258074 y
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In the Matter of
Constructing and reconstructing sideWalks and by doing all ether �ork which is
necessarq and incidental to camplete said iuiprovement, except rthere good and
sufficient poured sideWalks now exist:
Finance Preliminary Approved Description
File No. Order
S9513 257168 January 25, 1972 White Bear Ave. , east side from Arlington
Ave. to Nevada Ave.
' S9514 257169 �, January 25, 1972 Cherry St., south side from Bates Ave. to
Maria Ave.
S9515 257170 Januarq 25, 1972 Maury St. , south side from Bates Ave. to
Greenbrier St.
S9516 257171 Januarq 25, 1972 Short St. , both sides fro� Mounds Blvd.
to Maria Ave.
f S9517 257172 January 25, 1972 White Bear Ave. , east side from Cottage Aveto
Sherwood Ave.
S9518 257173 January 25, 1972 North Third St. , both sides fra�a Arcade
- St. to Maple St.
S9519 257174 January 25, 1972 Wakefield Ave. , both sides from Cypress St.
to Forest St.
S9520 257175 January 25, 1972 Flandrau St. , east side fram York Ave. to
E. Seventh St.
S9515 257170 January 25, 1972 l�iaury St. , south side frvm Bates Ave. to
Greenbrier St. �
S9516 257171 January 25, 1972 Short St. , both sides fro�n Mounds Blvd.
to Maria Ave.
' S9517 257172 January 25, 1972 White Bear Ave. , east side from Cottage Ave�o
Sherwood Ave. '
S9518 257173 January 25, 1972 North Third St. , both sides fram Arcade
St. to Maple St.
S9519 257174 January 25, 1972 �lakefield Ave. , both sides from Cqpress St.
to Forest St. .
S9520 257175 January 25, 1972 Flandrau St. , east side from York Ave. to
E. Seventh St.
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