258035 i - ORI6INAL�TO Clri CLlRK 258��5 � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO. ' � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � `�O CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (� COMMISSIONE "" ATF RESOLVED� That the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Amendment No. 8 to Agreement between the City and the Department of Housing and Urban Development� said Agreement pro- viding the City of Saint Paul with the sum of $100�000.00 in addition to the original contract amount for the purpose of com- pensating the City's subcontractor (Aries) for overhead rates in � addition to tha.t contemplated in the origina.l contract. FJRJYI �P Q �: Asst. tion ounsel �� `, �112 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya Butler 18� r„_� p 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED APR 151972 �� GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AMENDMFNT OF SOLIC{TATION/MOQI�ICATION OF CONTRACT � 1 F�. pRpC. REG. (i; CfR) 1-16.101 1.�AMEN,pM'Mt/MODIFIGTION t�. 2. EFfKTIVE DA1E 3. REOUISRION/PURCHASE R[(iUEST NO. 4. PRO1j�Lr1Q'.�(��rQ�e1 • g .. ��J�9 �; S. ISSUEC SY CODF A�2 6. ADNWISTERED dY (!j arbsr tbsw b1oc�E 3) CODE Degar�ment rof H6using & Urban Development . Contracts and Agreements Division � 451 7th Street, S. W., Room 2132 ! ; � Washin on D. C. 20 10 ' 7, CONTRAC[OR CODE FAGLfTY CODE e. NAME AND ADDRE55 AMENOMEM OF SOUGITATION NO. � City of Saint Paul � ��� ��, A Municipal Corporation _ o�*� (Sse b/ec�9) «��._��, Courthouse, l�th & Wabasha Streets "�'�n�" °F H-121t� c"�.�j�P Saint Pavl, Minnesota 551.07 ���A���RDER NO. � � ; DATED_� � r� (See b/oc4 l t) 9. TNIS BLOGK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS Of SOLIGTATIONS � llr obow numberod wlicitation is anend�d as�at forN+in bledc 12. TM hour and dols�p�cified for nuipt of OfFen� is exM�d�d. � is not srztended. Qfhrus musf acknowiedge nceipt of this amandmenf priw to Me how and daN speciMd in ths wiiciMlion,a m amtedsd,bY oee of fhe followie�p meM�ods: (o)6y signing and retuming ^-piss of this omendment;(b)By adcnowt�dging nceipf of this amendm�nt o�each copy of th�oRer sub�itt�d;or(c)By sepowM letter w fslegram which includes a referencs to the solicitation and amendmanf numb�n. FAIIURE OF YOUR ACKOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OfPICE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEGFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECf10N OF YOUR OFFER. If,by viAue of this amandmard ya+desire to cha�ge a�ofhr al�eady submiM�d,such change may be mad�by telegwT or Istter,provided such telegram a lette�mokes refsmnce to the wlicitation ee�d fhis amendmeM,and is roceived prior to tha open+ng hour and date sp�eified. 10. ACCOUMING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (IJ required) ' 862/30108 Increase $100,000.00 �i. n+�s ewcu ,�rr�ies oN�r ro MoapcnTwNS of corrtw�crsio�Rs (a) � This Changa Ordsr is iesu�d puesuant ro iM C7iaqn rt foAh in bledc 12 m�mad�ro tM abov�nweb�wd co�hacf/order. (b) � The abow numbered mM+ad/wdsr is modified ro raflad tfie adminisnatiw change:(wch as chang�s in paying ofliu,appropriofion data,atc.)a�f(eAh in Weck 12. (c) � This Supplemenhl Ag�sement is entsnd inro p�rwaM ro auMwriy of T��1113t+1021 Of �'i08�'i �'.ZSl1S@ M modifies the above rwmMred eontrad os sat forfh in block 12. ` 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODff1UT10N WI�',AS, Clause 3 of the General Provisions, Limitation of Cost, provides that if at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that the costs which he expects to incur in the performance of this contract will be greater than the estimated costs set forth in the schedule, the Contractor shall notify the Contracti.ng Officer to this effect giving a revised estimate of such total cost for performance; and W�RF'�AS, due to a change in overhead rates of a subcontractor (Aries) having a cost type contract under this contract, the Contractor has notified the Contracti.ng Officer that the estimated amount of the Government share in the cost must be increased. NOW� THEREFORE, the contra.ct is amended as follows: . 1. The Government estimated share of cost for the performance of the contract set forth in Article I. D., and in Article V. is cha�ged from $453,210.00 to $553,210.00. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ss . orpora ion ounse Eupf as provided herein,dl t�rms md conditiom of 1M docums�d nF�renwd in bleck t.as h�rMofw�cAaq�d.nmoin unchanp�d and in'(uN fercr and elFece. 13� CONTRAROR/OFFEROR IS NOT REQtI1RED ❑ TO SIGN 7HI5 OOCUMENT � �R�/�� � �tREC 10 SIGN 1f115 DONM�IT A►rD RETUNN�COPIES TO ISSUNIG OFFICE 14. NAME OF CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR CI T 17• UrNfH� ETATES l� AAAERIG 6Y *�,., � 1'JCt. OT �'o'alu"°f y'^°"°WIwAr�d�°'�y") ( iynohin oF +rccfing 1 I3. NAME /WD Trt1E OF SIGNER (Tjy+s er priet) 16. DATE �Gt�D 18. NAMIE OI° CONTRAQ�NG OfF�ER (Typs er print) 19. DATE SIGNEO City Clerk Cit Com troller ��'H T. SCROGGS __ '_" � . . Y.f.60VERNMENT PRINTIN6 OiFKE:197P�7o-tY!