258229 I , .l , � ��^�I��1/� :`.�'- ,. � ����. . . � � � , .. :•-�' ` COUNCIL FILE NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Appmoving ssessment By— and Fizing Time of He ' g Thereon File No 174+�i� In the matter of the aasessment of .beaefits, �est axd e�cg�asea for c�ustrsatina a sanitar� sa►er in 1IY'ACI1�Tri A�B frow Park Street to ��lvas Street (�-142�). Also aosstrtiat sewer ssrvice c�ectioas (�i h G-1735), , under Preliminary Order �,y���,Z ,approve� v'r��. �> >Q�� � Intermediary Order 2�s$g , approve� �� 19, 197� _,, Fina1 Order 24��51 ,approvecl Ju� 17� 197� The asaessment af ti�lkfits� QBSt �� e��ea for and in connection with the above improvement having bee� submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment aatfsfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said ass�asment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RFSOLVE�D FURTHER., That � public heaxing be had on sa.id a�,sessment on the 17t� , day of ��. 1�72 , , , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the C'ouncil Ghamber of the Court House and City Hall Bu�lding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commisaioner of Finance give no�tice of said meetinga, as rec�uired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heaxing, the nature of the improve I nt, and the amount assessed againat the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directe . covNC��.MEN APR 1 g 1� Y� BUTLER Nays CG(d'�'IAY ' Adopted by the Gouncil LEVINE 1 g �9T2 MEREDITH APR S P R��FKA Appro TEnESCO — nn�c;�,,��rY � Tn FAVOr yor � Againat ���� APR 2 21��� Form R-2 2ffi 30-68 8�0