258174 . � 2581'74 co�o��a rro... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and � , PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof tihefollowingpubliaimprovement by tihe City of SsinL Paul�vi:.: ....��s�us��t S.t....to........._...... Exchange St. and bp doing all other work whieh is necessa and incidental to ,� com�lete sai�d i�rovement. � .��w�� ����M .................... ......................... Dated f�ie... '.........l�.dsy of........»w._........,9►pria. , 19 ..�Z. � Co � PRELIMiNARY OTtDER. WHEREAS� A written propoesl for the making of the foIlowing improvemen�,vi:.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the_north side.of Forbes Ave,�from L ec S,�,,,�,o,�,,,,,__ Eachan�e St. and b� doing„a„��„Q��������,;,�,,,mg� ��� com�lete.said ,im�rovement. __.._..............................................._........................�»........ 6aving been preeented to the Counail of the City of�aint Peul.......... .............._.�.....�...........�,...�. tberefore, be it BFBOLVED, That the Commissioner of Fubtio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated: 1. Ta investigate the neceesity for, or desirabilitq of, the making of eaid impmvement� 2. To inveetigate the nature� ��nt and e�timate+d coet of esid improvement� and the t�ta1 coat thereof. � 3. To furnieh s plan, proSle or eketch of said improvemen� 4. To etat,e whetber or not eaid improvement�aeked for on the petation of three or more o�vaers. _ b. To report upon aU of the foreg�oing mstters t�t,he Commiesianer of F�iaaaoe. APR 18 1972 Adopted by the Council.............................. _.........._..................... � Y�es � ����i'r��,Gf/� - ' Counci3man B�i�"ti-- _ Apprnved.............. ..�..�--�2............ Sprafka _ Meredith Tedasco ......_..._._.. .. .....�... � Ma. PaEaca�x�r BYrne--�j� Ma a000 �-a4 . � .. eueus�� �1pR ��2 19 �