258239 ' 25823..9 co��Fue xo... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEI�T'T ana � , PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundersigned hereby prapoe�themakingof thefollowingpabliaianprovemeat bq the City af Saint Psul�vis.: reconstruct,_the_s,�idewalk,on the south side of Michi�an St�. from Richmoad St. to �w Colborne St. and_b�doin�all other work which is necessa and incidental to com l�ete said im�rovemeut. .�� � �............_.�................... Dsted this:.�.�....day 9 ...72 ` Cotm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB� A written proposgl for tbe making c�f the�fc�llowing improvement, vis.: ,,,,,,re,,,,co�,��t �„g��al�,�„��„��,t„t}_s�,�„Q�M�c an St,M,,,,�rom Richmond St,�,to _ Colborne St., and�i ,,,,doin,g,, all ather.work_which is necessar�, and�incidental to �� completesafd 3..�provement. _._.......................................»................................. ._.... h�tving been preeented to�he Councit of the City o#Saint Paul................................_.................. therefore, be it AFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: L To investigate the neceeeity for, or deairabilitq of, the making of eaid 'unprovemea�. Z. To invest�gast,e tb�nature, extent aad estimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketah of said improvemeat. 4. Ta�tate whetber or not eaid improvement i�seked for on t,he petition of three or more oa►nera _ b. To report upon aU of the foreg�oing mattere to tbe oaer ot�nsace. APR 19 197��� Aaopteaby the Council....................�.....�...�...........�.......................__.. . Y�ae a . .�;"�P.�-�t, �p� 191� -: Councilman . Conway �C .- Approved..... .................. ................. Spr�fka Meredit Fe�ra'vtt'" 7edesco . Ms. PaESia�x�r BYrtha— �C ayor. �000 �-as � ��r�u: .�PR � 21972 , l . . �