258233 . � 25823� co���xo... ............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT . and � PRELiMINARY ORDER. � Theunderdgnedbsreby propoeee#�emaicindot�hefollowingpnblioimprovemeat by the C'itq oi Ssint Paul��is.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Renneth St. from Berkle Ave. to ..............__ ..... ...._....»..........»....»....... .....».... St. Clair Ave. and b doi�t all other work which is necessa and incide tal to ............».� .. . ...,,... � om letg...§�.�.�l2�4.Y�.�.�...... »_...._,....,.»..... .................... Dabed tbid�S�l�.day 19 .IZ. � ................................. .............._.. - . Cot�n► man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAp► A written PrcPoesl fa�f�e m�►kin6�tbe�f�o�►iaS;mPra�sm�t�v�.: � reconstruct the side�walk 'on both sides of Renneth St. from Berkele Ave. to .�... �.»............y......_..............�.. �......... .»..... ' S,t�. Clair Ave. a.nd�.�d� all other work wh�i�h is necessar��and incidental to com,,,�...lete sa,�d,:. rovem .»....»......»........................»....»....».».........................».. h�ning been preaentsd to tbe CounaU o�the t:ity a�Saint PewY ..........._�»�.�..... f�erefore, be it RffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner af Pubtio Worke be and is hereby ordered sad direeted: 1. To inveatigate f,he ne�eidtiy for, or deeizability o#,the msldng of eaid improvemeat Z. To inveretrgute the nsture, e�Rtenb and oetimatsd ooeit of asid improvemen�, aad tha total ooet tbereo�. � 3. To ferniel��p3an, profik or eketah of eaid improvemenk 4. To sta►te whe�her ar not eaid�im�rrore�nent is aelced tor on the petitioa of tlu�ee or mare ori►aeee. - b. To report u�an s11 ot t�he farsgota�matterf tv#d�e Co�miee�oner of 8'insaos. APR 19 1972 � Adopted by tbe�Couna�7.....»....».. .......�.............................»_.. . . - Y�►s ` • pR �g1912 . connoilm.n �si� p` . . • Coiaway � _ APPto ..... ................ Sprafka Meredith Tedesco � � _.. Ma. Ps�asx�r B�rne-- rrn Ma ' �000 t.k 7 �.u�usri� APR 2 2 19�� . v � �