258108 , CITY OF ST. PAUL
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By �—
. Condetnnation and Awardls of Damages File No._ 1'�t
and Aasessment T�erefar
In the matter of
, __-----._ __ _-----
_ -_ ___ __ __ _ -- ------- �., ,.�....�
_ -- - _--_
_ _ _ _ _ :_
. . , :
opening, wic�ening �nd ex�ancl#•��; the int��se�tion of Claren�ce Street and Point Dovglas , '
oad Cit Pro ect E'-�5�35R) b� �mr�de�+r'.x�a� <�nd taking for �treet �urpoaea that par': t�f �
R � ?7 �
%�� 8, Rlc�ck A., P�a.nr Dt�ttc;ia� A:'c�it�..,,n, ��?t.. in �he Southwest 1/4 0� Sectian 34, T�wn-
�hip 2�P�. , Ran^e 22td. , ixa the t'�k�y �` Sr, Paul, �.ying c�i�hin the �ollcnaxn� described
' lines: Be�inning r�r tk�e m��t �s�a�t�et.y" cF'r,;c�r �f said Lmt 8; the�ce in a North-
' i,�esterly directios� al.��a� ktae S�ut:?�t,fa�.��-x*���s �-a�� �¢ s�tid Lot 8, a distanse cf 129e�i0 ,
feet; thence cc�x�txnta�.aa{; xn � ra4�YR��1i7E_-`"Lf' '�<� e��:�'ectirsn alon� the said 5c�u�he�esterly
�.�.x�p o£ Lot 8 at a c�e��ecti.�r 1n�3.c ��� �»,°" de�ge�R, 22 minutes to t�e left a dia�ance
o£ 27.?_2 �ee�; �hexa�e :t.a� a 1`1�rrt�ea4tc""1�' c'i.r,ectiAn at a defl�crion angle of 9n de�rees
t�s �he ri�;hz, a �tis����e �f I1.1.'�,�'+ fn�'=�� �r�h>r� Qr J.ess to the �dortt�ea�terl.� corner of
saAd I.ca� a; th�n�:e S�u�heri.y �a?o�a� ~�7� �.r�,� �.irac� �f Lot 8 to the point o� bepinraia�g,
as shoFa:� ox� O���i�� D�araing I�U, ':�. 't; a.T� �r.�E=er 4, on file in the Bepartment of Putalic
- —unaci-r;icuaaaauuay viuci — •��-�-- �z�ppi'(JYEC� _� �i* i77T__ _�-_-- :
Intermediary Order ���� , approved �i1 �T� �'�7� ,
Final Order � � , approved � �. t`!'11 .
A public hearing having been had upon"the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements
therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment
of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, �nd made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
. '" � .` . ..�
. -.
Y�as Nays �
CQN'ti`.'^,`{ Adopted by the Council—.�_
���°���:� �� R 1�72
M�R:,i;i�"3�1-I � App 1
TED�SCO �In Favoi
�1AcC�'r,�TrY. f� � ayor
� V ' Against
Form R.3 °��5 / � �/
PususHE� APR 2 21972 �� �-�
. ,
J •
I 's'.
� ` � ' , CITY OF ST. PAUL �GS�'���
Report of Commissianer of Finance
� on Condemnation of Lands File No. _'�
In the matter of
- ---- - .
�anening, wideninp a�ci expar��cla�n�; the i{�.ffeT��ec�ian of C�arerr�e Street and Point Bonglas
Itoad (City Proje�t E'-�5�5R)� ��� c�?r!c�•;�-,^,in<, �-�r�d ta�Cin�; for stree� purpASea that part of
; I��z f3, BI�vck A, PQi�� �2r��a�ln3 Ac?!�li?�S.nn, a2� in the S�c��hc»st Z/4 of Scc�i�n 3�+, Toim- .
�t�i�p ?_�Pd, , Ran�;e ?.?t�i. , in �:he r,�.t�� n:� �*. �'auZ, J.STing r�i�hin �he foll�z�i.ng describeci
:1.ix�es: Be�;k�ni�cng �x t:kae sr�est Soa�[l�n,.y t;• a:.c��xner. c�" said Lot 8; �h�nce in a rT�rth-
�;e�;�erAy c�irect�Rn� �i.���; rh� �c+��i'h��t.:;�:� r,�:. ��.ne �£ s��id 1�t 8, a distance e�� 1.29.60
Ecefi; thenc.e co��xn�la,r��; An t� �T�--6�h��F.:�°:, --'�.4y �.i.rc�c�io� along the said Sou�h��esterly
lir..e �r L�a� f3 �1� a r�r��le�tibn an�1.� ��:�� i�:' d.��r�e�, ?_?_ �ain�ates t4 the left a distance
of 27.4Z f�e+�; �kae��� i.� � xdnY^:?�.��as��T-'..�= c�.:;,r.r.cwi�n at n deflea�io� angle of �f3 degrees
�� tkse ri.�;�tc, a dis�:1�_�� �`' '.��;aUj+ fE���. rs��rc� c�x �.e�s t� the Pdortt�easterly corner of
sa�.d I,�IC t3; thenc� �;a����the�-ly �.a.c;i; rhe r,-,^t� zane �€ Lot £3 tt� the �aoint of �eginnirag:
as ;;���m o� ��e�ni.�n�; �r�z�ai�a� l��o. ;>7'", .;r :>r.<���er !;�, o� file i� the I3��Sar.t�Ant of Put�lic
- under�reIiminary �rder � —, a�provea --- - -
Intermediary Order � , approv� ��'`� �'� ,
Final Order � , approved �ef1 �3; 1�t .
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and deternnined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to vv�hom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing the �andersigned's finding on said matters.
� ��
� Commissioner of Fina �,���
Valuation Engineer
a55�t vai�o+�o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
� 286 City Hall
$ainl Paul, Minnesofe 55102
O �����;�
To: Cc�missionex Ro��.].ie L. �utler
From: xoy �. Brecle�hl, Jr. A:�'t. Val. & Aaae�s. �;ngineer
➢at�: April 13� 1972
S�b�ect: f�pening of the Z�ntorsection of Pc3nt D�gl,.as 8c�ad and
�larene� Stre�� - 8atifietati0a of Award mf Da�ges
Property O�ners: George F. and dcx�,n J. Wistl
Purauant to the d3section o� the City Co�acil at the heax3ng mP Apri.l 12,
lqT2� thia is to advi�e th�t the axard far the City's tr�king ot' the sub�eet
Pr�pertY under Fir�ance File 17558 �s be�n amend�d to $13,5�6.f30. Th3.s
total amowrt prc�viai�s for an a�r+�.rd �t' $l�,(�.W a� an r�n�ur�t t0 c�r
current and de].inque�t taxe$ to d�ate. Said axard ean be broken dc�ra a�s
Dsmage� fc�r :t,and $12,�.CK�
Cvrr�nt ta�es and, asseffismerr�s (due 1972) � 719.00
Delimq�aent fiaxe$� aasessmenta a�l per�.7.tiea $ 827.80
to dats
Tot�.7. �xard of D�nmage$ �13,5�6.8�
I trv� that this awaxd represerrts the City Ccmneil's position eoncerning
thia matter.
, �,�
� � �
• �C`
• ,���,.: ,�
•�+ � • ��,s��
"�` March 8� lqT2
Move t,ha.t the public hearing before the Council in thc ma�ter of the
ratification of the order for the opening� widening� and expanding the
intersection of Claxence �taeet ar�d Point Douglas Road per tinal order�
C.F. 253528, approved. Apri1 13, 1971, be reschedvled for March 28'
1972 with proper notice to affected owner.
b v
�iCYrE: Th� hearing on the ratiPication of this ordar wa8 original]�y
scheduled for PTovember 2�+� 1971, at whieh tim� it was laid
over indefinitely to allow for the owriers to ob�s.in thcir own
appraisal. A negotiatec� settlement has now been reached.
b�arah 2�, 197z
Hon, Roger M. Oanwsry
Comsr. of Public ti�orks
Dear Sir;
The City Council today 1.aid over to April llth
Resolu�ion Itatif�ring Assessment for opening,
wid�nin� and expanding the in�ersect3on of
Cl�rence St, sand Point Douglas Road (City Pro�ect
Very truly your�,
C�ity Cierk
March 28, l9?2
Hono I�osalie Butler •
Comsr. o� Finance
De ar Mada.m:
The C3ty Counci7. todqY laid over to April llth
Resolu�ion R�tifyin� Assessment Par apen3ri��
widening and expanditYg the 3nter�ection vi`
Clarence St. and Pbint Dnu�l.as Road (City Pra�ect
IQo m�rition was made of new natiecs to property
V+�ry 'tz`u1.Y Your e�
City Cl.erk
ng .
i�o`v. 2�6, l�'jl
�Tun. S���F, �,c:a3�_1.7��± �. :?��,l�r,
°��4�U"t,�:<3:��.�r'��r fli ��in[#.22C�.
�.�f.'£3�;i" .1+i�.t�.F3d'�1»
���.�' s;;i.g�� 1.:�a1.d:1C;i...4_ ":!�?t�N�y" �t�,�!� fXVf'�' �J1C1P..fi.Yll��f�iz! tYx�
�����:,,;+�a:�;_�.��ri ��+�:.r+.��.az� ,�ssea�men� an the zna,tt.a�� c��' �a�a�r�.i..n�.
Wli:t..k'tix;G� ??1:.�� E:.��s�"lt�.Ti.c�.:i11�:i 'zFC?.t� °�,l`X$;r�:�^��?t;'"i�i.C'.B?. C,^'�'` {:�l_tS,'Y'."41G'f'. :%�.
1.l:C1LiE::r' ,`e 4tis '��r?C�F>i$.� f1.TyC32't7�"PLD. crR]'1• c3�� ltl�"fl.w
�Y E'2°V' '�1"'1�.,°y' .yQU.2"�i"�
4,i-��r !b:te:�;�
�!�s.rch �3� �.�?
i�tc+ru. P•�r�. ���a'l�.s L. :�u►t1er,
t;r.ar�ia�i.c�rs�r o�P �'ir�ance�.
l�a.r ��,dt►�.
`:C� �ity �e�un�f.�. �c�da,y x�!-�+�hec�il.�d. �, ��bl�.� h��;xin:� �`c,�
March. ��, ���, tc� ca���+�er tl�oe r�ti�'3�,�tlon o�' thr �x°d+�r ���
r�enin�;, s�riid�ecssin� ar.d �g,aan��r��, �.x��s �.����rs�c��can o�° C�.��nc�
�t���� �cd, ?c��n�: 7?nu�l.e,s Ro�.c�, zmcl�r �"lz��. �.rd�x° �C+�. �'�,���''
�rrn�ci �.pxi.1, l;, :��'j�,. �'�.�*n�� ��nc�. :te�r nati�:�s� fax �C2�i� ;��-
�sc?i�iul�►t! h��r�.n€� +o t�.�r�et��. �?�caq,a€.°��Y cn�rt�r3,
V't��p' t�'u�y► Y'c�s r
Ci� �ll�z'tt
CC: 1'lib]„�,C 4''�1"��� �j?�:1�lii�:.