258037 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �O. 258 � ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLE NCIL OFFICE OF TH�E CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that Allan G. Poucher, Jr. , be paid the sum of �2,551. 50 out of the Workmen' s Gompensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim ag�,inst the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of April 17, 1970, while employed. by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, whereby he suffered a 15% permanent partial disability to his right arm; that of said sum �2,551.50 is now due and payable. FO � � Asst. Co porat�on Co n � APR ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler � prove �_19— Levine / Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka � ayor Tedeaco Against Mr. President, McCarty 151972 PUBLISHEA APR �� o���,�,n�.�,� 2�013►� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Na� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM .. � ��� COAIMISSIONER �A*F RES�LY�D, tltwt Allan a. Pouohsr, Jr. , be ptid �hs t� o= #Q,SS1.�0 out oi �� Vvrlc�en�s Co�pea�ation Asaouat ot the armt�rsl �.:in tull ��tt►�,ement o� his alwis a6alnst tLe City o! Saint Paul io� ao�pen�;�ion resalti� tro� hi� ia,�t�r o! April 1?, 1970, k .. � ..... ' � . Mhile e�ployed by �b� Depsrt�t oi Pab110 !!ale�y, �wrean o! Fire Proteotion, Mh�reby he eattered s 1��► per�snent pairtitl dir�bility ; � to hi� ri�ht ar�;j txutt ot oaid � �S,531.$0 1• atrx du� and ga�abls. � APR ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yesa Naya Butle����� � Approv� APR ? � 19�... Levine Tn Favor Meredith '''� � � Sprafka (� ���r Tedesco A 8'��t Mr. President, McCarty �� i I