258127 �,�av � No...�58��'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEIVT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. Theundensignedhereby propoeeethemsl�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by t6e City ot 80int Psul,vis.: „�reconstruct..the,sidewalk_on.both_.sides.,of Rog,,ers,_St...from W: .7th...St to Middleton . ................. .____.._.......--•-----............... .... .... ... ...... ........ .............. ......... . ..� .. Avenue.and_by__doin�_all._other�work.which._is_necessar�►_and _incidental .to .complete said..im�rovement:...............................................•--....._.............................._........................_.....................---.......---..... Dsted t�hie.......�Jt]a:........dsq og....................................�►8 �.. ... .., 9 .?�. ................. .. _... . .............. ........_........ �Cauna an. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHER.EAS� A writtsn propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vls.: reconstruct the,sidewalk__on both sides of Rogers_.St. from W. 7th. St. to Middleton .......................... ..... ..---- .. .......................----...._..._.... .........---..........._.....................--•---••---............ __._.Avenue and by,,.doing._all„other work which is necessary_and,_incidental to com�lete.., .... .... .... .....___...... ..... ..... .................._.._......... _.�said_ imQrovement:.....-•-•---•................___..............---•---............---.........._...................----...................__........................_ ................--•--..._._.._..---......._.._......._..--••-------•---....--------•-•-•-•....-••-•---..._.......----••-•--•----•-•-•--.._._.............__....._.........._.._._......�......... 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... �herefore, be it RE$OLVF.D, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered sad direoted c 1. To inveetigate the neceaeity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated aoet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plsn, profile or sketch of said improvement. • 4. To etste whether or no8 said improvement ie asked gor on tthe petition of three �ar mor� �wners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. APR 13 1972 �aop�a b,►tbe �,�aa.............................................•---------........_............ Ynwe �ounc i lman But I er �' APR 1 ? 197.� ,s,�-�. A rovecIl_....-----».............._..._.._.._...._................-----.....__._ levine Meredith S praf ka Tedesco .._................. ._ _.,........_........ Mr. President McCarty nyar. �000 �-ao � PuB��stt�o APR � 2 1972 , �