258018 z�°�ie� 258018 ' t� cov�c� Fz�� �za. Print�x —.__.�_________. `� � �9 CIiY OF ST. PAUL — ' � NCCNNESOT.A C(�UNCIL RESOLUT7ON RESOLVE�, that tkie transfers w3.thin t'unds of the various City llepaxtments heretof�re approved by the City Comptroller, as such transfers of funds as o�' APR 6 1972 �,�� indicatec3. in doc�nents attached ��reto and n�,de a rart hereaf b�.Y reference, as �tz11y as if th: s�me were se'c forth f�tly and comple tely herein, are hereby approved, copies �f the af'orementioned also being on i'ile an th� oi":�ice o�' the City Clerk and in tYie off:�_ce of the Cit,y Co:r.ptro:l.:!er. aa�t�a vLv �h� co���.z APR 6 197� APR `j 1�� City� Cozn�trolie:r Approved � By - PUBLISHED APR 15 197z , 258018 ORIOINALTO COUNCIL NO• r ��*.��uK CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM .• _ PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY �OY' Cha.rles P. N�Carty - pATF April 3 19 72 , ! R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY 50 DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPER[NG THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN 7HE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0968-11 Salaxies - Professional $800.00 0968-80 Capital outlay - office equipment $800.00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS ADQ � �7� /� �l Butler ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� _19 • �onway �R ? 1972 Levine APPROV E �s IN FAVOR Meredith ►�Y'AflLa. � wroR GAINST Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED BY ��� CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT� McCarty � e°° �� PUBLISHED APR 15197�