258113 OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK �58�:1� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"c�� NO. �IeL,:s: �Ct���:I�„i'�:�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM �` PRESENTED BY I.nril 1�; 197� COMMISSIONE ATE � i�`iOLiI�: �I�a� �"�p���.ic�.tion i�i 79�1 �or �rive-In :es�a�,�run�� licen:e, �i��nlied for by ��_uer, Inc. �it 1�W1-�i :".rc�de utreet, k�e unc� t�se �����c �� Iiereb� gr�.nied� subject to �tI1e com�liance �rit.i tlie provi�ions of �11 orc�in��nces �overnin� tlie oper���ion oY ��r.�in� lo�s, ..nc1 �;u�aject �,o t�c aurt:zer cone�itior�, a� fol�oi:Ts: 1. Tt�ut che c3rive�.a�*s on Tvy 1'.venue be closed and discon-�inuec�. 2. That there ���all be no ,�.�ccesc� to tlie alley on the `�lest or Ivy �.venuc. �. That a bu�fer be �rovic�ecz on tI�c 'i'lc�i; �.ncl P�orth of �he prenise� �o �e pl�ntec': :•:itli �o,�iar trees� �nc� tFzat �� bu:��ner �encc be in;�t�llec� at the alie�T. �?. �h<t off-duty nolice o�'ficer� be proviclecI c�urin�; tne ne�_P� hours. 5. �.'��at �13ere sPiall be cl�ilsT picF:up of li Vter on s�.id g�remi�es� as i�ell as �lae lit�er t3i�t r:aay accur�ulate therefrorn on ncarby �ropert�T �nc� tlaat inciner��tion r,�ei,,iocls �hali be ii;iprovecE. G. `1�'�3at li�fiting o�' t'sic �rei�ises i�e so cos��roliec� ��N no-�; to t�iro�•: li�ht Ues*OriG� �1�;'��.].Ci1ri$�S ?1'C'ii11.5@S. 7. `a'`Iiat :id�r�:ll�u ��btbttin; saic� �reni�es be I.ept cic�n ancl free of ice and snour ��t all tir.aes. ��tIVE-Ii�r RiSTi ICTIOi�;� I'wid;:�t:.%L (�.e:�trictions anc'� �ti�,ulation,� �:f�'ecitve 3953, C.��. 1�G978 ���i5��s8) ApR 13 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butier �R 1 q 187.2 e� 19— � Levine Tn Favor Meredith j �� Sprafka � Tedesco AS��$t Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED APR 2 21972 ��