258214 OriQinal to City Clerk - � �� RDI � � NANCE 2�g,��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO �G� An or inance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V, where it appears in Grade 53 under the headi.ng Professional Group, the title Director of Civil Defense. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �p,Y 31972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler .�j � Conway / /� Levine In Favor � Meredith � � A gainst - Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approve : MAY 4 �972 Att t: Ci Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By�s, • ru��asH� �!A 6 iyl2 n�.a m r�s� , � � � I �� RDII�TAN � E - . 258�1� COtJNCIL HLE NO� , PRESHVTED BY ORDtNANCE NO��� i An iasace smending �rdinsace No. 644b, �titled: 1 ' � "Aa admiaistrati�re ordinsnce fiziag ths com- , pensatio rst�s of cert�im city poaitioss aad e�uploy:aests, �' s�p�ro�sd J ry 23, 1925, a�s snaesded. ' � ; THE �p�TN L O�' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUES ORDAtt�T: ; � Sect os 1. Thst Ordinaace No. 6446, s.gpso�ed Jiaosry Z3. ', � � ; , . 1925, ss sm ed, be aeud the eame f a hereby fnrth�r sme�ded b� str3kiag ont o Sectioa 1�, where it sppears ia Grade' S3 �er the �,esding Protea s�toasl roap. the title D�reetor of Ci�il Dsf�s�. Secti 2. This ordinsace shall take eff�ct and bs in force thirtX daTs after ite e sage, approval, sad pitblication. . , ; � � � � • � � ! , � _ --- , � ___ ---— -- - --- -- —T_ _----__ -- - - — . .�,� . . :.:� .. .. . . , .. .r. _ . . . . _� �, . . , . , ,. . , _.. , .. I - _.. . _ . , , , _ - , _ . _.__ 'I _.. _ I j ; . �,. �' � ,4. I , .. .,� -_ .�:, _.;(�; .. . .... . ... I � , . .. . . . . . .. . ! � � , `.. . _.. . . . . . .:. __. .... .. .y. �.} III . �I f '�' � . . ._ _. .. ,. .. ... . . j.. ... . . . f i. � ::.�.'�i.'. :. .. .� :� � I ,.. , . . ... ". .... .,. ... . .. .... . . .... . . ... . ........... .t ; April 28i 19'j'2 t+Ir. Johrs li�ider Director oF Personnel Civi1 Serv3c+� Bure�u Dear Sir; The City Catanc3.l todsr,y gav,e Firat Reading to the ='ollowi,n� 3 ardirianc�s which wil.l com� up far Third �teaciir� os� �pril 26y 1�72 s 25821� �naenci�.ng 4rd. N�. 64�6� by striking out of Se�. V in Gr. S3 ut�der Profe�sicua]. Group - the title Direct�r oP Civil Defense; 258215 amend�.ng Qrd. No. 32�, by ineerting in Sec.6�, in t�r. 50 under Prafess3oual �roug the title Director of Civ31 T��'ense; 25E'#216 amendiz�g Qrc3. No. �607� by iasertin� in ite proper a].phabetica7. order the title and sp�ci- �ic�tion for I?irectc�r a� Civil Defense. Very truly youra' City �lerk ng , �s+ � � ' t- � � 2nd � � Laid over to ,� 3rd and app. � - —Adopted ;ti� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays i Butler Butler ���,,,, Carlson � ��6arJseR-l.�fi s i Levine �evine Meredith �v"'�'��eredith Sprafka `Sprefka � Tedesco edesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty I�r. President McCari�y O