258216 4riainal to City Clerk � � � O• RDINANCE �58�;1� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. � �� An ordin ce amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, �t approved February 13, 1935, as arnended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserti.ng in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specification for Director of Civil Defense ' _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Conway Levine In Favor- Meredith Sprafka ; Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By� •-��- - �_ i ' � � - �58�1� , , '�itic oi ' �.� � " ��� M:.,. ��. D:i.�;EC .i�i` �l� �.:.��%:I?� ��'FF1\�E �uti�;� <t;�.,; r����cnsihilii.:e:: v!1�J)r`�v�"i'O •:ttiYYl111?St2'c1..'t1�Y<� �t�l�^,.Tf)t.Y�ll� `.:7 4'.1.Y`l��l; t�"?F; 0���;1'21:�101]�? O� `l�lC l'1':y).�C:• �i.`i7i� -'r-�t;•�(j'.1�t: �TC�o2':Fi:ii IG.i. :i7.•� �.i��7 O� �t� �7111� <21:C� t.:C3 r �C:'I'�C.+: :Y? ^�`"l'ct`:i'�i 'vVOi'S: ?i; a.:�?.�;1'.:.,�. �_�Grnr?cy„ ��f �vozi: �,�xforc�:.d� 10 T�?(vCi?Yl:l^�IIC� E:YI'll'l'�C-�T2+�� JJTE:p�J.'c:�lI1r*BC� �Ol:ia�l:G �1t1C3 pY'G:�i'ctTl1S i0 9':i�<, '.ti::�yor 0:2 227 7i111t11�. ��16"t£+: .�.0 t�},:EC�!'�� '�11i; �';OL7i.1C'� aTl� �:��'t3��'�t'�'e� c�Py�"'O�/'CL� �Y ��1<`' j`.'i.��yr-�2': To pr. �p::L_•� �he ar.nual ci�Til d�:e�i.,;: 2r,;�roprj�.tion re���.;�.ct ±a �u}�p•.�rt ��m�:r;��r_cy �rc�.�xc::�n�ss ���•o,?^am�;. �O �]i'�'.�:F�.t�r: C1;�"G C� ^L?i?::F Yr l.•t,C?!1 '`L c7 °i:�7 t, i]1'O��:=a i.�?7�r.�. C;Yi7 p�G y�?Ci c Gi ��3,:'_ 4i��S? �c'��ri�e �.�C'i1�:.•; �O �OGTCi?.fl,'��: r3.Y'i:� r�Xl":C�lt<: �i'I:' t�;`.Sit:°I'fYt::Yls:.j/ 1Jx�'.C?-1.I'i;;:�Sll?g E> j;:1.�iT1I12�Y�' �tPlC� t",i<1'�:t117�; ��� <:•,"v"�x'�.1' �._z.�'�; G<'.tld2'�Y"';1�ili <'311C� �3'.::��:iL7. � .�CS �GOi'Cji;l�'LG �<:'ti.1� .J?l:i C:i::e7ti-!3"tY,,:;31�y1' j3T�:+t�:-ll'C3C�1?�:uS �'Lclii^ :_l11G �?'u�`±'=t;:]5 Sv'1L�'e �UU1?'�'Y, ���I.;.:, �i11C� It_°��r a'�,3.? ��;:?.f1^ <':i31C: j�1C:f";'�1T2"lS. :� ?'c, �.•L����^r.n.�t `�ai>.�: ��'au1 in <�ll. at�,a �-3::c1 ?°e�;i.onal cEci;.I d�f<:nse , ��i:C1 i:'_7's i:Y�:;Il�;t. r c; ?1 C=;C.;2�l�S S i i:�< � ?� '�'` � R ^ L't�3�k�'.,' t, � (3_ �';=. :'i:t °� OTf�ail's7, t iJ)"'i� ,. }� �i7G� (�."�,`V'i�'�C': tG �ic3?'i;SI Li7 US^ �1t2St, tQ �'l::.i„�7:' p"�'3'iC7E f'?".',C�ii; i111 G't�1Ei' C�Ll�:i�'.`? c't��•i�Yilt'� �� :��?i:ztly a�ici :m;�l:c.i�;15� izi �i.� r;r��cz•�z;ncY iar�-:r��redn��_ � oz:•ilin<�i�6:�'=.r }?�:}11, ��..i3:''' 8.h �L�t=2t/1.t:G' i:�j' �'�1.'. I.�v 1Cf _� :.ii'. i O �)2'l�'�?"�I.'l-: :07;,�,s�C? GL1LL)ii;=:: �tIli.: :+,::'i>>�F. ...":�:i..7i� i�_'1<.l�:i'."�'let.l� {�OT �3.';1u11xT1� T�'i.'0�3'clC3']:, ctd:'�.� `tTl�`tt�;1:71 7.�y??:iO�Z't_'".�:, �.3'?1I7.2Ii� iYScAlIL�"cZIS.; -�0 ^CiY1C7�_I�� '�T1�l.lii?� ..t�'...n�tlS�J I.Ci�' �r1 "" ,, ': + -r�} g. ]..:i���-�,,,,. c-��: ��f.�r;�L �:, r.k„r TU :�^f;�:ti. 'w�'.hOl.'C' C;},`i!'li:� C.L�U��iiIOI;:..x� ?11(� R:l!?1t1.,�:> Q7.'<j�Lli:;�'�}.OI7.� �.1CJ Cl'�:i'_L1 '�TGL:H7,� E.--•Xt�'�.clit3�::".lr i<�1Ct �ll.^.';�'�.17t:?i L ���' ._r'.�� �,�:.1:.�. �,;;�7.� � ✓�,f:�:.7�C: i'TCi�T?:CT'>.. ��:1'_111=7?L;:I"t1 Ci'_3:lJ.�r?��L�lC3Y7:i; ��G�it�°Tl; ry2'�:�'t3iatiQil c i1�! .�'L�'r.;:: ::`,%:iY': t �`.s '. L,`� i.�: �'i2Ti.t<llt£'�'..'ctLQll ?� ,.� � :�c11cri�E`, :'1 j3 .UI' i]'( Zi`<:l:�u: i�'v0 '.T�:;:LT;. O� W�17.�^.�1 rill'i�x ...:_'vC-i !7CCY? t^a .115�1.i�:A:lt �A1•t;CfiC?1.' O{ �... :i —i<:f':ttil;' Ox :�Gi?1 jlt^31 . (;� -:J111C12 Yi1li��� �7�157�3 b�:�;Cl __.. � ��[7<:�tl?T .I�'i�I'1 u,(?l:YYl c 11.� 4��C r.:�<(::1i, �r�1(��f C 1' �°-�'+l.2 j?;)?.yr 'J 1`1�;.C�:R', O P C;p�i r�-�'�.���.�� !P S�r u 6l'.�75S:;;Ct;'��,Cfri fOi ct�i�:.�'_1i.1Ji2,. } rbrieinal to City Clerk • �� � O-RDINANCE 258�1� . ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO O Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � -3- ���( 31972 Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �i � Levine C���� n Favor � Meredith � ,, ,_(�� �Againat. . Sprafka -F�� 1 4 t� Tedesco M AY Mr: esident (McCarty) Approved: Att t• C' Clerk Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By� PUBLJSH�D �AY ��� � � �n�a�.a a r�.ar � � � r � � �RDINANCE ; 258�ss a . » j . COUN+CIL RLE NO � , PRESENTED BY ORDtNXNCE NO / D I i � � A�n o e ama�diag Ordisauce No. ?b�?, eztitled: ' i � � ; �'An o ia�aace fiaing the duties aad responaibflities � aad the miaim qnalificatiflas for the vsrioae elss saa of i positic�as ia th Cisssified. Service Qf the CitT, �' � 1 . ; spp:oved FebrnsrT 13, 1935. :s sanended. THE COLTNQL F THE 'CITY OF SAINT PAtJL DO�S ORDAiN: i . , ; Section 1. Tisst Ordiasnce ATo. T607, apgro�ed Febrsszy 13. � 1935, ss aaae�drd, be aad the sime ia hereby fiirthies smmded,b�r i isses�tisg in ita pr per alphabatical order the follo�viag title, snd . speeification"for I � i Direetor of Civil Defens� � � , � ; I � i . � , , � I ; , � , ; , . j � I . ` � I •1- � Yesg Councilmen INayg Paeeed by the Coun� G � Butler ' �'�ev�ne C�wsT ' T� Favor 3 Meredith Aroa3nst I I Mr. Presi'�dent (�c � • Appmv�: Attest: City Clerk Mayor f . �., �� Form approved Corporation Couneel By • •��wr�.r� � � ,.,� -��- � : . , � T;�i� ��r ���5.� z58�;1s r;tFrC rvr: �r �;�E�.[T� �EFEIVSE �L71.`iC:c c1i:C� TCGI:C�riSlt�lil.�;i�.'C° +"-�'iElU'(�%:'� ;.O �C3?'i,irilSt2'�.'�1VC: .?,�r1TU�l�l, LO C�7.lt',C'� �i1C- O�'SG1'�3:�Cii1� of the c;n'�i:,� �%;.��it �efc�x3se I'�-r,�;r��iY: �cY• ';,'�-�� Ci�v of St� Yao:�1; ancl ta neri�,rm r�lar�cl. vvo:.•i, as �.:sw�i���d. j xam�_c�s of vVGI'it perforxr,ed; s o r=��,,mrren� �m�r�ency ;�r.-��a r�dnes s poli���G and pro�r.ams �u �':«: :�!ay�r on 2n ani�ual ba�;�s; To ex�c�:tie th� �oli�ie� an� �rogr_�m� ap�a•oved by �lz�: r�-;.ayor: To pt-�;,a,�� �lz� annu�J. civil cl��fcns� app�•o�ri�.tion 1C-Cli:.�=�� *o �L�,L'�G�'t tyz�t;:-��n:.y r�rcparncln��ss t7ronram�: `Tn nro�v�A.�?�=� azrec.t SL�,�?�t\��167.OT: '�`.O �li� prafussi.onal �mp�o�c��G of zh� �i�il dr-.Ac�ns,c ��;en�y. ��o soordin���e ancl �.x:e�:��te tlze e:-r,Crg�n�y pre�aredn���, �lann�.nc �nd �ra:i�in� of e•�r�r.,� �i�y a<�;3artr_:�nt atld b�arc��xr 'I'c� �coardina>e Saint �'�.�? �m�x•:�ciacy �are�aredn�s: pl�.n� and �,xo��•Rm� u�i�h r.uun��;�, sta•t�:; =ir.cl f•�des�aJ. plans 3I1C� �rn��ams: i a rLp�•�sent 5air..t �-'au1 in �sl� :�r�a ai:d zc 5zonal �.iv�i.l d�f�r.se .°.nd �m��-�cn�:y� pr�par���r�es s ��l��ed arg�.ni?�t�.on5, �.;,xbLi�: and �.�ra•v..�c.: 'I'o per.ir�rn, ur �.a�.xs� t� �a4�� ;�e�ior-rr�d, all. o*ne�r• di�t��:;s �.s��,i1�r.� �l:niicitl5� .�.n:3 izr.plicitly in ':?�c er`er�ency r.r�pared�e�s ordi�ar_�c:, p�.an, and �:�: as:>i.gnecl by th� i�_ayor: To j�xc�p-;��� e;o��,r�e outlir��-� anr� ���stY}::�ti�n m�f��rials for �1•�sr;.n� ,r,:-c��•airs, ar�d m�:a��t:�.i.ia a;,�:}r��ri�s.tc trainziL� n�anuals.: To ��ndu.��r •tra�.��in� s�sszons for �ro1_u,ngeer c��,-iI. def�nsc� v�crlce��. �U 6y7i':cl�C ��°Lvre'. i:IV".i.� C;Gll��t'i'LOi]ai� +:f1Z'� bLlSlill?SS OI��7.ui�,cl��Cliu �.nd ���hL� gx•c+.:p�, ex�;.la:�nY�� anr7 ��romotind the S�. Ua�.?. C��zl i��f,�nse Pro�ram.. :�.�;inzrrium L��S�Lzii�cati.ons: ColZr�;� hyadt➢a�;on an� se�-cn yrar�� :�x�erience in p�abli� a:]:;r;i��.st;�=ktioi� a�t l,Y;zsx '�,�o y;,ar� o� wia�;,l� mia�� ?2avt been a� .:1ss3�1ant Dirt�E�toi af �=•�,�?.l �i:f�n^e:; or fo4� yE�3 s o` ��hich mt�.�� hae�e ta���n as a �I�c.�.ter �':�r.<<.,;��rz��n�� t'Jff;re�.�, �h.t�irc� 5��.�;��y ���fi.ee�•, or eq.�^.�alen�; �r�c s��;:,s`�'r.�:t3cn far %du�'atio.�<, } ,Lm � ' D4�ate b Prlater I • � y , �, � � �RDINAIITCE �, COUNCIL FILE NO 258�1� ; PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � i S�io� Z. I�i• ordimsr,ace shsll take efi�et snd be ia forc• lMrty � dsys af�s ita psssag . spproval. aad pablicstion. i � l i � i 1 � � 4 i � i ] ; • i � { � � � � � � . � �. I � i I ; � � . , � . 'I j � a , � � k i �. i , i i -3_ IAAY 31�7.� ; Yeas Councilmen Nay Paesed by the Council { Butler ' � ��� n Fa��r Levine p� . � �OOA;]� Ted�co � Mr. President (McCarty) Ap roved: MAy 4 � , Attest: P I i City f;lerk Mayor � �� Form a�prnved Co tion �ouneel By �� '*'�� � � I st � , 2nd Laid oveG, to �• 3rd and app � � _Adopted �' ��� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �� Butler �Butler Carison �'S�Tso3'�{� Levine � �evine Meredith 258�,�� �eredith U Sprafka `Sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O