258180 � �����o... 25�18�
and �
Theunder�gnedhereby propoeeethemalcingof tihefollowingpnbliaimprovement bq tbe City of SainL Psul�vis.:
recoastruct the�is,d�w�;l� o�}„ �� ��.,�,yg,a,,,_,
to the south approximatel�► 120 ft. and b doin all other work which is necessar�
and incidental to complete said improvement.
...w............. ........................�.....
Dsted thia.....rl.�h�..»....day of..........................Ai�z�L1.. , 19 .Z.2. '
WHEREA�, A written propoeal for the meking of W�e following improvemen�,vis.:
recoastruct the sidewalk on t e east side of�ha,�wor�,�,t,,,�q,�g„��0y,g,,,,�_
to �the south a�roximate1�120 ft;arid by doin,,,g,,,,all,,,oth�r,�ror�,,�,�h�ch„�„�e .e��,r�,
and incidental to coa�lete sa3.d�improvement.
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..._. _.............._..................................
t6erefore, be it
FtESOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed:
1. To inveatigate the nece�itq for, or desirability of, the making of eeid improvement�
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and r.�titnated coet of said improvement, and the total coet thereof.
� 3. To futrnieh a plan, profile or eket,cb of eaid improvement.
4. To state whether or nnt eaid improvemeat i�aeked fcrr on the pe'tion of thrae or more ownera
_ b. To report upon all of the foreg+oing mattsre to tbe Commie�sioner of PSnance.
AN tt 18 1972
Adoptedby the Council...................._ .»........---........................ �
Ymmsa ` �
� co�ncilman
�� .��� �R 1 a ��2 _ _
. Conway �$�tK . Apprnved..... .........................................
Sprafka 2�-�-.-�.e�
�et�ei'�ea. •
Tedesco ......... .....
Ms. PsESta�x�r ,B�ne-- �-�-��-�_-��, ayor.
a000 �-a�
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PuB�►sr�EO APR 2 2 1972 �