258203 . 258�a3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �3 OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE Y COMMI551 � � ATE I�SOLVED, That the Cou�ci hereby c�acurs in the actiog of the Purchasing C��ni.tte�c in the award for furraish�.r�� and delivering WATER �� . f�r the Water D�:partm�nt, M�t�r Shop, 289 North Hamlirae Av�nue, Sair�t Paul, Minnesota, ae follcx,,rs: T0: Pf1WER Pi�OCE3S EQUIPMENT, INC4RPORATED 1. - 200 - 1" Wat�r Meters, �'rost proof type, LF;ss cor�n.�etioas, with straight r�ading cubic �'aot r�gisters . . . . . . $ 67.76 F�a,ch 2. - 50 - 1 1�2" Wat�r I+�eters, �two bolt oval flarige type, lcs� connections, with straight reading cubie �'oot � registcrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.l�+ Each 3• - 2S - 2" Water M�ters, two balt oval f]ange type, less connectiaa�s, with straight r�ading cubic �'aot registcrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1q8.36 �a.eh total amount af e ont rac t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2�,968,00 Terms: Net 30 Days at unit prices bid, in accordas�ce with thc sp�cifications o�. Formal Bid No. �20, the award being ma.de to th� lo�+rest responsible b3.dder m�et3.n:� sp�eifications. Th� C�rp- oration Cou�sel i.s her�by dir�et�d to dra,ft the proper form of co�tract and obtain the neecssary per�ormance and payment bo�ads. The praper City officials ar� h�reby authorizcd to ax�cut� said co�tract o� behalf of the City of �a3.nt Paul. F. B. �920 Req'n No. �+Q852 � c�ae: 8000-000 APPRaVED: AS T� F�RM APP : PURCHA,�ING CC�TTEE � Z(,� �rl✓iC.C� — ��p. f� ROLLSR �/ G�•Ol.L ��1.�,�'. C 4HI�ORA ON OUNSEL COUNCILMEN Adopted by t ouncil APR 1 A l�$ Yeas Nays Butler � l 8 ��2' � Conwa.y ro 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka ' or Tedesco � A Sainat Mr. res'd t, McCa ty �+/�ii�`72�Pranke��o PuB�ishtu APR 2 21972 ��