258014 oR�aiNwi To c�rr c��K 258�.L� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E . NO. LICENSE COP�IITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iRESENTED EY April 6� 197� COMMISSIONE ArE RESOLVED: That Application M•�851 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8211� expiring January 31� 1973, issued to Spaaeburger, Inc. , Leifco Realty Co. In behalf of, as "Inactive" (C�0 Joseph P. Summers, Attorney at Law� be and the s ame 3.a hereby transferred to Sam Leifman as "Inactive" (C�0 Joseph P, Summers' Attorney at L�.w� '1TRANSFER LI�UOR LICENSE From: ��ration To:Individu al. Informally approved by Council ��r�l 4, 1972 APR 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �QR ? 1972 7��� CONWAY � p � 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith n/ Sprafka �f A gairi8t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED APR 15 1972 �� . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � Capital of Minnesota . ,. � �--�0 / aUe artn�cevct o u��CC'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIAE PROTECTION ro�c$ DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH BALPH G.MERRILI.,DeDaty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lteense Inspector 9pril 4, 1972 Honorable Mayor andCity Council Sa,int Paul, Niru�esot�, Gentlemen and Madarr.: C�mrertly On Sale Liquor L1cen�e l;o, 8211, expiring on Jznuary 31, �973, is issued in. the r�„�e of Sn�cebur�er, Inc. - Leifco Re�7_ty T�o, in behalf of, �.s "Inactive" C�0 Joseph R. Sum:r_ers� Attorney at Law. This was due to financial difficulties of the Spaceburger, Inc. who for-�erl�r u��ere licensees at 2239 Pord Parkway. Application is made through l�;r. Sum�:ers for the trax�sfer of this license f rou the present licensee set up to Sam Leif:��.r, a.s ar individual, �.s "Inactive", c�0 l�'Lr. Sumxners as Attorney' (,3o rjsBoR�v M,06� Att�ched are documents suplorting this transfer request, Very truly yoars� � / C � �C��T G�4��� � �.�1�- License Inspector / � � � • y TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CO UNC IL OF THE C ITY OF ST. PAUL: • . Spaceburger, Inc. , hereby applies for and consents to the transfer of the on-sale liquor license currently held by it at 2239 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota , to any person designated by Mr. Sam Leifman or his repre- sentative. This application and consent has been given for good and valuable . consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and is irrevocable. SPACEBURGER, INC . � t./.f By _ t!�'��- Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 7�/c"',t.,c��.c:�� i S S . COUNTY OF �iVi� � � , On this ,����`' day of�..�.�'�i��_�,• • , 1972 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally app 'ared�L.��c��,{: ���� �:,�Z� and to me personally known, who , }�eing each by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the :�;%>��,�.�����.;.��' and the � of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument and that said instrument was signed in behalf o�f said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said_.\-,�,:'�,� �.��L, '�_� ,- „`�,j and said acknowledged said instrument to be-�the free act and deed of said corporation. �� '' ��� � _i�-sC..r� . - � ���...G,�._z�___,.ti i, � ��' NOTARY PUBLIC � JOANI�IL R. N'�L�C7N fi���.y r::_:.,. `;,:n;__ptn Ccnant4�AginsY, iviy �;oz�._.,awoa 3:x�t� �3cu. 21; 1�175. , , March 20, 1972 • , , THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'TX OF SAINT PAUL I hereby apply for transfer of the on-sale liquor license currently held by Spaceburger, Inc, at 2239 F�rd Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to me, and request that the license be placed in an inactive status . Sincerely, , I J, ;_" ��,.,�Z�,,�'___.___. , ,� SAM LEIFMAN ' CI�Y Ga S.�It�1� Pt'.La� , � �31T�'.�Yt�TI�,t�1i �� �'iT!�LIC St.�'£TY LIC�"�:SE DIVISIO�°W � ➢ate MarCh 20 19 72 1. Application for On-sale Liquor License License 2. Name of �ppli��nt Sam Leifman 5151 Colltns Ave. 3. Business address 2239 Fnrd Pkwy. , St. Paul, F�esidence N,Lami Beach. Florlds 4. Trade na.me� 3f �.ny NOrte 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Lic�uor I�'ederal Tax 5���..mp �ti�ill be used. 6. On d�hat floor located I�:umber of rooms used 7. 8etti+reen tahat cross streets �9'hich side of street 8. Are premises noca occupied 'd��h�.t business Ho�v long 9. Are premises noe�r unoccupied IIo�+� long va.c�.nt Previous Use l0o Are you a new owner ii�.ve you been in a simflar business before Where ��ien lla Are you goin$ to operate this business personally If not� �Qho will operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present time Rettt'ed. 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this tppe of place None _ When , Where 14. Have you ever had any lic�nse revoked No �Vhat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Yes l�ative Naturalized X 16. Where were you born Russia. Date of birth 1896 17, I am marriedo �fy (wife's) (husband's) name and address is Same residence as above. 18e (If married female) my maiden name is lve in t,: au many years pr or o my 19. How long hav� you lived in S�. Paul rettrement. I now live in Florida. 20. Have you ever been arrested NO Violation of what criminal lai+r or ordinance 21. Are you a registered vv-ter in the City of St o Paul Yes N� No (Answer fully and completely. These a licatioa�s are thorou hl checked and a falsification wil� be cause for deniaio (OVr.�t) I 6 22. IVumber of 3.2 place� t•�itl�in t��ro blocl;.; � ' . -, 23. Closest intoxica�ting liquor place. On S�le Off Sale 24. P�learest Church ���ear t School 25. Number of boo+��,� �T��bI�, Ciz�irs Stools 26. What occupation have you f'o��oc�-ec� ior tile �a t five ye�.rN. (�ive nar�es of employers and dates so �mpZ�oyec�.) ave b n retlred durin the last flv ears. 27. Give names anct ��e��re�ses of��wo persons� resi en�s of St. Paui� ��rinn,9 ti,rho can give inforr�ation coslcernin� youe ��e William S. Rosen �:dd c�s 630 Osborn Bldg. , St. Paul Name_ Tules Braufman ��d ess Pioneer Bldg. St. Paul �i a ure o tlpp i an State of A�finneNota) )ss County of d�msey ) _ Sam . lfmatl �ein� f rst duly ��uorn� deposes and says upon o�th tl�at he pias read the fore�oin� state ent bearing hi� si�nature and I�noea�s the content�s thereof 9 anci that tlle s�.m� is tru of his ot:�n knoivlec�e except as to those matters therein .-�ated upon information nd belief and as to those matters he b�liev�s them to be trueo � � � Si nature o Ap ant Subscribed and sworn to before me � this 20th _day of March 19 72. No Pu ic� Ra ey County� Atinnesota JOSEPH P. SUMMERS My mmission expires Notary Public, Ramaey County, Miruf. (Noteo These statement forms are in duplicatee �3oth copies must be fully filled out� notarized� and returned to the License Div uion. ) 8-23-71 , . April �+, 1972 Hon. Dean Meredith, CoQnsr. of Public 5�,2'ety, 101 E. lOth. St. , City. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin Deax Sir: The City Council today informally approved the application ma.de through Mr. Joseph P. Suuaners, Attorney, for the transPer of On Sa1e Liquor License 1Vo. 8211, expiring on January 31, 1973, is8ued in the name of Spaceburger, Inc. - Leifco Realty Co. in behalf oP, as "Inactive" c�o Joseph P. Sunmbers, Attorney at Law, fornierly licensees at 2239 Ford Pa,rkway, to Sam LeifYna,n, as an. individual, a.s "Inactive" , c/o Mr. S�ers as Attorney, 630 osborn Suilding. Will you pleaae greps;re the customary resolution? Very truly y�ours, City Clerk �F