258102 ORIGINM.TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E"�` NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NC RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y + � � COMMISSIONE �-'L ATF RESOLVED� That the substitution of �3, 000,000 U. S. Treasury Bills due March 30 , 19?2� f or �3, 000,000 U. S. Treasury Notes� D-76� 62%� due November 15, 19'76�, as collateral security for deposits of public funds of the City o� Saint Paul with The First National Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in con- formance wi th the applic able statutes of the State of Minnes ota; that sueh substituted securities, at the time of such substitution, had a market value sufficient� together with the market value of the original collateral securities for said pur ose , for which no substitution was made, equal to �110 for every �100 of deposits of public funds of said City with said bank. �ORM APPROVED - �� Asst. Corporatio� Coun�el �PR1 � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays pp R 12 197�2 Butler v 19— Levine `� ---"� _!_In Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A8'�►�at Mr. President, McCarty �u��o APR 15 �972 �� , OFFICE OF TH I COMPTROLLER ` ��'' '`���> � �c�C�_�.�.�,c., , ~ SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 7 ALL ... .■■ CLEMENS J. SCHLECK ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Chief Accountant Asst. Chief Accountant Comptroller March 30� 19�2 Deputy Comptroller Corporation Counsel 6th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The substitution of pledged collateral by: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL as follows: $3,000,000 U. S. Treasury Bills due March 30, 1972 substituted for $3,000,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, D-76, 6'�%, due November 15, 1976 is hereby approved, Please prepare the proper resolution to be presented to the City Council for their action thereon. Very truly yours, ���Gz�2.,C s��-- �� /, % C emens J. Sc�i eck Secretary, Sinking Fund �� � ; ,� � Committee APPROVED }r�Z-�1�,.-�K..�.Z "�� ',�,��_L�,� , 68 i OUrLIGJ1T6 TO MtIN'fiR �ll(w/ . j CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO ,' i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�GENERAL FORM ►RF3ENiT��r1f' ` COtr1UISSIONE� ; DATE + , � , , ABSOLYED�;, That the enbstitvt#on oi � �3, 0OO,OpO II. S. Treasnry Bills dus Msrch 30� 197Q, , i tor ' � �3,o0o,op0 II. s. Treasnry Notss, D-76, 6}'�, due ' Nove�ber i�, i976, as oollateral s4ourity ior deposita oi publlo tnnd� ot the eity o! ; Saint Paul xi�h � The First National Bank of Seint Paul� h�sr�by is ' authorized, rat�iied and appro►ed* aea�h �svin� bees dons in oon�- ! iorsanoe wi th t�e a►ppiicable s#stntes oi the Stst,e a! Mi�mesots; { that suoh subat�tated eeourltiee, at th� �i�ee �Z �uoh axb�titntion, � had a sarket va�We �uiY3oient, to`�ther Mith th• �srl�e� vslne o! ; the original oo lateral eeonrities ior said pa ose, for �hioh ao aub�titntion ra aade� equal to �110 ior every�100 oi deposit• o� pnblio luads o! said Citp Mitb eaid hsnk. li II � � �, ; , � � ' I APR 12 197� i COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Coun�� 19� � Yeas Nays Buta� APR 12 1972 ��, Apprnvecl 19_;... Levine � I Tn F�tvOr �Ieredith Sprafka Q �� Tedesco ' A-oainst Mr. President, McCarty ', � � , �'� �� �