258072 - � . 2580'12
. By
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In the Matter of
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Constructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing all other aork vhich is �
necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except Where good aad
sufficient poured sidewalks now exist.
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Finance Prelininary Approved Description •
File No. Order
S9493 257100 January 21, 1972 ` Bates Ave. , southwest side fro� Mounds
Blvd. to McLean Ave. '
S9494 257101 January 21„ 1972 , Surreq Ave. , southeast side from Maria
Ave. to Bates Ave.
S9495 257102 January- 21, 1972 Case Ave. , both sides from Jackson St.,,
t o Agate St.
59496 257122 January`°21, 1972- "-� C�ay St. , -both sides from Maria Ave.
' "to the west approximatelq 325 feet to the �"'°!
,�,, , Dead End.
� 59497 257074 January 18, 1972 O�1d Hudson Road, north side fram Cppress St. �
to Plum St.
S9498 257075 Januarq 18, 1972 Otsego St. , both sides from Mt. Ida St. '�
to Lafayette Rd. �,
S9499 257076 January 18, 1972 York Ave. , both sidea from Westminster St. �o j
Mississippi St.
S9500 257077 January 18, 1972 Burr St. , both sides from Minnehaha Ave.
to the north to the Railroad Bridge.
` S9501 257078 January 18, 1972 �Iaria Ave. , east side fram Wilson Ave. to ,
Euclfd St.
S9502 257084 Januarq 18, 1972 Westminster St. , east side from Whitall St. ''
to Capuga St.
- -----� ------ ---_ a�..... ..��.��oo ��.
to Plum St.
S9498 257075 January 18, 1972 Otsego St. , both sides from Mt. Ida St. �
to Lafayette Rd.
S9499 257076 January 18, 1972 York Ave., both sides from Westminster St. to
Mississippi St.
S9500 257077 January 18, 1972 Burr St. , both sides from Minnehaha Ave.
to the north to the Railroad Bridge.
S9501 257078 January 18, 1972 Maria Ave. , east side fram Wilson Ave. to
Euclid St.
. 59502 257084 January 18, 1972 Westminster St., east side froca Whitall St.
to Cayuga St.