02-409CouncIl File # pa. - yesj Sheet # � � RESOLUTION CITY O SAINT Presented bv�" /i `�r� � J� Referred To 2 Resolution Supporting the Mississippi River Relief-Big River Clean Up June 22-30, 2002 4 Whereas, the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin value the Mississippi River and wark to conserve, 5 protect, enhance and maintain this river and its watersheds as a national and international asset; and 6 Whereas, the upper Mississippi River from St. Anthony Falls downstream to Prescott, Wisconsin is part 7 of a nationally significant ecosystem and an important recreational and economic asset to communities 8 throughout Minnesota; and 9 Whereas, the Mississippi River continues to be the recipient of lazge amounts of trash deposited both 10 directly itt the river or washed into the river through the storm water drainage systems; and 11 Whereas, during the week of June 22-30, 2002 the Mississippi River Relief — Big River Clean Up will 12 gather over one thousand volunteers to clean up the shoreline and islands of the Mississippi River from 13 Prescott, Wisconsin to St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota; and 14 VJhereas, the Mississippi River Relief is an unique partnership of civic and nonprofit organizations, 15 businesses, corporations, municipalities, governmental agencies, foundations, and citizens with the shared 16 commihnent of enhancing the Mississippi River; and 17 Whereas, the Mississippi River Relief—Big River Clean Up is the largest undertaking of its kind on this 18 stretch of the Mississippi River; and 19 Whereas, teams of volunteers will collect discarded tires, appliances, bottles, cans, SS-gallon drums, and 20 other debris from the Mississippi River and will haul trash by boats and barges to be sorted for recycling 21 or disposal; and 6a- - `lo`1 1 Whereas, volunteers with the Mississippi River Relief — Big River Clean Up will have the opportunity to 2 work with nationally recognized Chad Pregracke of the Mississippi River Beautification & Restoration 3 Project; and 4 Whereas, on Saturday, June 22, 2002 there will be a kick-off event in Hastings, Minnesota and a final 5 celebration event with educational displays, food and music is planned for Harriet Island in Saint Paul, 6 Mimiesota on June 30, 2002. 7 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Saint Paul City Council expresses its strong support for the 8 Mississippi River Relief— Big River Clean Up on June 22-30, 2002. Requested by Depaztment o£ Adopted by Council: Date _� �`L.` o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl �a-`lo`l � �- 1��b�C� ,�,�� OATE INRIATm ���u� GREEN SHEET No 110359 s B -ba N�MBER FOR ROUi111G OROEIt TOTAL #E OF SIGNATURE PAGES u��� u��- ❑ pIVAITOPIEY ❑ tJfYttFRK ❑ f1MNtYLSERMCEfOW. ❑ AMMtJ11LfEN/ACCTO ❑ WwnloRASSB�»II) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � 1 /��� l��%i;61�'.-�� � , 1'�l�/L h—`e%� ` � �?s� � GL� ���LYi �� �� ���� � � 1UAl IVN Approve (A) of KeJeC[ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED NOT Why) OF TRANSACTION S Nas this persoNfirm ever worked under a coM2d forthis depaAmenl? YES NO Has Mis person/firtn ever been a city empbyee? YES NO Does lhis persoNfirtn possess a sldll not narmaltypossessed by a�ry curtent cily employee? YES NO �s this pe�soMrm a ferpeted vendoR VES NO COSTIREVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTIVRY NUM11BF3t INFORMATIDN (EXPWNJ