258236 ' 258236 co�e� �e rro... ............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundersigned hereby propoeeethemakingof thefolloaringpubliaimprovement by the Citq of 8eint Paul�vis.: reconstruct the„�ide�walk.,on the east side of Howell St. from Princeton Avew south �ap�roximatel�125 ft.�and b�doin� all other work which is necessarq aad incidental to com�lete said im�rovement. � ��� ..................» ......................... Dst,ed thia...:....a.3xh....day g „�,�, '� , ' �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EA$, A written propose,l for the making af�he�following improvement,vis.: ,,,,,. �g,��.��„����$��„�,_f, Howe,�,l, 5�,;,.from Priuceton.Ave�south a�roxima.tel�125, ft�.and�bx�doin�all�other�work which is necessary and incideatal ......... ......_ ...... .............. ...... .. ......... ........ Co_complete said im�rovement�__.....................................................»........................... . .. . . .... .......................... 6aving been preeeated to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.._.._......._..............._.............. therefore, be it BffiOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inve$tigate the n�itq for, or deairability of, the making of esid imprnvement� 2. To inveetigate the nature, extea�and catimated coet of eaid impmvemeat� and the total cost�hereof. • 3. To furnieh a plan�pro&le or sketch of said improvemenL. 4. To etate whether ar not eaid imprnvement ia aeked for on the petition of tbree or more ownera _ 5. To report upon all of the foreg�oing msttere to t�►e Cammieeioner of F'inance. aaop�a by tbe co,��................._�..�....APR.1.9 1972...�....._.. � Y�,►B � �' � ,� APR 19 1�T2 coun� �`�' ' - � Coacvaq Approved..... ................................ . p���� ' . Meredit Tede�sco ... ........�.. M�. r���D� ��..-�'1c � �.�, . PueusH� APR � 2 1972 � ` `� p �