258182 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK /�R1 OL� '� CITY' OF ST. PAUL couNCa �����v,i{>,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RES T ON NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � E RESOLVED, That t C' y Council hereby concurs i the action of the Contract Committee in the award of contracL for providing full c:iaintenance service on mobile 2-way radio systerils for a period of 24 months beginning on the first day of the month following date of counter signature on contract wittiin the Department of �ublic 4aorlcs and �iater Department and to include full maintenance on radio repeater base stations, radio frequency control stations (transmitters), radio remote wire control stations, mobile radio units and portable radio/units operated by the Department of Public Works and �Jater Department, City of Saint Paul to Electronics iJnlimited dba: Aircomm as follows: ' i <7ATEk DI:PARTMENT (LUT•IP SiJT1 BASE BID). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.50/month Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3�612.00 PUBLIC WORKS (LUMP SUI�I BASE BID). . ':.' . . . . . . . . . . . .$504.50/month �ozal. . +�, •. ;, . . ... • . . . . . » .. . . . . $12,108.00 , Total amou�t of cont•ract. . . . . . . . . . .$15,720.00 , Electronics Unlimited' dba: qirconun being �the lowest� re�Sponsible bidder under the specifications and the. �orporatian Coun�el., is hereby directed tp draft the proper form of contrac� and obtain the necessary �erformance and �ayc�ent bonds. The proper City - . , offi�i�ls ��w��zeb�y+,a����d�:�-p,ax��,�s��d,.:coutra,�.t .��,n b�ehalf of, th,e Gity px Saint Paul. Formal Bid No. 4963 D: AS .B1 : THE GON CT COMMITTEE � �- CORPORATI N C UNSEL I1�II 0 �R OF P IC WO 'S ; � CO• ION � 0 I TIES �p �0 OLLER � PU�CHASING T ° ,";: COtiTI�iCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�►P R 18 1912 19_ Yeas , ,' Nays Butl�r � Concaay pp APR 18 1972 19� Levine � � Tn Favor , Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty 4/5/72/jlc/Smith euB�s��u �PR � 2 1972 ��