02-404� Substitute Resolution � Presented By Green Sheet # �O(S �o'� g �a�� � , ��O 3-- CL'{�Y �� SAINT,BAId�.. MINNESOTA Covncil File # ��� Resolution # Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR REDEVELOPMENT 2 BETWEEN CENTEX MLTLTI-FAMII�Y COMMUNITIES, L.P., THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3 ("CITY") AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT 4 PAUL, NIINNESOTA ("HI2A") REGARDING THE UPPER LANDING SITE, DISTffiCT 17 AND 5 AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL LOAN AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 6 BETWEEN THE CTTY AND HRA RELATED TO THE UPPER LANDING STTE WIIEREAS, the City, the HRA and Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. ("Centex") entered into that certain Contract for Redevelopment (the "Redevelopment Agreement") effective May 31, 2001; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement, the City and the HRA granted certain development rights to and agreed to sell to Centex the site commonly known as the Upper Landing Site (the "Project Area") and Centex agreed to purchase the Project Area and redevelop it as set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement; and WIIEREAS, Article 4 of the Redevelopment Agreement laid out a financing shucture whereby the redevelopment of the Project Area was anticipated to generate sufficient tax increment to fmance costs of Centex improvements, the I�iA public nnprovements, and other eligible public expenses, less the amount of such costs expected or required to be paid forxn other sources; and WHEREAS, the City and IIRA haue entered into a Special Loan Agreement dated as of September 15, 2001 (the "Loan Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the proceeds of the loan made pursuant to the Loan Agreement (the "Loan") haue been used by the HRA to fund costs related to certain public improvements to be made to the Project Area; and ��HEREAS, the 2001 Ivlinnesota State Legislature adopted significant changes to Minnesota real estate class rates, reducing the amount of tas increment anticipated to be generated form the Project Area and significantly altering the fmancing arrangements originally contemplated with respect to development of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the I3KA has requested and the City has agreed to modify the terms of the Loan to help facilitate financing of the proposed development to take place in the Project Area; 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as 36 follows: 37 1. The City Council hereby approves amendment to the terms of the Redevelopment 38 Agreement pursuant to a First Amendment to Contract for Redevelopment (the "First AmendmenP') 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 a�-�b� contaiuing substantially the following new terms and conditions, as such terms and conditions may be modified with the consent of the Director, Office of Financial Services: (A) The amount of funds that the FIRA would advance to Centex on the bridge loan is to be reduced from $6 million to $3 million. (B) Centex is to forgive the outstanding balance of $218,09232 on the promissory note given on or about June 15, 2001 by the HI2A in favor of Centex. (C) Centex is to deliver a check in the amount of $58,528.40 to the HRA in repayment of Centex's obligations to the HItA pursuaut to a promissory note given by Centex in favor of the ARA on or about 3uly 15, 2001. (D) Centex sha11 receive up to the first $18.1 million of net bond proceeds if and when tax increments generated by tbe improvements to the Project Area aze sufficient to meet a specified debt service coverage test, with the HRA's $3 million bridge loan advance to be repaid from either bond proceeds in excess of $18.1 million (if any} or from residual taY increments (if any ) not used to repay the bonds in accordance with the terms of the relevant indentures. (E) Centex must provide affordable housing pursuant to Secfion 5.10 of the Redevelopment Agreement with a construction start no later than the end of 2003. Should Centex fail to start construction on time, the ownership of the affoxdable housing site shall revert to the HRA. In addition, $2.25 million of the bonds issued would be earmazked and eligible to the HRA to reunburse costs associated with the conshuction of affordable housing on the site should the affardable housing site revert to the HRA. (F) The I-IRA will not participate in the proceeds of the land sales or sale of housing units. 2. The Council hereby approves the following modifications to the terms of the Loan: (A) (B) (C) The amount of the Loan is amended from $6,000,000 to $3,336,929.79. The CiTy acknowledges that it has advanced the full sum of the Loan to the IIRA. The Loan will be repaid as follows: (i) $29,264.00 upon full execution and delivery of the First Amendment and receipt of such amount by the IIRA from Centex; (ii) (iii) $800,000 of CDBG funds from IIRA to City on ar before September l, 2002; $390 ,000 from City Fund 149 on or before September 1, 2002; (iv) All Tas Increment as and when received by the IIRA pursuant to Section 9 of the First Amendment up to the sale of a Subordinated Tas Increment Note by the HRA (the "HFtA Note"). (v) All proceeds from the sale of the HRA Note as and when received by the Issuer, which sale sha11 occur on the eazlier of 60 days following completion of the Project or February 1, 2007. ' oa-�o � 90 (v) If there remains any unpaid principal ar interest on the Loan after applying the 91 proceeds from the Issuer Note, then the City may draw upon any funds then eacisting in City 92 Fund 149 to pay such unpaid principal or interest; and any remainiug pzincipal or interest on 93 the Loan shall be paid from TaY Increment as and when received by the HRA under the 94 Centex Amendment, which Tax Increment shail be applied proportionately, which means the 95 ratio that the balance of each of the four individual categories described below beazs to the 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 total balance of all the categories, as follows: (a) ro� (c) (d) to the HRA for payment of accrued and current HRA Adnunistrative Fee plus simple interest thereon at the Interest Rate; to the HRA for reimbursement of the City's CDBG Funds plus simple interest thereon at the Interest Rate; to the City for reimbursement of City Fund 149 plus simple interest thereon at the Interest Rate; and to the City for the payment of any remauung unpaid principal or interest of the Loan. Upon full satisfaction of categories (b), (c) and (d), a11 Tax Increment received by the HRA shall belong solely to the HRA. (vi) Repayments of the Loan shali be payable solely from the sources referred to above in this Section 3 and shall be applied first to interest and then to principal. An amortization schedule showing these expected repayments is attached as E�ibit A. The Issuer shall have no general liability and obligation to the City to repay the Loan. The Issuer will use its best efforts to masimize the proceeds of the Issuer Note. The parties aclrnowledge that the receipt of Tax Increment by ffiZA under the First Amendment is subordinaxe to the Released Bonds and additional bonds up to an aggregate amount of $18,100,000.00, and no representations aze being made by the HRA as to the actual amount of Ta�c Increment that will be received by the HRA under the Centex Amendment and applied to the Loan. (D) The Council hereby grants the Director, Office of Financial Services authoriTy to negotiate and execute final terms and conditions of the amendment to the Loan, with such modifications of or additions to the above described terms and conditions as the Director shall deem proper. (E) The FY 2002 City budget is amended pursuant to Exhibit A of this resolution. , b�-ye � Requested by Department o£: Plannina & Economic Develonment By: By: Approved by May By: Approved by Financial Services &y: Form Approved by City� rney � t � ty: � by Mayor for Submission to Council ;y : Adopted by Council: Date p��_ Adoption Certified by Council Secre f oa-�a� Budget Amentlment Fund # 149 The City Councit of Saint Paul approves the following changes to the 2��2 budget FROM PED Administration Capital Fund: Su6oNinate Note Year2001 Budget FINANCING PLAN CurteM Budget Approved Changes '14376900 TIF Eligible Pro�ects 149-76900fi604-00000 Paymentfrom HR4on Note Interest 149-76900F922-00000 Payment from HRA on Note Pnncipal 749-7690� Non T7F Eligible PrqecGs 149-7690'I-6922-00000 Paymentfrom HRA on Note Prinapal 7otai Financing Year 2001 Budget SPENDING PLAN 149-76900 TIF Eligible Projects 14-76900-0899-69128 Wabasha West 149•76900-0739-68036 SkywayVisitorSignage 149-76900-0299-68016 Professional for powntown 149-76900-0739-68078 Day[on's Skyway '149A6900-0547-G8078 Dayton's Store Projed-Renovation 149-76900-0547-68077 Dayton's Store Project-Envrtonmenfal Cleanup 149-76900-0565-69132 Trensferto HRA for Wabasha Court Demoldion 149-76900-0565-68080 TransfertoHRAforMinnesotaPubiicRatlio Sub-Total 149-76901 Non TIF Eligible Projects 149-7690�-0547-68088 Pereonnel Decisions intemational (PDI) 149-76901-0558-69106 ProjectAdministration-PED 749-7690'I-0299-68076 ProfessionalServices 149-76901-0558-68089 Transfer to HR4 for US Bank Project Sub-Tofal 14976902 Pending Projects '149.769�2-0547-G80�2 Pending projeds Toql Spentling Year 2007 Budget Year 2002 Budget FINANCING PLAN 149-76900 71F Eligible Projects 149-76900-6922-00000 Payment from HRA on Note Pnncipal 74&76901-6922-00000 Payment from HRA on Note Principal Total Financing SPENDING PLAN 149-76800 TIF Eligible Projects 149-76900-056569132 TrensPer to HR4 for Wabasha Court Demolition 749-76900-056568080 Trensfer to HR4 for Minnesofa Public Radio Sub•TOtal 149•�6907 Non TIF Eligible Projects 749-769D7-0558-69106 ProjectAdminisVation-PED 149-76901-0560.68087 City Debt Payment Transfer 749-76901-0565-68082 Trensfer to HR4 for CENTEX advance payment Sub�Total '149•76802 Pending Projects 749-76902-0547E8002 Total Spendin9 Year 2002 7ota1 Spentling Year 2001 & Year 2002 3,538,737 9,779,365 3,600,000 76,318,102 2,325,000 450,000 260,000 0 6,300,000 1,500,000 375,000 7,508,102 12,718,702 0 900,000 400,000 2,300,000 3,600,000 0 16,318,102 2.041,898 2,901,766 2,901,766 250,000 1,791.898 2,041,888 7,008,000 7,000,000 0 2,008,000 893,766 4,943,664 27,261,766 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exhibit A Amended Budget 3,538.737 9,179.365 3,600,000 16,316,102 2,325,000 450,000 280,000 0 6,3DO,000 1,500,000 375,000 1,508,102 12.778,102 0 900.000 4Q0,000 2,300,000 3,600,000 0 0 0 16,318,102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 390,000 390,000 (390,000) 0 0 2,041,888 2,907,766 2,901,766 2W,000 1.791,898 2,041.898 1,008,000 1,0OO,ODO 390,000 2,398,000 503,766 4,943,664 21,261,766 • DEPAR'1'MENT/OPFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED d � V � I l 1 � PE� Apri129, 2002 GREEN SHEET No.. p�.-k� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: A7'E wlTTnvDa7'E Allen Cazlson, 266-6616 � 3 DEPARI'MFN1' DIIt. _8_ CITY CLERK MI7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN �7��� May 8, 2002 Consent Agenda F��ER 4 CITY ATTORNEY McCall lyiY) \ 7 COUNCIL RESF,ARCH ��— ROiJ'PING 6 FINANCIAI, SERV DIIt V 2 FINANCSAI, SERV/ACCTG ORDER � 5 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 TEAM LEADER TOTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUItE) ACTION REQiTESTED:Sign attached resolution recommending authorization 1) an First Amendment to the Contract for Redevelopment by and between the City, I IRA and Centex Multi-Fasnily Communities and 2) an Amendment to the Special Loan A�eement by and between the City and IIRA whereby the City loaned the HRA $6 million to conhibute to the public nnprove ents of the Upper Landing site. RECOD�ARENDATTONS: Approve (A) or Rejea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMivIISSION 1. Has this person/fim� ever worked under a conhact for this department? CIB COMbIITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COT�IMISSION 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? \ Yes No � 3. Does ffiis person/finn possess a skil] not normally possessed by any cument ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes ansrvers ov separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNIII (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� State law changes to the properiy tax capacity rates had the impact of lowering the anticipated amount of tax increment (est. $10,000,000) that could be generated to repay Centex for its costs to develop the Upper Landing site. Centex and the HRA negotiated a new fmancial structure in which Centex would take less tas increments but the IIRA would be required to subordinate its contribution, wluch was lowered to $3 million, to the first $18.1 of bond proceeds. This required the HRA to restruchue its agreement with the City to repay the $6 million. THIS ITEM N'ILL ALSO BEADDRESSED AT THE MAY 8 HRA MEETINGAT 2:00 PM nnvnxTacES � arrxovEn. The City/HRA contribution to the Upper Landing is reduced to $3 million from $6 million. Centex will be able to move forwazd with the project while having some confidence that it will be reimbursed for most of its costs. HRA's legal costs are paid by Centex ($218,000). DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: msanvariTncES � Nor nrrxovEV: Centex may not be able to go forwazd with the project even though they are under contract to do so. TOTAL AMOLINT OF 1'RANSACTiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: NUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'fY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) . x �snarea�em�cnacsonr��n��ne� eo� wya . council Fi1e # �.1- y0� �j���(� :� � �...�+ � L� � i �: � i� Resolution # a10 O 1 2 , � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIN ee: Date 1� RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FIRST AMENDMENT TO CON CT FOB REDEVELOPMENT BETWEEN CENTEX MUI.TI-FAMILY COMMUNITIES, L., THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ("CITY") AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT ORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ("HRA") REGARDING THE UPPE LANDING SITE, DISTRICT 17 AND AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL LOAN AGREE NT DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 BETWEEN THE CITY AND HRA RELATED O THE UPPER LANDING SITE WHEREAS, the City, the HRA and Centex Multi- amily Communities, L.P. ("Centex") entered into that certain Contract for Redevelopment (the "Redevelo ent Agreement") effective May 31, 2001; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Redevelopment greement, the City and the HRA granted certain development rights to and agreed to sell to Centex e site commonly known as the Upper Landing Site (the "Project Area") and Centex agreed to purchase Project Area and redevelop it as set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement; and WHEREAS, Article 4 of the Redev opment Agreement laid out a financing structure whereby the redevelopment of the Project Area was an cipated to generate sufficient tas increment to finance costs of Centex improvements, the I�R� public ' provements, and other eligible public expenses, less the amount of such costs expected or required to be p'd form other sources; and WHEREAS, the City and have entered into a Special Loan Agreement dated as of September 15, 2001 (the "Loan Agreement"); an WHEREAS, the proce s of the loan made pursuant to the Loan Agreement (the "Loan") have been used by the HRA to fund cos zelated to certain public improvements to be made to the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the 2 Ol Minnesota State Legislature adopted significant changes to Minnesota real estate class rates, reduci the amount of tax increment anticipated to be generated form the Project Area and significantly altering financing arrangements originally contemplated with respect to development of the Project Area;and WHERE , the HRA has requested and the City has agreed to modify the terms of the Loan to help facilitate financ' g of the proposed development to take place in the Project Area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council hereby approves amendment to the terxns of the Redevelopment Agreement pursuant to a First Amendment to Contract for Redevelopment (the "First Amendment") o a.-�tc� y, containing substanfially the following new terms and conditions, as such terms and conditions may be modified with the consent of the Director, Office of Financial Services: (A) The amount of funds that the HRA would advance to Centex on the bridge loan is to be reduced from $6 million to $3 million. (B) Centex is to forgive the outstanding balance of $218,09232 on the promissory note given on or about 7une 15, 2001 by the IIRA in favor of Centex. � (C) Centex is to deliver a check in the amount of $58,528.40 to the HRA in re yment of Centex's obligations to the I�RA pursuant to a promissory note given by Centex in fav of the HRA on or about July 15, 2001. (D) Centex shail receive up to the first $18.1 million of net bond pro eds if and when tax increments generated by the improvements to the Project Area are sufficient t eet a specified debt service coverage test, with the HRA's $3 million bridge loan advance to be r paid from either bond proceeds in excess of $18.1 million (if any) or from residual t� increment (if any ) not used to repay the bonds in accordance with the terms of the relevant indentures. (E) Centex must provide affordable housing pursuant to S tion 5.10 of the Redevelopment Agreement with a construction start no later than the end of 2003. ould Centex fail to start construction on time, the ownership of the afFordable housing sit shall revert to the HRA. In addition, $2.25 million of the bonds issued would be earmarked and eli ' le to the HRA to reimburse costs assocaated with the construction of affordable housing on the ite should the affordable housing site revert to the HRA. (F) The HRA will not participate in the pr,dceeds of the land sales or sale of housing units. 2. The Council hereby approves the followirig modifications to the terms of the Loan: % (A) The amount of the Loan is aa�ended from $6,000,000 to $3,336,929.78. (B) The City acknowledge that it has advanced the full sum of the Loan to the HRA. (C) The Loan will be paid as follows: (i) $29,2 .00 upon full execution and delivery of the First Amendment and receipt of such amount by e HRA from Centex. (ii) �$00,000 of CDBG funds from HRA to City on or before September 1, 2002. (iii) All Tas Increment as and when received by the HRA pursuant to Section 9 of the First endment up to the sale of a Subordinated TaY Increment Note by the HRA (the ��IIRA te"). (iv) All proceeds from the sale of the HRA Note as and when received by the Issuer, �ch sale shall occur on the earlaer of 60 days following wmpletion of the Project ar Febniary 1, 2007. s9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 o�._�o y, (v) If there remains any unpaid principal or interest on the Loan after applying the proceeds from the Issuer Note, then the Issuer consents to the use by the City funds then existing in City Fund 149 to pay such unpaid principal or interest; and any remaining principal or interest sha11 be paid as follows: fifty percent (50%) of all Tas Increment as and when received by the Issuer under the Centex Amendment until the Loan is paid in fuli and upon such repayment all T� Increment received by the Issuer shall belong solely to the Issuer. No representations aze being made by the Issuer or City as to the possible balance of Fund 149 at the tune of issuance of the Issuer Note. Repayments of the Loan shall be payable solely from the sources referred to above in � Section 3 and shall be applied fust to interest and then to principal. An amortizatio chedule showing these expected repayments is attached as E�ibit A. The Issuer shall ha no general liability and obligation to the City to repay the Loan. The Issuer will use its b t efforts to masimize the proceeds of the Issuer Note. The parties acknowledge that th eceipt of Tas Increment by HRA under the First Amendment is subordinate to the Rel ed Bonds and additional bonds up to an aggregate amount of $18,100,000.00, and n epresentations are being made by the HRA as to the actual amount of T� Increment t t will be received by the HRA under the Centex Amendment and applied to the Loan. (D) The Council hereby grants the Director, Office of Fin cial Services authoxity to negotiate and execute final terms and conditions of the amendment o the Loan, with such modifications of or additions to the above described terms and co ditions as the Director shall deem proper. / ; (E) The FY 2002 City budget is amended pursuant to E�ibit A of this resolution. Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Keiter Adopted by Council: Date _ Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved by Mayor: Date By' Requested by Department of: Approved by Mayor Submission to Council By' Form Approved by City ttomey � / > � By: a a-��� i�:�ar.�rr_� Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minuesota FY 2002 Budget Amendment Internal Borrowing Fund #07( The Office of Financial Servic necessary.