258120 ORIOINAL TO CITY CI.[RK - � /�`�j►(���� , . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `"v`� , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FLE NO. _ , . _ COUNCIL ES _ ENERAL FORM PRESENTEDlY Victor J. 'I'edesc April 13, 1972 COMMISSIONE A� WHEREA5 the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and rem.oval of the following described buildings , said structures h�.vin�; been rePorted to constitute a public hazard: Address Legal Description ' Ty�e of 5tructure _ 1321 E. Jessamine Lots 18 and 19, Block 3 Two story single family Kiefer Park dwelling . WHEREAS it appears that the last known record owners of said btiildinKs are as follows: Joseph P. •Lombardo ,� . ., . 1'HEREFORE, BE I'I' RESOLVED, that a pubZic hearing be }iel.d by and before th.e Council of the City of Saint- Paul in the Council Chamber of the C;ourt: �3ouse in said city at 1U:00 a, m. on May. 3, 1972 to consider the advisability and necessity of o'rdering the correctiun or wrc�cicing � a�zd re��noval af�said structures on the above described property inasmucll as swi.d structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health., Sa.f.e.ty an�3 welfare;; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of thc Ci.ty Cc�uncil.. noLify by mail Lhe record ov�mer.s of the property in question at i:Fie last known address, as well as other interested persons of record , of the daCe and time of the hearing. (New) � . APR 13 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeaa Naye Butler ' ��� Conrnta�r v �--�--19_ Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A8'ainat Mr. President, McCarty , PUBLISHED APR 2 21972 : . �� I�.&y �� ��7`�' A:`:r. ';�'��r� L. t'�mes, Ci�:y �:rchitect. �.'la.x' ,,;."t�: ���e Cz��r ."���.�:i�. :;�cl�y i:i��:c��':inuF.d �.I.1 ��:•vice�c�.�.n�^ • ,,. ,,-_e'+ .:,t, 1- ,7 y r9 —, ^�.- 4'?.1�+�, �° lLf)l'Aa� V.S'#'Gv'J.�3.�kA� C:L� �,�,�C.� .i.:�• tJ�i.:.i�.�li: ri�� a..� �.�._ mat;,.�.. .,l ��ze .aaz�.r' � i;:� ��.:�� builc�ir.v ?�a: be�n remav°�f.� �;� :��ac owncx. ��xy tY'uly Yo�$r City C1.er?� � DUPLICAT6 TO rRINTER . • 1 ;, �I-��., ���;; � CITY OF ST. �c.y•��..�d�' ' PAUL FLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENiED BY j�l C�f�"�" a�. �°.L�C�S.E::i C� .�'��Y��,�. �.�p �.�7•u COMMISSIONER �ATE• WHEREA5 the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity oI t:he correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings , said structures havi.ng becn reported to constitute a public hazard: Address Le�al Description Type of Struct:ure 3.�2I �s. J�s��:?-�a.aa� �,c+�s 1� �.!� �.9 B �1QC�ti 3 `�� ��r�ry sinc�l� £a�a.1y �:ief�r ���� �cvell�.nc� . WHEREAS it appears that the last known record owners of saic] buildings are as follows: Jr�s�:.�i� p. .Ln��ar�e� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held Uy and before,the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of thc Court r House in said city at- 10:00 a. m. on �.��ay ,� � y��� to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correcti�n oi• wrecking and rernoval of said structures on the aUove described property ina.sil�uc}i as said structures are reported to constitute a haz�rd to public hc�alth, safety and wellare; Ue it FURTHER RESOLVED, that: the City Architect, on behalf �f the City Council, not-ify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as, other interested persons of record , of the da.t:c� and time of the hearing. � (W�����). ��� n ;« , �;� �� � �. COUNCILMEN Adopted bp the Council 19� Yeae Naye Butler ����aO1�� Cc�rYwa� 4 APProo� APR 17 1972 19_ Levine ..—�n Favor Meredith Sprafka %� Mayor Tedesco --�L_._Against , x,, , . _ ,._ �VIr. Preaident, McCarty -' ,���