate per Hr. ;2?.00 ZON� 2 bounded by tiie City LiMits on t:ie ;7e:;t and 1`?orth, �iississippi Street on the �ast and University to Dale to c�Iars'r►�li to 3ice and IIniversity on the South. LC: D0:1' S 'rG�;IidG u AUTOT�OTIV: SL::VI�E It?C. i�. iowing a zareciced vehicle. . . . . . . . . . 'Jnit rate per to�a �13.00 �. To*.�ain� a ta� and tow vehicle. . . . . . . . Jnit rate per �c�� Y13.00 C. ;iaking a Pu'�lic Safet;• tow. . . . . . . . . unit rate ,er tota �13.00 D. i"al:inb �1 SEIVICC.' Ccll. . . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per t0�' �l�.�n i.. ?:2.7�1R� c'l.?1 U11llSlla1 �0�7. . . . . . per ilOLiT Z.TI71�: Yc2tE 1y�er i�T. �22•�� "�,I'L 4 bo�nde.d b�% t':ississ�ppi Street a��d the ?�?orthern Pacific ^ieht of ?.'ay on the "est ar.d y L-ize �ity Limits on ti:;e i'.orth, �ast anu South. . m`r�: �-� r r,.•,,, �•Tn., m,,-,••Tv �T �>�.T S LL,y_.G::L.�..� :.v„�_ G I��C. �.. To�aino a wrecl:ed vehicle. . . . . . . . . . Unit `rate per tow Y15.00 �. Towing a tag and tow vehicle. . . . . . . . Unit rate pe- tow $15.00 C. Piaking a PLblic Safety toca. . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ 8.00 �. hlalcing a servi,ce call. . . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ b.00 E. t•iaking an unusual tow. . . . . . per hour Unit rate per ;-ir. $25.00 in accordance with bid specifications and Formal �id ;�4445 of said bidders, such bids Ueing the lowest and �said companies being responsible bid�ers. -continaed- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approv� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ORI6INAL Td CITY CL6RK I � t r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� B�VO r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti�E NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,i�ltESBNTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF :�E It F�iliiLSi. i�iSOLV�D, Tiiat the Purchasing .lgent be and is hereby authorized to extend ti�e contract for TGti�3ING GF VEIiICLES for the Departrient of Public Safei:y, Saint �aul, i:ianesota from CONSOLID�TED 10�vIidG S�RVICE II�C. DBa/BISHOP TOt�Ii�1G SEi:VICL for an additional 12 month period as iollows: � ZOI�i. 3 bounded by Dale, i:arshall and Itice �treet on tlie iiest, Piorthern Pacific :;ight of �,ay on the �vorth and East un� ,vest 5t. Pau1 on the South. ��. Tocaing a wreciced veliicle. . . . . . . . . . . . Unit �ate per to�a $12.OQ �. Towing a tag a�ad toc•. vehicle. . . . . . . . . . unit rate per toca $12.00 C. c:aking a Public Safety To;a. . . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $ S.00' D. iiaking a service caLl. . . . . . . . . . . . . L`nit rate per tow $ 5.00 E. TIal:ing an Unus'ua1 tow. . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per Hr. $15.OQ in accordance �aith bid specificati:;ns and Informal �id ;�1575 oi� said bidder, such bid being the lowest and said compGny ueing a responsible bidder. FUrTHERPi0i2E, the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of contracts. The proper City officials are hereby authorized to e�:ecute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint i'aul. Code; 3120-269 F. n. �`4445 �'�� I. I3. �;`157 5 ' rLl'�'RCVED; AS TO FU�tI•i �iPF'i'.OV�D: THE CONTI�ACT GOr��iITTEE �,��. A :''.�:x-Civ✓ /���-��.���K/l (iLA'4{• CGitPORL�TICN GUi1SEL CGTiT�fISSIONE:; OF PUBLIC SAFi:TY � COPIFT20LI.E:Z PU..CHASI�dG A T COUNCILMEN Adopted y the Counci� APR 2 0 197l9_ Yeas Naya Butler Z 0 �9'� B� �onway p ea APR 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith J Sprafka � A gainst �esee- Mr. President, McCarty i'UtiLI�HEU APR 2 219�� 4/11/72/jk/Stanton �D�