258238 _ 258238 co���e xo... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and , PRELIMINARY:ORDER. T6eundareignedhereby prnpoeeethemakingof thefollowingpabliaimpravement bq the Citq af 8aint Paul�vis.: reconstruct the.sidewalk on�the north side of Exchan e�from Forbes Ane:�.to�.._ Ramse�,,.St. and b,� doing�all other work which is necessa and incidental to com- lete said im rovement. .w���� .......�................ ....._..�....»............................ .................................................. «.................. »...».........._....... ? Dsted f�hie.�3th.s..»daq of...... A ril , 19 ?? .... ..� , Co a'1n�e►n. PRELIMiNARY O�tDER. WHEItEAS, A writtsn propoesl for the making af t�he�folloaiag improvement,vi:.: ,�,,,,,,�g�Q�g,����,��d,�a�a�„�t�g,�,g�,c,t�,�,dg;,of,E��a,�gg 3„�,;_,from Forbes A,ye.to � . .kY+..�4i�..�.�.Q.C�€�..J�.4.�...w���...:�..�.�Ce,�a`�$FaC�d..�.�idental to co� ........klete said,im�rov!ement. _.�_........................................_.........»................... .....�... .».. ......... ..........._.... . .................... hsving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saiat Paul.........._................................... therefore� be it RffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direated: 1. Ta investigate �he nec�isity for, or deeirability of, the ma�Cing of eaid improvemen�. 2. To inveetigi►te the nature� extent and estimated cost of seid improvement, and the total eoat thereof. • 3. To futrnieh a plan, profile or eketah of said improvemenk 4. To etate whethex or noL eaid improvement is eaked for on the petition of three or more owaera _ b. To report upon aU�f the foreg�ing mattere�to the Commiasioner of 1�"inanae. ' Adopted by the Council... ......_... ........APR.19,.t972�,� Y�aas � . Councilman �� 19 � - Com�aq � ' APPrnved._............ ..._............ ................. Sprafka Meredith Ya�e}�SVtr- � : 7ede�cor��Vyj Ma. P�Eaia�x�r Bjr�rndr' / (� May a000 �.ss n � . � � e.u�us��o . . � ��� APR 2 2 .19�2