258052 ' 258052 OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ' COUN� U N—GENERAL FORM COMM SsloNe Ro er M. Conwa ATE April 11, 1972 RESOLVED, That the American Bakeries Company, 97 East 12th. Street, Ramsey County, St. Paul, Minnesota, owner of subject premises, hereby is granted a permit, pursuant to their application therefor, to construct two drivewaq entrances into their propertq, one driveway 45 ft. wide and one driveway 28 ft. wide. These drivewaqs are located on the south side of 13th. Street between Minnesota St. and Robert St. abutting Lot 5, Central Park AddiCion, and to thereafter maintain and operate the same as so constructed subject to said permittee`s compliance with all applic- able State Statute�B,C�ty Ordinances and rules and regulati�pns of public authorities having co gnizance. , }.. P';^^ -_. ��. �� �,,- . APR 11 197�2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays AP R 1 1 1972 Butler A ve 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith or Sprafka �Against Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISH�D flPR 151�72 �� ! ' ��V V� DU*LICATE TO lRIN7tR . (1 . . • � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y BiO�lI° �I• CO'[1M� ePZ'�.l 11�. 197Z COMMISSIONEQ DATE � _ nf Pxl�7in Vnrlu � RESOLV�D, That tha Atierican Bakeriea Compsny, 97 Baat 12th. Street, �� R�osey Coua , St. Yaul, Mian�ota, aaner of subjaat pre�isas, hereb� ia � granted a rmit, purauaat to the�ir application therstor, to construct tao drive�a �atraaces into their groperty, aae SrlvaMay 45 ft. pide aud oae drivara� 28 tt. vide. Thsse driveara�s are locatad on the south aide of i3th. 3t�e�t betMa�u Miaaasota 3t. aad Robsrt St. abatting Lot 5, C+�►tral Par Addition, and to thereafter �eaintaia aad optrate th� saae u eo const;ucted sub�ect to said p�rmittee'� complisnce Wi.th all spplic— � abl� State $tatws, City Ordiaaaces and rula s�d ragnlat3m�s of public � authoriti�a �llaving congaisance. , ; , �, � ; . . �I � i � � ' APR 11 197re� �, COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays �` But�� APR 1 1 1972 . Appm� 18� Levine T� Favor Meredith ��� Sprafka ' � , A nninat I Tedesco � Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� � �