258105 ORI6INAL TO CITY GLBRK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL . HLENCiI NO. �� - � • - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ' � COU IL RESO UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE ^ ° DAT : �.� . � ��-^�-" - " WHEREAS� the Northern States Power Company has filed a request with the City of Saint Paul, by letter dated March 27, 1972, for an increase in its electric utility rates ; and WHEREAS, such increase is professed to be in addition to the one granted by the City of Saint Paul under Ordinance No. 15024� adopted January 28 � 19?2; and WHEREAS, upon due co nsideration of the request� the utility's �ermit, and the state law by which such permit is granted� the Utilities Committee has recommen ded that the re- quest for increase be not granted at this time, now� therefore , be it RESOLVED, that in view of the conditions for only one increase in rates in a calendar year being permitted by the provisions of Min.n. Stat. � 451.07, and in view of an increase in the rates of said utility having been already prescribed during the calendar year of 1972� the request by the Northern States Power Company be not granted at this time ; and be it FURTHER R�SOLVED, `�hat any change in the electrical rates of said utility shall only be considered and prescribed after an investigation of the propriety of such change .by qualified personnel acting on beh alf of the City, and a full scale hearing on the question to be financed by the Northern States Power Company. FOR OV D: Asst. Corp ion Counsei �� APR 12 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er AP R 12 1�� �rone 19— `Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor .�.Z�igainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHFA APR 151912 �� s� ��-- � . .V < ` 1 � ' , �"',� -�'�- '� �,, � d!� ,.� C�� �`' N O R T H E R N 5 T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y SAINT -PAUL, MINNESOTA 65102 � ,� I � / �/ � ' � March 27, 1972 The Honorable Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: On June 8, 1971, NSP petitioned the Council for an electric rate increase in the City of Saint Paul. The matter was referred by the Council to a Hearing Examiner who conducted extensive hearings, received evidence, and on December 22, 1971, issued a decision recommending a rate increase and regulatory guidelines to the Council. . The Council adopted its Examiner's recommendations and enacted Ordinance No. 15024, which was accepted by NSP expressly subject to the right to petition for a further rate increase if justified. Your Examiner's recommendation for a rate increase was based on 1970 operating costs and plant investment, 1971 actual figures not then available. Although it was known at the hearing that 1970 figures used were not current and therefore deficient, the City objected to the use of projections or predictions of either 1971 or 1972 costs because it contended such predictions must of necessity be speculative. Your Examiner recognizing this problem stated in his opinion as follows: "If the predictions made by NSP's experts as to revenue requirements for 1972 prove correct, nothwithstanding the wage-price freeze, it will be the obligation of the City to make such additional adjustment in the rate _ schedules in the City of St. Paul as may then be indica- ' ted. " � � -� � cn-�c ^, "+c� -.i ror s rn -.� c av n„) r.- r x r,,� �cn � v 0 z� � A ..�j rn �, � 'The Honorable Harry E. Marshall -2- March 27, 1972 NSP now has the actua.l figures for its 1971 operations in Saint Paul. These figures show substantial increases beyond Company's control in costs of providing service during 1971, which had been included during the hearings in Company's predictions for future revenue requirements, but which were not reflected in your Examiner's recommendation. Accordingly, NSP now requests in compliance with the obligation stated in your Examiner's decision that the City establish reasonable electric rates which would increase revenues by 4. 8 per cent to cover additional 1971 costs not reflected in your Examiner's recommended rates. Enclosed herewith are detailed schedules showing revenue requirements of NSP based on 1971 actual operating costs and plant investment using the same rate of return, identical allocations, and other guidelines included in the Examiner's decision. Very truly yours, - `?�"k.-�ss+�,d G C Thomas A. Connelly Division Manager encls - � . •Northerz� States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 1 Electric Utility - City of St Paul INCOME STATEMEiVT 1971 and 1971 With Make Whole Adjustments " Adjustments 1971 Actual To Make Make 1971 1971 Whole* Whole TOTAL ELECTRIC REVENUES $35 837 600 A $ 2 207 000 $38 044 600 Revenue Deficiency from Schedule 4 B 1 828 400 1 828 400 Other Operating Revenues 137 100 137 100 Total Operating Revenues 35 974 700 40 O10 100 OPERATING EXPENSES Production � 10 990 800 10 990 800 Transmission 462 300 . 462 300 •Distribution 2 173 200 2 173 200 Customer Accounts 775 800 775 800 Sales 264 800 264 800 Administrative & General ' 2 262 300 2 262 300 Taxes: Real Estate & Personal Property 4 120 700 4 120 700 Gross Earnings 2 521 100 C 668 700 3 189 800 Social Security 180 800 180 800 Federal & State Income Taxes 474 300 D 1 845 800 2 320 100 Deferred Income Taxes 1 039 300 D 29 600 1 068 900 Income Taxes Deferred in Prior Years -58 500 -58 500 Provision for Depreciation & � Amortization 3 883 000 3 883 000 Total Operating Expenses 29 089 900 31 634 OUO OPERATING INCOME 6 884 800 8 376 100 NET OPERATING INVESTMENT - ORIGINAL COST 102 176 700 102 147 100 � RATE OF RETt1RN 6.74% 8.20% � * See Schedule 5 for explanation of adjus_tments. . Northern Stat�s Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 2 `.Elec�ric Utility - City of St Paul � - NET OPERATING INVESTMENT AT ORIGINAL COST DEPRECIATED D�cember 31, 1971 P'LANT IN SERVICE � Production $ 58 109 100 Tra.nsmission 2� �+52 200 Communication Equipment 125 200 Distribution �+�+ 605 000 General 1 268 900 Common 3 923 l00 ' Total 132 ET�Spp RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION Production 13 8�+9 900 Transmission � �+ 023 100 Communication Equipment �+9 300 � Distribution 11 2�+0 300 General 481 000 Co�m►on � 917 800 Total 30 5 1 00 ' NET PLANT IN SERVICE � 101 922 100 , Deduct: ' Contributions in Aid of Construct}on 307 200 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 3 981 400 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Cr. 457 900 Net Before Working Capital 97 175 00 Add Other Capital Requirements: Cash Working Capital 1 617 700 Average Ma,terial & Supplies . 844 100 Average Fuel on Hand 1 779 600 Deferred Research & Development Costs 759 700 - NET OPERATING INVESTMENT - December 31, 1971 102 17 700 Deduct Additional Deferred Income Taxes 29 600 � NET OFERATING INVESTP�i�IT - December 31, 1971 102 147 100 NortHern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 3 �El�ctric Utility - City of 5t Paul COMPUTATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE INCOME TAXES 1971 and 1971 with Make Whole Adjustments 1971 Actual Make 1971 Whole 1. Total Operating Revenues $ 35 974 700 $ 40 O10 100 . 2. Total Operating Expenses before Income Taxes & Depreciation 23 751 800 24 420 500 3. Net . 12 222 900 15 589 600 Deduct• 4. Income tax depreciation 5 973 900 5 973 900 -5. Removal expenses deducted for taxes 212 800 212 800 6. Interest • 3 843 000 3 843 000 7. Items capitalized per books but expensed for taxes (property taxes, . sales taxes, payroll taxes and pensions) 849 900 849 900 8. Net taxable income (N) 1 343 300 4 710 000 9. Preferred dividend credit at 10.25% of $990,000 (P) 101 500 101 500 10. Preliminary income taxes at .5424(N) - .14(P) 2 540 500 .527399(N) - .135639(P) 694 700 11. Deduct Investment Tax Credit 220 400 220 400 12. Federal & State Income Taxes 474 300 2 320 100 Norihern States Pawer Company (Minnesota) Schedule 4 ` . Ele�tric Utility - City of St Paul • REVENUES REQUIRED TO EARN 8.2% RATE OF RETURN 1'�71 Including Make Whole Adjustments Return Requirement 1. Net Operating Investment $102 147 100 2. Return @ 8.2% 8 376 100 Income Tax Requirement 3. Return from Line 2 8 376 100 4. Deduct Interest 3 843 000 5. Deduct other capitalized items 849 900 ` 6. Add Book depreciation & amortization 3 883 000 7. Deduct tax depreciation 5 973 900 8. Deduct removal expenses 212 800 9. Deduct investment tax credit 220 400 � 10. Deduct Preferred Dividend Credit 14 200 11. Add Deferred Income Taxes 1 068 900 12. Deduct Income Taxes Deferred in Prior Years � 58 500 13. Income Tax Base 2 155 300 14. Preliminary Iacome Taxes @ 1.1853 �a� 2 554 700 15. Deduct Investment Tax Credit 220 400 16. Deduct Preferred Dividend Credit 14 200 17. Final Income Taxes 2 320 100 Gross Earnings Pr_vment Required " 18. Return from Line 2 8 376 100 19. Income Taxes from Line 17 2 320 100 20. Operating Expenses Excluding Gross Earnings Taxes & Income Taxes �b� 26 124 100 21. Deduct Other Operating Revenues 137 100 22. Base for Gross Earnings Paynent 36 683 200 23. Gross Earnings Payment @ ,0869565 ��� 3 189 800 Cost of Service 24. Operating Expenses from Line 20 26 124 100 25. Gross Earnings Payment from Line 23 3 189 800 26. Income Taxes from Line 17 2 320 100 27. Return from Line 2 8 376 100 �- 28. Total Cost of Service at 8.2% Rate of Return 40 O10 100 29. Deduct Revenues for 1971 with Rate Increase �b) 38 181 700 . Deficiency: 30. Amount . 1 828 400 31. Percent 4.g% �a� ltt = .5424 : (1-.5424) or 1.1853 • (b) From Schedule 1 (c) At the rate of .08 t (1-.08) or .0869565 � ' 'North.ern States Pbwer Company (Minnesota) Schedule 5 E�ectric Utility - City of St Pa,ul EXPLANATION OF ADNSTMENTS TO MAKE ACTUAL 1971 WHOLE IN TERMS OF ORDER OF JUDGE J. SHERAN IN 1971 RATE CASE A - Adjustment to reflect full annual effect of the rate increase of 4.6�0, the portion of the gross earnings fee of 8°fo not in actual data for 1971 and the effect upon revenues because of fuel clause adjustments. B - Additional revenues required to earn 8.2°fo rate of return in 1971 make whole. C - Ad�justment to show the added expense for that portion of the gross earnings fee of 8°fo not in actual data for 1971 and that associated with the revenue deficiency. � D - This adjustment includes: � l. Amounts representing the increase in the Minnesota State income tax effective July 1, 1971: ' a. $19,700 increase in income tax rate and other changes . b. �29,600 increase in deferred income tax 2. �1,826,100 for the effect of the other make whole adjustments. Also, the income tax computation aiso recognized deductions for interest and other items capitalized durir.e construction allocated to the City , of St Pa.ul using a basis which includes construction work in prooress. . � • r . . - � ' . � . : , -"_ � r..-__.. �S-�� � � � - •� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 City Hall cnd Court House 55102 PHON�x 223-4747 ROBERT F. SPRAFKA Commissioner of Public Utilities and Preaideat,Board of R'ater Commiasioners JOHN B. LaPOINTE Deputy Commieeion� April 11, 1972 The City Council of the City of Saint Paul RE: Northern States Power Company Request for Rate Increase March 27, 1972 Sirs and Madam: Pursuant to the direction of the City Council, on April 7, 1972 the members of the Utilities Committee reviewed a recent request of the Northern States Power Company for an electrical rate increase which was to be in addition to the one made effective on January 14, 1972. The basis for such increase was stated to be further costs incurred after the test year adopted in the rate hearing conducted before Robert J. Sheran. In the utility's correspondence, reliance was placed on certain language of the recommendation of Mr. Sheran to the effect: "If the predictions made by NSP's experts as to revenue requirements for 1972 prove correct, notwithstanding the Wage-Price Freeze, it will be the obligation of the City to make such additional adjustment in the rate schedules in the City of Saint Paul as may then be indicated." (Underlining added) After due consideration by the Committee, it is its recommendation that no increase be granted at the present time, since the State law by which permits are granted to the utility, t4inn. Stat. � 451.07, limits rate increases as follows: �� � , �, � ' � The City Council 2. April 10, 1972 ". . . the governing body of the City is hereby authorized. . . by ordinance. . .to prescribe from time to time, but not more often than once in each calendar year, reasonable rates which the public service corporation may charge for such service within the City. . ." (Underlining added) In view of the fact that our Ordinance No. 15024 adopted January 28, 1972 did grant a rate increase and did prescribe the rates during the calendar year of 1972, a further increase by the Council and change in rates would be contrary to the dictates of the statute. Also, the comment of the hearing examiner, taken in context, is intended to mean that before any increase is granted, the revenue requirements of the company must be fully reviewed as they relate to the cost of imbedded capital, the proper return on common equity, and the allocable expenses, revenues, and extent of investment. Thus, the members of this Committee are of the consensus that only in a full scale rate investigation and hearing can the propriety of a rate change be determined. It is, therefore, the additional recom4nendation of the Committee that no rate increase be allowed in the future without such a hearing to be held at the expense of NSP. Very truly yours, �...._ � `�_ � ---___ Robert F. Sprafka h irman Public Utilities C tee TJS:RFS:ml April 11, 2972 Mr, Da.t�ie1 A. Klas Cor.goration Counsel Buildin�; �ear Sir: 't'Yze City Cauzicil today received a r�port of the Public Utili�ies G�ommittee recomm�ndin� that the reques�t o�' Northern States Power Campany for an electric rate increase r�ot b� granted. The Council rec�uests a determination by you aa ta wh�ther c�r saot City t;ouncil action concurrin� 3n tk.� recamd�ndation is required. Very truly yours, City A.erk AO�ng r�cn z8, i97� Hon. Robert F. Sprafka Oamsr. of Public UtiZities and Chairman, Public Util3ties Co�.ttee Building °� Dear Sir: Th� City Council t od�y referrec� to the PuUlic Uti.liti.ee Committ�e the attacY�d application for an i.t�erea�e in electrical ratee � deecribed in the asttached. file. Very truly yours� G3ty Clerk �