258175 . co�an� xo...L�81�5 'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theuadereignedhenby propoeeet,bemakingof thef�llowingpublioimprovement by t�he Citq af BainL Paul�vi:.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Snelling Ave. from Scheffer Ave. to Hartford Ave. and� doin all other work which is necessary and incidental to � co lm�ete sai��d im rovement:w����..�.��� .����� .....................................»..._....»»...»» Dstsd t�hie....�...�.,�»day oi.w...................�R]�1�..». 19 ?? ' , Co w'lmnn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written prapoesl for the making of�he following improvement, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Snellin�Ave. from Scheffer Ave. to �.....................�.............__................_............ ......... �............ � Hartford Av�. and b�doia�all other work whiah is necessa and incide�tal to .............. �.�.». .....».._». ..».. ....... ........... .................�.......... ,. . ....... «..... ... •r : - •; - � : _ C�lt$ Sa�i�"��1[t�II�� ' -. _ °+ , .,...«...» ...^..» .................. .�....................»........:..................... ........:........... . . � , :�, ,,,r 3 ...... ' hsving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul ....._._..........._.......................... T , ; therefore� be it RFSOLVED, That the Commi$eioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the nec�sity for� or desirability of,the making of esid improvemen�. 2. To inveetigate the natura, extent and eatimated co�t of eaid improvement, ead the total coet thereof. � 3. To furni4h s plan� profile or eketch of a�id improvemenS. 4. To state whethez or not aaid improvement ia aeked for on the pefation of three or more ownere. _ b. To report upon atl of t1�e foreg�oing mattere to the Commiesioner of F'tnanoe. Adopted by the Council................�.... APR 18.1972........._.......... . Y�t� � Councihnan AP R 1 8 1972 - - _ CouWay � Approved...........». ................_................. Sprafka Meredit P.a�ee�- , 7edesc � Ms. PaEaca�x�r g���1� �......� yor. a000 �-as �u�us� qpR�2 21972 �� �