258059 '��8�5 co��u � xo.............. 9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefolYowiagpublioimprnvement by the City oi Be►int Psul�vis.: _...r��4�����...�#�.:��.��,r�.��..QU...x�..A,�.�S�b�._si.de..�.M�s�����..�z.:...�E�u�.,�!?bu4&QA..P�rkway,.to the east_ap�roximatel� 210_ ft:. and bx.doin�.all_other.work.which is.necessary and incidental_.to_complete.said_improvgment:_..._........__........................................................................._.... Dsted tbis....31s t........dsy of.........................................::�i ....... � 1 .Z2. . ._... . . ... _ ..��"unoil �an......... PRELIIVIINARY O1tDER. WHEBEAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: .......���ant��xuc�...Xh�..sa.de�ta.lk_.an..zhe..naxth.sici,e..o�...P�arg�axet..Sx....�rnm..J.ahnsan..��raX..x.v _.__the east ap�ro�cimately..210..ft�_and by„_doin_g_.all_.other work which..is necessar�►:and. .... .... ..... .... ...-- ---- •-•-------........_. incidental Co,.complete__said._�Lmg�Qv�mgg��.................. _..__.. .... .........................•-•-•--...._.........---............-------•----------- ....................................•----•••-•---------....._......._......__-•-----•-------•----•----•--•-----•------........._...----•--..._................_......---...._.........._.._....__ 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.............................................._.............------............_._.... therefore, be it RE80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and dtreoEed: 1. To inveatigate the neceesity for, or desirability of� the making of eaid impmvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooat thereof. 3. To fumish s plsn� profile or eketuh of said improvemant. • 4. To stste whether or no8 eaid improve�nent ie aeked gor on 4,he petition of three ar mor�, ownere. 1�. To report upon e�ll of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of Finanoe. APR 1 1 1972 Adoptedby the �:ouncil..._..................._............................_........_............ Y�ose � APR 11 197Z Counc i lman But 1 er /I .._...N» .... .....-.....N.N.` 6as�en-�(� provecfl.. .................... Levine Meredtth Sprafka Tedesco _......... ...................... ...._ ......_..._....... Mr. President McCarty or. �000 �-as PUBLlSH�D APR 151972 � �