02-412Council File # O� - 4\a ,�-. ;-, � ,-, � � : ;!,�;,,_.��' F i ` �i� f I�F:r" LL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # \ O (o �g S Presented Referred To � Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Progressive Missionary Baptist Church is celebrating its 10`� anniversary the week of May 13-19, 2 2002; and 3 WHEREAS, Progressive Missionary Baptist Church in its first yeaz of e�stence chose to locate at 1505-11 Bums 4 Avenue on the East Side of St. Paul; and 5 WFIEREAS, Progressive Missionary Baptist Church and its Spiritual Leader Dr. Earl F. Miller continue to serve 6 its congregation and the community through its outreach programs. 7 NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council hereby congratulates the Community 8 of Progressive Missionary Baptist Church and wishes it well in its 10�' Anniversary Celebration; and 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council is grateful far the contributions of Progressive 10 Missionary Baptist Church to the quality oflife in St. Paul and encourages the congregation to continue its presence 11 in St. Paul for many more years. Requested by Depazhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �.. � Adopted by CouncIl: Date p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Ol-4\�- DEPARTMENT/OFFICNCOUI�IL DAiE MmpTEo ci�courrcu, ` Ma GREE_N SHEET No � O61$5 CONiACT PERSON & PF10NE � InMbYDtl� - NpWIONs Councilmember Kathy Lantry 6-8670 oF.�ru�a�art ar�rmu�n MUSS BESQN �UNqL AGENLI4 BY (DA'fE) , /1 /0 �p WN�9tFOR � pNAilO�liY � OIYqS11C ROUIYiG � - ❑ A6�IICYfL�FR111CF1G�1. ❑ AI�IYJ�LiFAYI�CCf6 ❑YY111t(q1111t4TYlI) ❑ TOFAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES�m Approval of Resolurion honoring Progressive Missionary Baprist Church on celebrating its 10'" anniversary. RECOMMENDATION Approve A) or Re�eet (R) ' vertso�useavicee wnrw�ers NusT�nsw¢R nfe rouomr�c Quesnoxs: 1. Hes ihis pe�saMrm eaer v,orked under a crntiact for thie department? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB CAMMITTEE 2. Fias this pewaUfirm ew been a dly empbyee9 � CIVILSERVICE CAMMISSION - , , YES ,NO 3. Doas this P�eor�im V� a sldl not iwrmalNP�ed bY �Y aureM dty empbyee4 YES NO . 4. Is M"s penoNfifirm a taryeted ventloYl YE3 NO E�Inin a9 Yes anev�eis an sepaate aheet etM ettaSh m O�aen sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (WM. Whffi, When, Wl�efe, Wlly) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVEO ' � TOTAL /UNOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/Rff1/fHUE BUDf33ETm (C�RCLE CNk� YE3 NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTNITY NUNBER FlWWCIAL INFORMATION (D�WNj - FROM :PROGRESSIUE FRX N0. :6517748328 May. 02 2002 01:52PM P3 oa-y�� i��Y � v � Progressive NGssionary Bapt�st C�urch I�istory ���. �- � ����� O n Sur�daY, febn�ary 23, 1992, 21 persons, including Dr, and Eunice Milfer, met in the home of Mrs. Roxanne Givens to discuss the future vf their faith fellowship. Being led by the Hoty Spirit, the group decided to meet each Wednesday nighY to swdy the bible. On February 26,1992, the felfowship held iu first Weclnesday night bible swdy in the Bandana Square Apartment complex meeting room. On this same date, it was agreed upon by all members present that the fellowship would be named Progressive Missionary Baptist Church. 1t was also decided that Dc Earl F. Miller would be the spiritual leader. On Sunday, March 1, 1992, the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church held its first Sunday school classes and worship service at the Macalester CoAege Chapel in St. Paul, Minnesota. During this service, we celebrated the Lord's Supper. On Wednesday, March 4, 1992, the second b;ble Study class was held at the Bristol Apartments meeting room. At that time, various task forces were formed and subsequently put in motion. Our Wednesday night bible study continued at the Selby/ Dale Cooperative meeting room through the month of March. On March 9, 7 992, our second worship service and Sunday school class was held at 8:00 a.m... and 9:30 a.m. respectively in the Chapel at Macalester College. Subsequent worship services and Sunday school classes on March 15th, 22nd and 29th were held at the Weyerhaeuser Administration Building on the Macalester College Campus. Responding to the need for organized church music, Ms_ )oEthel Fullilove organized the first church choir, pur first month of choir rehearsals and business meelings were held at the Martin Luther King Center in SL Paul, Minnesota on Friday evenings during the month of March. On April 1,1992; the Progressive fellowship moved to facilities at the Cathedral YWCA at 198 Western Avenue, in St. Paul where they continued to have their Wednesday night bible study, 9:00 a.m. Sunday school classes and 17:00 am. Sunday worship services. All three were well attended. On April 12,1992, God sent Mr. Lloyd )ones, a pianist who has served the fellowship well and has been a blessing to the music ministry. On Easter Sunday April 19, 1992, three services were held a[ 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and t t:0o a.m. Also, the first Easter Sunday Program was held. For the first time, the doors of the church were opened were membership. Over 90 persons came forward to recommit their lives to )esus Christ and become a part of the Progressive church family. FROM :PROGRESSIVE FRX N0. :6517748328 May. 02 2002 01:54PM P4 o�.-y�a On Sunday, May 1?,1992, the church held its first Founders's Day Celebradon_ The membership had grown to 167 persons. Through the dedication and hard work of the membership, the church raised over $25,000 as a down payment to purchase the church properties at 1505-11 Bums Avenue. By a miracle of God, on August 23, 1992, the Progressive church famity marched into their new church home. The parade started from the parking lot of the East St Paui Target Store, west on Burns Avenue and onto the new church building. Praise and celebration went on through the entire day. Since occupying the new facility on Bums Avenue, as of Sunday, November 15th, over 60 new persons have dedicated and rededicated themselves to Jesus Christ and become members of the Progressive family. This weekend, November 2a22,1992, the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate the dedicatior of its members, its minisVies and its church buildings and property, The theme for the ocassion is "Giving God the Glory by Cetebrating His Miralce". The foundation of Progressive Missionary Bap6st Church had been esrablished. The success of this new church depends upon our continual dedication, inspiration and diligent efforts to make our church grow bo higher spiritual levels. Through prayer and faith the Lord will continue to bestow His blessings upon us.