258181 . ,, . � ORIGINAL'TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 2581�8� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO UNC TI -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION p,TF Page #1 of 2 RESOLVED, That the Coun 1 reby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee for furnishing and del ering ItEA,DY-MIX CONCRETE AND PORTLAND Cffi�IENT to the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works and Water Department, Saint Paul, Minnesota for a period from Apri1 1, 1972, thraugh March 31, �.973 as follows: I BERCHEM'S BERCHEM1S ST. PAUL ST. PAUL SHIELY CON- TRANSIT-MIX Old City READY MIX INC. READY MIX INC. CRETE C0. CONGR$TE C0. New Mix Saint Paul Delivery Pick Up Pic?t Up Pick Up Designation Designation Per Gu. Yd. Per Cu. Yd. per Cu, Yd. Per�Cu.�Yd._ 3 W 46 C HB-AE $20,15 $18.15 $18.50 $18.50 3 W 42 C -HS�AE $20,15 $18.15 $18.50 $18.50 3 Y 36 C A-AE $18,65 $Z6.65 $17.00 $17.00 3 Y 46 A $1P.65 $16.65 $17,00 $17.00 3 A 42 C B-AE $18.40 $16.40 $16.70 $16.70 3 A 4b C B-AE �$18.40 $16.40 $16.70 $16.70 3 �i 31 C C-AE ;1�.00 $16.00 $16.35 $16.35 3 A��1 C C-AE $1�.00 $T6.00 $16.70 $15.70 �� 3 A 36 G C-AE $1�.00 �16.(3Q $16.35 $16.�5 3 �1 46 C C-AE $1.-'.•.00 $1.'..00 $t 6.70 $16.p4 3 B 3'Y � D-AE fi�7.45 515.45 $15.30 $15.80 � B 42 � D-t�E `�?7.45 $t5.45 $16.10 $�16.10 3 B 36� C D-AE �)_7.35 $15,35 $15�.30 _. $15.,80 3 B 46 C D-AE � $17.35 � � $I5.35 $16.I.0 $Ib.10 BERCHF�I�S TRANS IT-MIX CONE�TS C0. �� Additional charge for deliveries between ftovember 1 and April 1, for heated concrete . .. . $ .60 cu. yci. � Calcium Chloride .. ,...�........ .. .... .......... $ .10 lb. 1% @ 40� per cu. y�. � 2% @ u0� Qer cu. .vd. Hourly charge on any hold-up that is over and above normal delivery ... ...... ................. $15.00 per hr. �� -cnntinued- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays , Butler '` � Conway Approve� 19__ Levine __jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Maqor ' A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . , . ORIGINA4 TO CITY CLlFiK � > ���[�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. "-`' „ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY COMMISSIONER �qTF F. B. ��4956 (continued) � Page ,�2 of 2 BERCHEM�S TRANSIT-MIX CONCRETE C0. Discount ...... ........ .... .. .. .... .......... $ .50 cu. yd. $ .50 cu. yd. � For part loads (less than 2 1/2 cu, yd.) add the following: 2 1/4 cu. yd. ....... ...... ... .. . .. $13.00 2 cu. yd. ............. . ........... $13.00 1 3/4 cu. yd. .. ....,..«........... $14.50 1 1/2 cu. yd. ..................... $14.50 1 1/4 cu. yd. ..•............. ...... $14.50 1 cu. qd. ................... ...... $14.50 3/4 cu. yd. .......... ........ ..... $14.50 1/2 cu. yd. .. .............-....,... $14.50 1/4 cu. yd. .. ... ... ... .......... .. $14.50 Picked-up Delzvered 2,000 Sacks-More or less, Portland Cement_ .. .. $1,9—0' $2.1�5�per sack 525 Sacks-More or Less, Hi-Entraining C�ment _ $2.05 $2.30 per sack 125 Sacks-More or less, Masonry �ement ....: $1.75 $2.00 per sack SHIBLY CONCRETE COMPANY Water Reducers & Retarders ................�.,,,� , ;$,1S per sack treated additional 1� Calcium Chloride Admix ... ... ........ .... .. $.40 per cubic yard additional 2% Calcium Chloxicle Admix . ........ ..... ... ... $.80 per cubic yard additi�inal in accordance with the specifications on Formal Bid �4956, the awards being made to the lowest responsible bidders meeting specifications �ith �he m�ltiple award being made �s the pick-�p port�ioa of the bid coasidering the distance faetor of the plst� from the point of us e. APPROVED: TAE PTJRCHAS IIdG COMMITTBE APPROVED: AS TO FOR�I � (� ` , CO LLER '� � ��• ,R AlG G� CORPORATIO UNSBL ��` �PU CHt�S ING A COUNCILMEN Adopted bY Council A DD � Q eo7919— Yeas Nays Butler � Conway Ap ve� �R 1 a �9�' 19� Levine � 'T„ Favor Meredith / Sprafk�, �� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty 4/4/72/sm/smith QU�IISHED (�P� 2 2 1972 ��